Sweet Draw Odds App for Western States


Founder Since 1999
I wanted to share with you all this sweet NEW Draw Odds App that was recently given to me to try out. I've played with it and it works pretty darn smooth. I can quickly select the state and residency, then select species, then unit type, then unit, then firearm choice, and there I've got a nice layout with points and percentages of applicants at each point level that have drawn over the past five years.

It's a nice tool to have. I'm sure I'll still look at the numbers even closer in the files provided by the state game agencies before applying, but the app will definitely help give me an idea of what units/hunts I might draw soon, in various states. It saves time.

You get access to draw odds in Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.

The app is $2.99, so not exactly a price you'll need to re-mortgage the house to afford. Nice tool to have to remind you how hard it is to draw tags .. ha ha. Follow this link to buy it.............

[font size=+2]CLICK HERE to Purchase the App[/font]

NOTE: If you buy it, give it a try and post back to this thread here with what you think. Does it work for you? Worth $2.99? Save you time, or no?

Here are some screen shots for the app.




Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-16 AT 12:47PM (MST)[p]Larry Moon, I believe. That's who I deal with. Maybe he outsourced it. I don't know.

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
I purchased the app a month ago it works great as a quick reference guide
I like it for narrowing some hunts down. But yes I still check the states site before picking the unit.
It is fairly accurate from what I have seen. Was worth the 2.99 to have that info at a click of a button

The navigation is super easy and smooth
>Larry Moon, I believe. That's who
>I deal with. Maybe he
>outsourced it. I don't know.

Thanks. It didn't say anywhere on the webpage, but a quick search showed that Larry Moon owns the domain name. I just like to know who I'm giving my money to if I were to purchase.
Unless I missed it I think this site only is for Mobile devices is this correct? I would prefer it for my desk top computer.

>Unless I missed it I think
>this site only is for
>Mobile devices is this correct?
> I would prefer it
>for my desk top computer.

+1 some of us don't have/use smart phones.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
It is for mobile devices. You can run apps on a PC I believe, but I don't know how. Through iTunes maybe???

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
I purchased this about a month ago and it looked pretty good but when I looked at Wyoming everything I looked at was wrong.

But they have corrected that and unknown to me downloaded it to my phone and it seems to be correct now.

I'm not sure how it works, it seems to be a data download because it works without cell service(on airplane mode).

Also, don't know when they will update it or if this is just an annual fee which it may be.

But it looks pretty good for $2.99 .

I would agree that if I was going to actually apply for a hunt I would verify the information but it's a real good quick reference.
I noticed the Wyoming info was not accurate a month or so ago also and brought it to Larry's attention. The app update notes say they fixed a bug with Wyoming numbers. I think with apps like this, it does take time to fully trust them that all is correct. (Kind of like tax software)

Now, if they could add the ability to insert points for each state so I could quickly see a list of hunts I "might" draw, that would be cool. It's a bit cumbersome to go through each unit and hunt to see numbers. You know?
If I were only smarter, I'd be richer...........

Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
Bought the app, and it seems to be of limited use for New Mexico. It also appears the information is incorrect for New Mexico in the units I looked at.

Given New Mexico's draw system, It's not easy to get a true probability. And the App does not indicate whether they are taking just the first choice numbers into account when reaching their conclusion. I assumed the numbers given by the App were simply the chances of drawing as a resident who chooses the hunt as their first choice.

But the numbers don't seem to add up. For example, in 2015 there were 368 residents that chose hunt code DER-3-190 as their first choice. Of those applicants, 61 drew their first choice. By my admittedly poor math skills, that meant 16.6 percent of residents who chose that hunt code as their first choice actually drew the tag. According to the App, the percentage of residents who drew the tag is 7%.

I've tried running the numbers several ways to see if I can come up with 7% success rate, but haven't been able to do it yet.
Great idea but isnt accurate for wyoming either. Otherwise a guy with 9 points for moose is going to get a lot of years of false hope.
Utah does not seem to be accurate either considering only max bonus points effect odds. They are using individual point totals with decreasing odds.

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