
Last night I was watching the 10:00 KSL news and saw a comercial from the SUWA and it looked like KSL is supporting them. It didn't set well with me. I was wondering if anybody else saw it and what they thought.
Those have been on a while on various stations. It's part of their new media blitz to drum up support for oppressive wilderness designation. The problem with SUWA is that are one of the most disingenuous enviro groups out there - "if their lips are moving they are lying." As part of my job, I get to deal with and try to counter SUWA and their overbroad, overstated wilderness grabbing agenda. Don't get me wrong, IMO wilderness has its place in the conservation toolbox, but SUWA would like you to believe that it is the only tool in that box.
>SUWA sucks


great post/pic, thanks for sharing


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