Surviorman or Man vs. Wild?



LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-09 AT 11:55PM (MST)[p]Do you ever watch these shows? Les Stroud seems somewhat believable and a does things to survive that seem reasonable.
He appears to give information that could help in a survival situation.
Bear Grylls is an idiot. I've seen him climb down moss covered waterfalls in Alaska stating that's the fastest safest way down when you could clearly see a trail next to the waterfall.
He jumped into and floated an ice cold river, again saying that's the fastest way out. Several hundred yards down river he climbing out, almost hypothermic.
Last week he climbed down the Hell's Canyon and actually cut a pole and started pole vaulting down the rock bluffs. Later in the same show he crawled across a frozen lake, only to fall through as he was nearing the otherside. Again he was showing the fastest way to get out. As he was crawling you could see along the lake, it looked like a 5 minute walk.
You and I know better than this load he's trying to teach.
But, how many people or kids would try these stunts thinking; this is the way Bear did it?

I know, I know, D13er somebody posted this last year. LOL

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
They are both idiots..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Tom, If i heard it once, musta been 20 times.

Mom said, "just because your friend gary jumped off the roof and broke his leg, does that mean you got to jump off the roof too?"

He's OK, some decent ideas, but gets wayyyyy carried away sometimes. I'll give his cameramen credit though!

............sorry, that Bear Grilis guy threw his jacket on a skunk, jumped on it, cut it's head off, then skinned and ate it.

He eats anything and he enjoys it.

I think he has some wires down in the attic.
Survivor man is alot more realistic. He actually does it all on his own. Filming, etc. Yes he does have a support staff that knows the general area he is in and has been rescued before but he is out there alone.

Bear Grylls on the other hand has his camera crew, support staff, water bottles, and anything else needed etc. His show is purley for entertainment value and dosen't really teach anything.

I definatly prefer Survivor Man. Great show all around.
Anyone see the episode where Bear killed a snake, ate it and then pissed in its skin??? He threw the pissed in snake skin over his neck and eventually drank it. HIS OWN PIZZZZZ! I'll throw in the towel before I drink my own piss. I also remember him killing a domesticated rabbit out in the boonies (yeah right). Another good one is when he built a shelter in the rockies, heard a noise and jumped up running in the dark just to get the heck out of there. Who does this, really??? Oh and then he stumbled on a semi dead sheep stuck in the mud. Right!? I'm sure the sheep owner got paid well for it before hand. The guy is an embarrassment to outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen. Oh and then there's the one where he floated down river in a lifejacket under his shirt. I think I've watched three episodes total and can't seem to take the bs anymore.
I posted about this a while back. Bear G's show is all about shock value and appealing to the younger generation, not about saving lives. he does stuff most survival experts wouldn't do. he's an a-hole and idiot. at least Survivorman shows you something that might be useful.
>I posted about this a while
>back. Bear G's show is
>all about shock value and
>appealing to the younger generation,
>not about saving lives. he
>does stuff most survival experts
>wouldn't do. he's an a-hole
>and idiot. at least Survivorman
>shows you something that might
>be useful.

+ 1
Well - I enjoy both shows - as does my 7 year old daughter. But she is quick to point out that at times, both are idiots. Especially, Bear Ghrylls. I have learned more of what NOT to do from him than anything else. It is funny because we will be sitting there watching it and she will laugh and say "What an idiot! Why didn't he just walk around?" Yes even a 7 yr old girl can tell his show is crap. He always does the most extreme things and the way he says "glacier" drives me insane. He does have some valid points, but most often you hear him saying, "Don't try this unless you are specifically trained". And I am sorry, the skunk and the dead sheep in the bog go beyond reason to me. The guy seriously has more than a few loose screws. Get this - he has three boys named Huckleberry, Marmaduke and of course Jesse (where the hell did he come up with a name like Jesse!! LOL).

I like Les Stroud he is an adventurer racer and a serious competitor. He tries to emulate real situations and does show some extreme circumstances but he pretends he knows everything when he is a patented greenhorn. That was clearly evident in the episode in Colorado where he had horses. I don't know why you would be trying to survive where he was in Colorado for that long a period of time with horses when you could clearly see roads and powerlines. He also found a dead fawn antelope and thought it was a deer - I guess there aren't many pronghorns in his part of Canada. Other than that - his show is superior to Man vs. Wild. However, he did retire the show after finishing the third season because it was just to taxing on his body.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Both of these guys would get you killed if you followed their actions.

Ever notice how Stroud is always dying of thirst and setting his shelter on fire? He then proceeds to eat all sorts of plants. I know that he has been coached beforehand but if a person found themselves in that situation, eating unknown plants is not the ticket.

Bear Grylls is a big phoney, period. He has been seen numerous times spending the night in a hotel and then the next day he is "placed" back into the wilderness. As has been mentioned, you can always see powerlines and trails around him as well.

I actually watch both shows, but for the comedy value only.

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