suspicious dead bull moose


Active Member
so im working down a knife ridge off a trail to go glass a basin. two feet off the trail (two track wheeler trail) is a dead bull moose...fully intact. very ripe, but im guessing only a couple days old. no visible bullet wound, on the side i was looking at. couldnt get too close..smell and flies were getting to me. no critters had started feeding on him, so i knew he was fresh. very suspicious to me that he would "die" right there. we ended up glassing four more bulls in that basin, and the one directly to the south of the ridge i found the dead bull on. i emailed fish and game and told them to contact me if they wanted to check it out...i'd tell them the exact location. if it was shot....what a dirtbag!!
My dad had a moose tag last year. We had scouted a very big (50" plus) bull in a particular drainage that was closed to vehicles. When we went up to hunt the rut, we found his hide and gut pile in the same spot with four wheel tracks right up to the carcass. We let fish and game know but they didn't seem too concerned.
I know they can't use the metal detector on moose until the body has started to de-comp because of the thickness of the moose hide. So maybe they will wait a while before they go investigate.
well, i got a call from an officer from the jerome office this morning. he was very interested after i told him the circumstances. gave him the exact location and he said he would be headed that way. glad to see such a quick response!

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