Swarovski's Second Owner Warranty


Active Member
Does Swarovski offer or extend their warranty to second hand owners? If they do, how does the warranty transfer? Do you have to have original sales receipt or other documentation? Anybody have any experience? Or is buying used Swarovski's not recommended? I cannot afford them at full pop... At this point I can afford used Swarovski's or something like the Vortex Viper or Zen Ray ED3/Prime. Would you prefer new Zen Rays/Vipers or nice condition used Swarovski EL's for a reasonable price (1000-1500)?


I bought a used pair a few years back. I sent them in to get serviced and had no problems whatsoever. I did not send in any sales receipts or any warranty information.

Excellent service, and they were returned within a few weeks.

I wouldn't think twice about buying another used pair, for the right deal.
Was there any cost to you? I mean if there was a problem that would be covered under the original warranty, would they just fix them and not charge you...

Did they charge you anything, other than the shipping to send them there?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-12 AT 02:41PM (MST)[p]No, I wasn't charged extra.

I bought some lense caps, but that was in addition to getting them serviced.
I sent my 10x42s in 2 months ago, i was the second owner,All the rubber coating was coming un glued one eye cup was broke and the piece where you adjust the focus was broke along with the binos were all most in two pieces I had to use them last year as a monocular.They fixed everthing no cost they even up graded the prism,never even asked me about a receipt.
You typically will have to pay for things like lens covers if they wear out or break, as they are considered maint type items, but I get new twist cups every year, matter of fact last year without even asking she sent two sets, at no cost, just because I mentioned I wear one out every year and she said she didn't want me stuck during the season with a defective one.

Super service for sure.
Swaro will cover most issues, to any owner, without receipts, etc.

You will have to pay to replace lenses.

Just did a pair of slc 15's = Objective lenses $100 each, Ocular lenses $50 year

Grand total $300 for brand new glass!

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