Swaro HD vs Regular spotter.


Long Time Member
My buddy is getting ready to buy a Swarovski spotting scope and asked how much difference there was between the HD and the regular spotter. I told him what I've always heard about "If your not gonna video through it then you can't tell a difference." But we've also heard that you can't really tell a difference between the EL binoculars and the SLC binoculars but we feel that there is a big difference between the two. We both compared the two bino's over time and bought the EL's and since then we have become really accustomed to the EL's through extensive use and are of the opinion that nothing comes close when compared to them. So my question is not for people who have compared the HD to regular spotters once at the store but to those of you that have been around both spotters in the field for extended periods of time and have formed an opinion over time. So how much better is the Swarovski HD over the regular Swarovski spotter? Thanks in advance. fatrooster.
I have the HD spotter and have looked through the regular spotter in the field numerous times. The biggest difference is the very outer edge. With the regular spotter you have a small bit of fuzz but with the HD it is just as crisp as in the center. Also if you are interested in getting a camera attatchment and taking video and pictures the HD allows the camera to focus easier through the scope. Both are well worth the money and it is just small details that stick out with the HD that make it better. Also the HD has a little better coating on the lense so it should be better for a longer period of time.
I have the regular and my buddy has the HD and trust me when I say we have spent a lot of time in the field looking at game. We have both spend time comparing the two and really have not been able to see any difference. However, as stated above it is suppose to make a difference when filming. Both are great and if money isn't an issue I'd still go with the HD.
I personally owne the regular ATS 80 and a friend of mine has an HD. We took both spotters out and tried them for two evenings in a row. We just couldn't see a difference and we spotted until dark. So my other friend who wanted to by the spotter went with the regular Swaro ATS 80. Thanks for your input. fatrooster.

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