Swarovski eyepiece?


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-10 AT 05:30PM (MST)[p]I'm going to get a Swarovski ATM-65 Spotter. But what eyepiece should I get to go with it? Whats on yours? Also I could not really tell "that much" of a difference in the HD and the non HD. So is the HD really that much better?

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
I have the ATS 65 spotter and have the 20-60.

I am a huge fan of this spotter. It has really increased my satisfaction on my hunts. It is such a quality piece, it will change the way you hunt. I wouldn't leave home without it.
Is yours HD?

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-10 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]I have used both the 25-50 and the 20-60, and prefer the 25-50. The reason is the increased field of view. I also like to digiscope, and I found the 25-50 is better for taking pictures, IMO. I find that sometimes I wished I had the 20-60 on my scope, because of the long distances I find animals at. However, I am lucky, because I sold my 20-60 scope to my parents, and always hunt with them. So, I just switch out the eye piece if I need to.

I found that most of my friends don't use their scopes on 60 power, because of the poor clarity. I used my on 60 power. It never bothered me.

I have had three swaro scopes. My first was 80mm non-HD, 20-60x. I sold that to a friend after looking through my other friend's 80MM HD. I could personally see the difference, and it was worth $500 at the time. I sold my 80MM HD, 20-60x, to my parents, because I didn't like the weight. I now own a 25-50, 65MM HD magnesium. It is a sweet scope,and until something newer and greater comes out, I will stay with this spotter.
I've been told the HD option is for photography. You can't tell the difference with the naked eye. Who knows? I have the 20X60 eye piece and am totally satisfied. I did have a little problem with oil or moisture in the eye piece but Swaro sent me a new eye piece no questions asked.

Spending those kinda bucks you're going to be happy. Trust me.

Slick, I've got the exact problem with my eye piece right now. Did you have to call Swarovski? Send it in before they sent you the other one? How long did it take? I hate to send mine off right now as I use it about everyday. Got the oil or moisture in it durnig the muzz hunt. Have no clue how or where? Just showed up. Thanks for any help in advance!

As far as the eye piece, I would go with the 25x. I have the 20x60, but have viewed both. And I was way impressed with the 25x. I also have the HD 80mm, STS. Like stated I think the only way you'll notice the diff is if you digi-scope.
Thanks guys!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
If you decide you want the 20x60 I will sell you mine. Its in perfect condition. Pm me if you're interested. Personally I would go with the HD if you are taking or filming through it. And why not have the best.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-10 AT 11:27AM (MST)[p]+1 ON THE 25X50. I have the 20x60 on a 65 mm and I like it, but I think I would like the 25 better. As for the HD I got it because I figured that even though I wasn't into digiscoping right now I figured I would be one day. I was right. It's nice to be able to get good photos through the scope. I tell you what you can order yours with the 25x eyepiece then I will trade you for my 20x60. LOL I thought it was worth a shot. Whatever way you decide to go you will not be dissapointed. Don't listen to all the BS about your wasting your money and you can get the same quality glass for half the price. I have wasted my money and it was on buying all those other scopes and then loosing money on them either selling them or them breaking or whatever other reasons. I wish I would of got it in the first place. Just my .02 let the bashing begin.

>I've been told the HD option
>is for photography. You can't
>tell the difference with the
>naked eye. Who knows? I
>have the 20X60 eye piece
>and am totally satisfied. I
>did have a little problem
>with oil or moisture in
>the eye piece but Swaro
>sent me a new eye
>piece no questions asked.
>Spending those kinda bucks you're going
>to be happy. Trust me.

How do I get the moisture in my eyepiece so I can have them send me the 25x50? LOL

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