Support the USO!



My brother-in-law just got back from the war last night. Three hundred of our nation?s finest young people arrived together. Are families were there to greet them and welcome them home. Thanks goodness for the USO, they were there providing drinks and snacks to the families who waited hours while the young (and old) men and woman got off the plane and through customs. If not for the USO and the families, there would have been NO ONE there to welcome our men and woman home from the war.

I wonder where the administration is at. I wonder where our elected officials are at? That plane arrived at Reagan airport in DC, you'd think it would be easy to have a politician or a high level officer there welcoming home our men and women. . . you can see the darn pentagon and the capitol from the airport. . .

So, thanks should go out to the USO for supporting our families and the returning men and women from war! Thanks guys!
Interesting, all the war supporters are there flag waving, singing and pushing them onto the plane with a hot shot when they're leaving.

When they come home they don't even greet them or give them a decent hospital unless they're forced to. I guess it depends on your idea of what " Support the troops " means.

Support = Send
Returning = Expensive pain in the butt
It really is pathetic how short the attention span is of the average american. Frankly, it's half of what's wrong with the country. People are more interested in memorizing the schedule for the sit coms or stats of their favorite sports team than paying any attention to taxes, current affairs, education, or in this case the troops. If you love your freedom, thank a veteran. I don't know if there is ever enough we can do to thank them for their sacrifice. Surely we don't do them justice and thankfully there are organizations like the USO out there. I will never fully understand the dynamic shift from WWII to present day. When my father came home from Vietnam after leaving a substantial portion of his internal organs in the jungle, his welcome wagon consisted of a bunch of morons spitting at him for his service.

Thanks for reminding everyone about the GREAT job the USO does for the men and women in uniform. I have supported them with donations since my time in the service. If you are flying through any major airport there is a USO open to all service members and their families. They make you feel at home and give you a place to relax while you are traveling. They are help in so many other ways as well.

I know the USO means a lot to all military men and women. The young boys and girls returning from a trip who have NO families to greet them look so lost. I'm impressed with the way the families and the USO help to make them feel like real valuable people.

I just cant believe as a nation we cant afford to have official greeters and at least a small welcome party there for each returning plane. Here's is my brother in law. He's a big wig and has been in for more than 25 years, what's wrong with this picture?

I think a lot of it is the war itself, now this is not directed at the troops or the job they're doing but Americans have come to realize we're not going to win in Iraq. Americans love a winner, and in Iraq there is no way to win and never was so it's lost it's appeal. then when you take into account it's drug on for over 5 years and we're fighting about how long we'll stay and pay it's just nothing anyone wants to talk about anymore.

It's too late for rational thinking now, we have idiots in this country that set the ball in motion and it's going to roll a lot longer. we have an obligation to those we send over there and it needs attention.
I am to believe that if the dems would have been supportive of the war that and not trying to use it as a political wedge to regain power that the war would be in a totally different situation that we are in currently - Even though the war has had some significant gains since additional forces where sent. The dems are still being anti so to divide the country for polictical gain.

Get the majority of the leaders and the Hollywood elite to back the war and it would be like WWII. Parades in the streets. TV shows having troops and generals on there shows.
I'm not sure the insurgents watch much US tv and even if they did they wouldn't care what Oprah had to say.

We're already seeing a rise in violence again in Iraq and we haven't even begun to draw troop levels down where we want to. now experts say we can't draw anymore out or we'll see the militias fill the void. what part of cival war in Iraq is the democrats fault? if it's been going on for thousands of years 3 cheers from the democrats isn't likely to solve it.

Just more proof Bush Sr. was smarter than his son, there is NO EXIT STRATEGY from Iraq. keep a large force there forever or forget it, your choice.

Regardless of how the war started, who is to blame, or whatever, TF's point is well taken.

USO is a great group. They and the soldiers need our support, whether or not we agree or disagree with the mess in Iraq.

Good post Tony.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
I agree 100%, my point is where are the flag wavers who were there when they left?

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