Surf and Turf


Long Time Member
Who's hungry?



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
hmmmm....burnt steak, a crawdad and milk...mmmmmmm

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Suddenly I'm thirsty and want to go on a motorboat ride, hmmmmm....

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

. . . and milk!!!

Best surf & turf I've ever had is having shot a fat, tender Blacktail buck in the apline and pulling the crab pots on the way back to the cabin.

Tenderloins and FRESH king crab is the shizz . . .

Any frozen shellfish doesn't even come close.
Wow, a burnt overcooked steak, no butter for the lobster, I'm guessing those are burnt potatoes on the top of the plate. and if they are, there is not enough potatoes. I would just skip the main couse and jump to dessert. Who doesn't love milkshakes.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 05:18PM (MST)[p]Does that steak and lobster know it is being objectifed like that on the world wide web in front of a bunch of drooling men?

Ummm yeah - couldn't we try to at least be a little more sensitive to the needs of the steak, lobster, potatoes and broccoli?

What a bunch of chauvanists!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>What a bunch of chauvanists!

My sentiments exactly. Here is a better look:


Apologies on behalf of my colleagues here for any who may have been offended at the insensitivities of the previous post.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-10 AT 05:45PM (MST)[p]HummerJ and Toy.....You guys just officially ruined this post!! Protein and vegetables cant think. They do not have thoughts or feelings nor do they care if they are posted on the internet. Go ahead and tell us how the plate feels too while your at it??!! Dam Roy your a PHD candidate too. Feelings?? Realllly? LMAO
not that i was really looking at anything other than steak and potatoes, but is there a leapard print milk jug holder in the picture also?

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