Swarovski Problem?


Long Time Member
I have 5 yr old Swarovski 10x42 SLC's that just don't seem as clear as they once were. I have used only their cloth to clean the lenses, and they have no visible dust or scratches. I just wondered if hard use can wear them out a little, or if they could have interior dust or moisture.

Anybody else experience this?

LAST EDITED ON Sep-08-08 AT 05:34PM (MST)[p]Not to be a smart@$$, but when was the last time you had your eyes checked? I noticed over the past couple of years that my eyes were getting bad, but didn't ralize just how bad until I went in to renew my driver's license on my B-day in April and failed the eye exam miserably. I had to break down and get glasses and wearing them is like night and day.

If you think it's a problem with the bino, Swarovski will make it right. Their customer service is second to none.
Mine are about the same age as yours and I was wondering the same thing. However, I did not want to send them in if there was nothing really wrong and end up looking like an idiot.


Sounds like you might have to re-adjust your settings on the Binos from what you had them set at when you first bought them.

I readjusted the diopter setting, using lens caps as suggested, it was clearest at the same place as before, so that wasn't it.

I will go to Sportsmans Warehouse and see what they say.
I have a buddy that had the same issue with his Habicht 10x50s and he called swarov. They said to send em in and later told him that the coatings had been wiped of and over time this happens IF you use their cleaing stuff. They actually charged him 150 per lense so x4 to replace them but came back good as new. i know that is really unheard of for swarovski so most likely they will do it free from what ive heard but not for him. Second of all they guy recommended that instead of using swarov cleaining solution and rag to use a small drop of rubbing alcohol and a q tip very very lightly until it was clean and no smears. Just a guess but sounds like the same problem.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." -- Abraham Lincoln
Thanks. By coincidence, I was going to try that today. I'll let everybody know how it goes.


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