swap hunts?



I'm new here....is posting swap hunts allowed? I don't see any place on this site for folks who might want to do a swap hunt.
Yes, it is allowed, but there is no specific swap hunt section. Just have to post in the forum you are interested in. What do you have to offer?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
TATONKA, I'm looking for a Trophy Class Muledeer or Elk hunt. In Return I have Feral Cats and Flys to swat. Please Contact me if you have any Interest !!!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Moosie you beat me to it. Aint that about the truth though? No offense directed at you Tatonka but usually someone comes on wanting to swap a bobwhite quail hunt or a steelhead fishing trip for a trophy mule deer hunt. Good trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I don't want anybody's honey-holes or anything but could you tie a 30" 190 buck to a tree for me?"

BTW Moosie. If the hunt includes either orange tabbies or calicos. I'm in. I want one lifesized for the mantle. I'm warming up my flyswatter and I've got your buck and bull tied to a big lodgepole pine for you.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-03 AT 05:04PM (MST)[p]You never know though. I have found lots of people who love to hunt hogs and would swap almost anything to hunt them. Personally, the only place I like to hunt them is between the eggs and toast!

I have personally swapped blackbuck antelope, whitetail, axis deer, sika deer and turkeys for hunts in Alaska, Montana, and Colorado. I went for moose and elk. I felt like I got the way better end of those swaps, but they seemed to love their hunts down here as well. Sometimes it is just some change of scenery and type of animal that people are after.

I once went on a draw hunt for whitetails in South Texas where they said to shoot any feral cats we saw. I thought they were kidding, but they weren't. Seems like there were lots of wild cats loose in the area, and they were playing havoc with the quail and other small wildlife in the area. Sorry to say I didn't bag one though.

With a name like Tatonka, maybe he has a buffalo hunt to swap?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Anyone interested in swapping a dall sheep & moose hunt for a snipe and pika hunt?


Life long "vagitarian"
HOW come hunting.net can Get a Plug.. BUt if I even think about posting my site I get a Letter saying I can't advertise ?!?!! UNFAIR I say, Pick on the Little FAT KID !!!

HEY TXhunter, you said "I have personally swapped blackbuck antelope, whitetail, axis deer, sika deer and turkeys "

For a Blackbuck,whitetail, Axisdeer, Sitka deer and a turkey or Two, I'd trade a Elk hunt or Mule deer hunt with ya :) :)

TATONKA< you wen't goingto exchange a Truck (Tonka joke) for a swap were ya ?!?!

PS< Don't mind the Jokeing here, Post what ya have to offer and someone will reply.

BUCKSPY, I have a Calico and A tomcat mix bag.. HELL, I'll throw in a Legit duck/goose hunt along with the Fly hunt. If you come durring elk or deer season, You can Kill the Blowflies of my Critters by the thousands !!!! You never said what ya had to trade for it ?!?!

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
Well, folks, I've never done a swap hunt....just read about them. Seems like a good way to go to extend a fella's hunting season without breaking the bank and causing the wife to leave, but I'm a little leary of it to tell the truth....ya never know what kinda dude you might get hooked with. :) Ya, I've seen some of those offers where a guy wants to swap a fishing trip for bluegills for a combination Dall Sheep/caribou/moose hunt in Alaska.........not quite what I had in mind. :) So, have any of you guys ever done a swap hunt? If so, how did it go?
Most guys are always looking for a good beaver hunt. That can be the most challenging of all.
Gordon BARR, We might be Idiots, But I think Tatonka figured out we were nmessing and Probably isn't a "BETTER THEN YOU" type of hunter, I have an Email if he wanted to drop a line. I have gotten Several Legit Emails.

I'll trade a good A$$ Kicking for a Hunt. Anyone want that trade :)

  • [*] -Moosie
~~If you're going to walk on thin ice, Ya might as Well DANCE !!
WALK the TALK, Or shut the HECK UP !!
I agree with you. I would offer to take someone hunting in NM not that I know what I doing (my jaw is still in a dropped state after seeing Moosies pics). But there are strange people out there. I responded to a posted note at church to go packing with mules in a NM wilderness. When I showed up at the guys place he was chasing his dogs around the front yard. Later, when we finally got started, I said we might pack the mules better, never having packed mules, I believed him when he said everything was good. That lasted an hour, then we spent the next few hours chasing a mule with the get-up slid under his stomach and half of the gear all over the mountain. I did get to eat dutch cooking for the first time (Mmmm).
I went along with a friend on a swap hunt once. It was for snowys in Nabraska the guy we swaped with didn't show up at the pits the first day but on the second day came only because he herd how good we did the first day. He wasn't there to hunt he was there to charge us $150 dollars and said he changed his mind he didn't want a duck hunt in Maraland he wanted to hunt cougars in wyoming the next week. I don't hunt cats nor do I know any thing about it. We had a few choice words for him and left. If I were to swap I'd want and give the area to hunt and how the animals move. Any thing else your on your own.

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