SureShot, Where's Your Report?

You're lucky I happened to see this message! I just happened to check in during a short break from spending almost the entire year, if not the whole season, out chasing monster muleys.

I'll probably get around to posting a report of my adventures later in the year after I finish all of my hunts. The season is still young!

It's funny you should mention my famous Prairie Ghost camo. I have kind of a funny story about that.

The night before the opening of the Utah muzzy hunt, I was sitting in plain sight on a little ridge glassing up a couple of monsters. I noticed this maniac with a couple of ski poles for walking sticks on top of the mountain making his way down as the sun began to set. I watched as he hustled along, stopping every few hundred yards to sit down and glass for a few minutes. Before long, he had made it to where I was sitting. He was only about 30 yards away from me, so I decided to stand up and say hello to him.

He turned his head away from me just as I stood up and didn't seem to see me in my Prairie Ghost, so I walked up to him and said, "Hi."

It was about the funniest thing I had ever seen. He just about jumped out of his skin! As he turned to look at me with eyes as big as saucers, I realized it was none other than our podcast-producing founder, Brian Latturner. :)

I have to apologize to him for not revealing my identity at the time, but it was nice to see him and amazing to me that he had figured out where I was going to be hunting and went to the same area, hoping to get in on some of the action.

You know if I was there, and Founder was there, there must be big bucks around. That's all I'll say for now...
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-10 AT 06:31PM (MST)[p]Best of luck to you SureShot! (not that a hunter with your experience, cunning, and skill needs it).


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