Supreme Court 2nd ammend. Today


Long Time Member
Well today is the day the Supreme Court will hear the D.C. case on the 2nd ammendment. They will be determining an interpretation of the ammendment. Sounds like this could go either way. This is a huge case. Pray for freedom boys.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-08 AT 09:38AM (MST)[p]Generally they don't release the vote till the end of the term when the opinions are due. However, having sat in on the Elian Gonzalez SC oral arguments years ago, those who are there have a very good idea how it will come down. Rest assured, there will be people in attendance that will be reporting the play by play.
Conventional wisdom says a 5-4 decision so look for any signs of defection among the "conservatives" on the court.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
They found in favor of gun owners, I expected they would but you never know.

This proves my point that no president is going to get your guns as long as the constitution is upheld. the anti's can chip away but they can't get past the 2nd, this will cripple them for years.
I'm not surprised there was NO other option, not now, not ever . . .

D13, why do you always such a negative attitude? You and others like you, are always so doom-n-gloom, you sound as if you are the one with the anti-gun play book, do you know something that no one else knows?
No, it's not over yet.

Thanks to president bush nominating judges that will interpret the constitution and not liberal activist judges such as the ones clinton nominated and such as the ones obama and hillary would love to nominate we more than likely will win.

One more reason not to vote democrat this november!!!
They wont make the final ruling untill june.
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I think what D13er is referring too is how far the court will take their decision. It does appear from comments made today that the court will strike down the total ban inacted by Washington D.C. 32 years ago. But will they leave it open for partial bans in the future, or allow a number of restrictions that may or may not be good for the average law abiding citizen.
As he said, it is not over yet, we will have to wait to see how far the court has the courage to go before we can count our chickens. It only took them 32 years to finally hear the Washington D. C. total ban and hopefully state that those citizens rights have been violated for the past 32 years. That along may make some citizens feel a little "Doom & gloom" about our rights being protected.

Interesting, the radio said the court found in favor of gun ownership. actually it appears they just said they were in favor and for upholding the second ammendment . not as good as a ruling but the intent is there and not likely to change, either way it's good news.
H-dude, are you talking about the lower courts ruling?? I watched several news shows last night and saw no ruling yet.
The actual opinion won't be released until June. What Dude heard was a reporter stating they believed, based on the comments made by the individual justices during oral argument, that the court will find for gun owners.

Keep in mind, the court may declare that the 2nd amendment means individuals have a right to own firearms but that there are reasonable restrictions, just as there are with the clauses of the 1st amendment. That being said, they may decide the DC gun ban isn't reasonable. The problem then, of course, is that judges all across the country will have to apply the "reasonable" test to every case that comes before them. What is reasonable to me may not be reasonable to the next guy.

Lastly, the inner workings of the court is very political. From the assignments on who writes the decision to lobbying and bartering of votes, nothing is definite until the opionion is released. And even then, it may only muck up things even more.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
You forgot something Harday :
? A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. ?
Since the Supreme Court suddently seems to be of more interest to some of our members, I'll recommend a good book you might wish to read to learn a bit more about the court.

"The Nine" by Jeffery Toobin. It talks about the Supreme Court, more from the standpoint of the individual justices, and behind the scenes happenings that led to their appoinments. It's a good read!

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