Support instead Complaining.



Hopefully all these guys that think the expo drawings are "rigged", will not put in next year.....why would you waste your money on a "rigged" drawing? Hopefully my odds will increase next year.LOL. Truth be known, all these guys that are crying foul will be at the expo next year and still put in for these draw hunts. Just another thing to complain about.
It's great to see good fortune and luck come to guys like John Bair who has "donated" so much of his time and money to helping support our states hunting and conservation organization groups.
If you guys that think your being jilted by the expo draws would spend more time supporting our hunting and conservation groups here in the state of Utah (and I mean getting involved and doing whatever you can to help) instead of complaining about how crooked these groups are, we all will be able to continue the great hunting opportunities that this state of Utah has to offer.
I think most Utah hunters want to support SFW...honestly. I understand the need for and appreciate conservation groups. I'm glad there are folks among us willing to put forth the time and effort to help wildlife in our state.

The problems I think most of us have with SFW are much deeper than some supposedly rigged drawing. The Expo tags in general...big point of contention. Anyone that was involved with that process will concur. The hundreds of other "conservation" tags...big point of contention. SFW lobbies all these tags out of the general pool, to the tune of 10 times or more the numbers of other western states. Then of course the very strange lack of documentation and openness regarding where and how funds (our money) is being spent.

Questions are posed to SFW and Don Peay, logical questions about the subjects above and others. Very rarely are there answers, only long-winded essays on the projects done by SFW and how excited all the public sportsmen supposedly are about them.

We want to support SFW, we just want some support in return, and some honesty and disclosure.

This whole Expo draw fiasco is bringing everyone out of the woodwork, the extreme lovers and haters, but the vast majority understands that the REAL issues with SFW don't involve "rigging" a tag drawing.
People are going to whine about anything and everything that doesn't go their way. Let it go in 1 ear and out the other.


Yea muleman, spoken like a true Utahan. Follow all the other sheep, do what your told, and don't ask questions.

The expo tags are just one of many shady things SFW is doing.
I live in Idaho (and do get involved with "the process"...I teach Hunter ED and am on a number of advisory boards and commissions) and don't know all the details of the EXPO or SFW. I do KNOW that taking all the tags out.....and auctioning them to higher bidders and all of the other $ events that are touted to help the resource, do NOT HAVE THAT EFFECT.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
SFW is the major, and one of the few groups fighting the wolves and doing a darn good job at that. I can't believe how blind you guys are. Look at what the wolves did to the yellowstone herd. Look at what happened to Idaho. Now Utah is basically working towards a wolf ban. If not for all those sfw lawyers in the court room your elk and deer herds would be puppy chow by now. Then there's the return of the good elk hunting in utah which is mostly due in part to Mr. Peay. I'm sorry but its sad to see some spoiled brats whining cuz long story short their not getting their piece of the pie. Lets just put sfw in the ditch where they belong, allow the wolves into utah and not push quality elk and deer herds on the legislatures and return back from where Utah came. Great idea! I hope you guys destroy sfw that way you may eventually see what they were doing. To save our hunting and our herds we need money. It's obvious the average sportsman refuses to fund these projects so we sell tags to do so. I wonder how much money sfw would be able to pour into wildlife if they depended on the likes of mm'ers to help them out? You guys have all the gripes but no suggestions. Why don't you guys throw out suggestions every time you have a gripe? Maybe mr. Peay would take some of you guys up on your ideas and work towards that goal. I hear very little positive and all negative. So lets hear it. How do you all suggest we fix whatever problems you think are floating around with sfw???
I'm with you on this one. I think there's all too much bitching and moaning about SFW by people who aren't involved enough to see what is happening.

I don't know all the inner workings, but I do know that SFW has helped pass some very important laws regarding wildlife and hunting in the state of Utah. I feel like they are way ahead of the game here and that they are the only group that can and will take on the wolf B.S. and fight it tooth and nail.

I'm proud to be a member of SFW and to donate to banquets around the state, in addition to the expo. I'm a little guy compared to some, but I donate generously to SFW, MDF, and NRA. These are the groups that I feel protect what I love. I don't agree 100% with everything they all do, but until I find something better my money and time goes with these guys.

By the way, I've never won a tag at the expo in 4 years, and I've spent around $200 each year on the drawing, and this year I bought a booth there for my business for $2,400, bought dinner tickets, and after all was said and done I spent around $7,500 to participate at the expo. Didn't win anything, but more friends, and more business clients. I don't feel like this is a drawing, I feel like it's a donation to help fund wildlife, and habitat, with a bonus of drawing a tag if you're lucky. I only know two of the guys on the entire list of winners this year, and both of them are guys that give back to wildlife. Randy Johnson is one, and John Bair is the other. By the way John, thanks for your good work at the banquets every year. My family enjoys you and your sense of humor! Good luck on the hunt!

I would love to support them, but I hate how they don't ever answer our questions on where the money goes. At the end of last year the company I work for had a non-profit organization come in for donations and we all had similar questions on how the money was used. Long story short they sent the company documentation on what amount went to overhead and what actually went to help people in need. It was about 20% to overhead and 80% to help the people. Because of them willing to show that we were able to get employee's to donate $25,000 dollars from our own salaries and our company matched it to make it $50,000. I believe every hunter wants to help a cause and i know that the groups we support can't always please everyone. I just believe everyone wants to have peace of mind on what there donations go to.
How do you all suggest we fix
>whatever problems you think are
>floating around with sfw???

Open the books. Operate transparently. Answer questions that are asked of the organization in a direct manner.

I work for a major medical corporation. I can Google my CEO and other executives and find out how much stock they have and their annual compensation. I get communication from the executives about projects that are underway, how much ROI they expect and other financials.

Thats what I would suggest. If I had a better idea of their goals, and felt like I knew exactly how they planned to utilize my money, Id be very interested in joining. If Mr. Peay and other employees take a portion of my donation, Im totally ok with that. Id just like to know how much. Isnt that a reasonable suggestion?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-10 AT 06:03PM (MST)[p]I give. You guys are pretty hopeless. I forgot the give up and quit attitude of a lot of people. Please carry on with your griping.
>Why don't you guys throw
>out suggestions every time you
>have a gripe? Maybe mr.
>Peay would take some of
>you guys up on your
>ideas and work towards that

Now THAT is some serious comic relief my man...I don't know what state you live in, but there is NO WAY it's Utah. Either you live in another state, or you've never attended a RAC or any other wildlife planning meeting. I've got zero personal beef with Don of SFW, but the idea that he or the organization would actually listen and consider the opinion of the general hunting public (which, by the way is exactly what the RAC was designed to do) is ridiculously laughable.

NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY wanted these almighty 200 Expo tags to leave the general draw when the proposal came through the RACs, at least not without more information. They passed the vote with flying colors! How is that for listening to the average sportsman? And it wasn't an isolated's commonplace that the decisions on these proposals are made long before they hit the floor for public opinion. This new proposal to take ANOTHER 100 elk tags from an already embarrassingly depleted general draw pool has a helluva a good chance of passing, once Don lays down the law with any "committee" members involved with making the final decision.

Don Peay and SFW do not own Utah's wildlife, contrary to their opinion!!

I've never, ever (and never will) completely denounce SFW or any other legit conservation group. We absolutely need them, and they do plenty of good. SFW just seems to have lost sight of the fact that they're working for the sportsman and the wildlife...instead of the other way around.

And one more thing...the average sportsman DOES NOT refuse to fund widlife project dude. We all do our part, no matter how big or small that part might be.
With all due respect Stinky, I think you should mind your own business on this one. You don't live in Utah, you have no clue whats been going on for years, you show up at the expo and purchase your high dollar Utah LE elk tags, hire an outfitter then come on here defending them. You are the exact type of hunter that SFW is catering to. That proposal to take 100 more tags from the general public, I guarantee thats already a done deal. Thats another 100 tags for you and other wealthy hunters to buy. We get less opportunity while the likes of you get more. I also guarantee Utah wouldn't be over run with Wolves if it weren't for SFW and Utah does have some good elk hunting for the few who actually get to hunt them, like you. Hell if I were you I'd support them too.
>AT 06:03?PM (MST)

>I give. You guys are pretty
>hopeless. I forgot the give
>up and quit attitude of
>a lot of people. Please
>carry on with your griping.

What gives? You ask for a suggestion, I give you one, and you say Im griping? Can you please tell me what was wrong with my suggestion? Im beggin for an answer.
I'll give SFW props for what they do right, like fight the wolf issue better than ANY other org I know of. But, that doesn't give them a green light to do all this other nonsense. When will the number of tags pulled from the public be enough? When will the harvest age objectives be high enough? When will representing ALL hunters be even on the radar?

The new elk proposal calls for a reduction in tags on the Limited Entry units, this is due to a proposed increase in harvest age objectives on 93% of the units. This, even though the survey conducted by the DWR showed the overwhelming majority of elk hunters in Utah wanted to keep the age objectives were they are. Now, on top of that 600 permit reduction, SFW wants another 100 tags to use for bribing landowners. How does that translate into representing the average hunter? If tags are needed to bribe the landowners, take them from the conservation/convention permit pool and leave the public tags for the public hunters! I'll return to supporting SFW when they start giving a baboons butt about my kids ability to at some point in their life actually get to hunt in Utah. My support/trust must be EARNED, not given because someone on the internet says I should.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-10 AT 06:43PM (MST)[p]I would love to stand behind them 100%. I'm sure most of the other (logical) MM'ers would, too. It would be so easy to get all the support. Just answer the dang questions! If we could get some candid talk and somebody to show us how they are spending our dollars, I'd be on board.

Of course they do good. I'm very grateful for the good things they do to help our wildlife. I'm very happy they are fighting the wolves. I love that they fight for habitat. Does that mean I should close my eyes and agree with everything?

As an example, the 2007 990 form submitted by SFW showed that about 13.5% of the money sportsmen donated actually "hit the ground". Is that ok to you guys? Is 20% ok? 50%? There was roughly $485,000 paid to "consultants" (like Mr. Peay). That amount is more than any wildlife expenditure listed on the form. SFW shows all the good they are doing on their website, but when you start doing the math, it is a small percentage of the money they are taking in.

When we bring these discrepancies up, the defenders jump on and say we are just complaining. Mr. Peay will make a post detailing a specific project they are working on (sheep) or a disabled hunter they are helping. That's all well and good, and I appreciate it, but the core questions are never touched. It's a classic "hey, look over here" type of thing.

Do you realize there are NO regulations or rules in place as to what they do with the expo tag money they get? Nothing. If they wanted, they could build a $5 million dollar golden statue of an elk to honor our wildlife. Or a $5 million dollar SFW mansion. Just an example, but you get the idea.

If some of you see that as complaining, then yes, I'm complaining. I call it being a responsible sportsman. I just want to know if we could be doing a better job. They are taking a public resource (the tags), selling them, and spend it however they like, including on themselves. A public resource mysteriously becomes a private one.

I really, really hope that everything is on the up and up. I want my suspicions to be proved wrong. I'm waiting for someone to put me in my place. If I could be assured that the SFW was being run effectively and efficiently, I'd be the first one in line to sign up. It just looks very suspicious that hundreds of emails and posts and years later, the questions remain untouched.
I have a hard time taking sportsmen that can't spell serious.

What I mean by that is there are some seriously ignorant people on here that don't know what they are saying.
+1 DryFlyElk

Any non-profit organization that will not stand in the harsh noon day sunlight is an organization that has something going on that is very, very odd. Tag draw odds and details on monies in and out should be something that is proudly published.

Since that information is not being published in an easy format to read and understand...that should raise a healthy concern. Since public tags are donated to SFW via the Expo, everyone who has applied in Utah or for the Expo tags has a right to be concerned.
Before this thread goes any further, I think it's important to remind certain folks that there is a major difference between whining or "griping" and voicing legitimate/constructive concerns. Major difference.

Also...seems to me that being "hopeless" and "giving up" might constitute keeping all our mouths' shut when we see something going on with SFW that doesn't seem right, rather than the other way around.

But hey, what do I know anyway...
I don't know the ages of all the posters on this thread or any other "bash the SFW" thread but some of you must be youngsters or have really short memories. Think about what you are saying. "Elk commitees","elk numbers", "rigged draws for sheep, elk, moose, etc." 25+ years ago these were not topics at all. In fact, you would be damn lucky to see a bull elk on any unit in the entire state of Utah. Sheep were non existant. Moose were becoming extinct. Nobody even thought of hunting free ranging buffalo. Then along comes SFW (not SFW back then)and with the cooperation of many people, put the pressure on the state agencies to pull their heads out of their a$$es and start managing our big game herds before we didn't have any. Thank you SFW and Don Peay for starting this whole thing. Has it gotten out of hand? Maybe. Too many auction tags? Maybe. But at least there are tags out there to auction off and apply for. I'm sorry that some of you feel like you are getting the short end of the stick but you can't say that SFW has not provided the state of Utah with more opportunity to hunt. The DWR are idiots. They have proven time and again that they can't manage anything without a lot of help. I realize they are a government agency and we all know what happens when the government gets their hands in things. I don't agree with everything SFW does and I also question the transparency issue but they do far more good than bad and I will continue to support them. I would have drawn my buffalo tag this year if SFW had not been instrumental in decreasing tags on the Henry's to transplant to the Book Cliffs. Now it may be 10 years to draw my tag. Was I disappointed? Yep. But I'm smart enough to realize that if this takes place a lot more people will be able to hunt buffalo in the future (like my kids). I read these posts and it amazes me the "mine mine mine" attitudes that everybody has. We all have a stake in this. I have been to several projects with UBA, SFW, and NWTF. The most I have ever seen at one event has been 20 or 30. That's a far cry from 97,000 + hunters in Utah. Banquets, membership dues, auctions, etc. are ways for the little guys to help. A lot of complaining does nothing! Sorry for the rambling. One more thing, you Idaho boys have absolutely nothing to complain about. If you don't get SFW involved, you better form your own group. Right now your big game hunting is pitiful! The wolf is soon to be your state animal.

It's always an adventure!!!
I entend this offer ONE MORE TIME.

All of you show up at some public place - invest TWO HOURS of time and allow me to explain why deer herds are recovering, why nearly 1 million acres of habitat is being treated, why we are moving towards 80,000 elk, not decreasing to 30,000 like the Farm Bureau was pushing for in 1994, why fish hatcheries are rebuilts, how WOLVES got delisted, what wolves impacts will be if they come to Utah, how the $500,000 coyote control program got put in place, how $35 million for fish hatcheries was acquired, how tens of millions were acquired to fence highways and build migration underpasses, why we have 2,800 trophy bull tags today, not 650 like we had when SFW started, why Wyoming lost their moose in Jackson and Cody, and why Utha moose, goat, bison and wild turkeys have doubled.

I got the pictures to PROVE IT ALL in a powerpoint.

I will also explain why several Utah businessmen have donated mullions of dollars to help SFW help make it better for EVERYONE, even the people who draw tags SFW has been the driving force to create, then they blast us.

And, i will answer any question you ask.

but, not going to answer questions on teh internet, where HALF TRUTSH are put out, just like the 100 permits on the elk units, and how SFW is cutting all the tags.

NO< the DWR told the committee, the current number of TAGS is NOT sustainable, as average ages come down, tags will be cut.

the questoin is, how much furthur down do you want the quality ?

When hunters were asked do they want to stay like we are, and as mentioned they all said yes, did that mean they want to keep the Manti at 7 year old bulls like it has been the last 8 years, or do they really wanted it reduced to 5.5 years, where it is headed ?

OUr opinion, based on a whole bunch of other survey data - like 50% said tehy wanted a 320 to 360 bull and 40% said 360 plus, and ONLY 10% wanted 320 or less, means you had to raise the ages, OR WHAT THE HUNTERS WANT, WOULDN"T BE THERE. The biologists told us that 5.5 year old bulls can't produce 320 to 360 bulls. and 6-7 year old bulls aren't 360 plus like 40% of the hutners want, so the ages went up, to GIVE THE HUNTERS WHAT THEY SAID THEY WANTED, NOT THE SFW SURVEY, THE DWR SURVEY, and WHAT THE BIOLOGIST TOLD US WE NEED TO DO.

Somebody, find all the haters, find the place, set the time, and you will get the answers, and you won't be dodging my questions either, so come prepared with solutions if you don't like SFW solutions to the problems we face in Utah and the West.

As one person said, If we don't win teh wolf war, all your opportunity - well just 80% of it, is gone for our lifetimes.

A whole bunch of Chickenshiitee people didn't dare take on the wolf issue. SFW did, and so did the utah legislature. If this battle is not won, nothing else matters.

do you know that the anti hunters have sent 17,000 email asking to kill no wolves, no cougars, no coyotes ?

did any of you sit down with Governor Herbert and make sure he remembers - with all the otehr things going on - that 250,000 hunters are buing licenses and applying for teh big game tags utah has ? what is more imporatnt, Utah hunters or out of state anti hunters threatening to boyocott Utah ? do you know who ran to teh Governors office recommending that he cave in to teh emails for the anti hunters ?

We have been in this fight for 10 yaers. How many sportsmen in America personally talked with ##### Cheney and George Bush about the importance of getting wolves delisted and allow the states to manage wolves, to protect game herds ?

So, for all the haters who told me in 1994, they would never see a 4 point buck on public lands - you all owe SFW the $100.

and for all the haters who said wolves would never be delisted, shut your mouths and pony up your SFW membership - they are delisted in Idaho, Montana and parts of Utah. and over 225 wolves have been killed this year. that saves all your elk tags you whine about loosing.

and for all the haters who complained about the enviros shutting down chaining - send in your money, we chained over 500,000 acres.

Do you know that SUWA has 2,000 letters trying to stop a 50,000 acre deer and elk habitat project in southern Utah ? and if they win there, they take over the whole state ?

Who got 25,000 counter signatures ? - SFW at the Expo.

So, haters, name the time and place and you better bring your flack jackets, cause the bullets are coming your way, when you don't have any solutions and your half statemetns are going to be tore to shreds.

thanks for your comments, you are 100% right. YOur Buffalo Analogy is EXACTLY applicable to the issues with Deer, Elk, Moose, goats, turkey, antelope, even the deer general season.

Here are the facts on teh Bison:

1. The Henry Mtn. plan called for 275 adult bison. SFW and the dWR and the BLM have invested over $1.1 million on habitat and water development on that mountain. SFW got the deer hunt closed, and frankly fought the DWR on transplanting the deer from monticello to the Henry Mts. I ran into John REdd of Moab who actually did a lot of the capture, a really nice hard working guy, who was EXTRMELY PROUD of the fact that he helped capture the deer for teh Henry Mountains, that NOW produces WORLD CLASS BUCKS for those lucky enough to draw. If we made it open season, all the bucks would be gone AGAIN.

Teh Wayne County Commission wanted to reduce teh BISON plan to 200 head, got their letter in teh drawer here, so when we have this public debate i can shut the haters up with FACTS.

Byron Bateman SFW PRes. has spent five years building relationships with teh Henry Mtn grazer - probably 40 trips to Loa and the Henry Mts. plus the DWR time. How much does it cost to do that, gas, time, etc ?

The plan NOW Calls to go to 325 Bison.

Over teh past couple of years, the Bison numbers - thanks to habitat and water projects flourished, and there was upwards of 500 bison - high calf production.

So, the DWR issued lots of tags to bring the herds into line.

So, yes, maybee BULL draws a bison this year, but, now instead of having his tag, we get a Bison herd from 200 to 325, maybee even 350.

And, SFW fought a wholly war to get Book Cliffs Bison transplant approved. Those bison are sitting in Antelope Island pen, waiting for the Road to clear - 40 Bison.

So, in a few years the Book Cliffs will have 450 bison.

So, rather than SHORT TERM, ME, ME, ME, Bull sees the SFW approach.

INstaed of 200 Bison in Utah, because of members invovlment, teh auction tags, teh expo tags, Utah will have 750 to 800 Bison.

INstead of 20 tags a year, there can be upwards of 125 tags a year.

So, over 20 years, that is more than 1,000 MORE BISON Tags for the public.

without SFW, there is 200 bison on the Henry Mts. NO deer, and no Book Cliffs expansion of elk herds, rebuild of deer herds, new bison herds, turkeys, bighorns.

I got the pictures to prove it.

LONG TERM VIEW for MORE for ALL, or SHORT TERM VIEW for "ME" the heck with the rest ?

Now, to sheep.. The internet is raging about John Bairs sheep tag. I am going to recommend that some attorneys look at slander and go after some people. IT IS NOT RIGGED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now to the Bigger point, i will givce the haters their words - SFW and MDF "took" five sheep tags out of the normal public draw. By the WAY, Don Peay negotiated domestic sheep buyouts on EVERYONE of teh UNITS where those tags are offered, - San Rafael, Rattlesnake ($650,000 investment), Dirty Devil ($75,000 investment), Stansbury ($225,000 investment) and the Newfoundlants ($125,000 investment) and with domestic sheep there, there are NO SHEEP, NO TAGS.

I was able to do these deals beasue of the support of the SFW and Utah FNAWS members, who pay me a reasonable fee to get things done - and these deals are hard and complex, and i get asked to do them in other states, because not everyone has the skill set to do it, and most states don't have the Expo tags and Conservation tags. THAT IS WHERE THE HUGE MONE?Y comes from to do these things. so you know what has happened in the last two months in other states that don't have a powerful VOICE and enough MONEY ??

Montana has lost 4 complete herds, over 1,300 DEAD bighorns, NO TAGS for a long time. NEvada has lost TWO herds. Washingont has lost a BIG HERD. and, inspite of all our efforts, Utah lost sheep in teh NEW Goslin Mountain herd. Maybee if a few guys who live out that way spent less time hammering me on MM and more time protecting wild sheep in his back yard that wouldn't of happened.

At any rate, sportsmen in Montana and Idaho - they have LOST 60% of there sheep and subsequent tags - and NEVADA have asked me to help them stop the destruction of their herds. THEY DON:T HAVE A VOICE, and THEY DON:T have any money. Utah does.

So in conclusion - we "took" just five tags out of the draw - tags taht SFW and Utah FNAWS helped the DWR design, engineer and build - five out of a WHOLE BUNCH of tags on those units.

The guys and gals who drew those tags are normal, working class folks. John Bair is an electrician for UVU university, who on the weekends, works extra to help out SFW cause he cares more about all of us, than himself.

We "took" five tags away.

Do you all know, that THERE WERE 17 - SEVENTEEN - additional STone sheep and dall sheep hunts given away to those who attended the EXPO ?

we took away 5, WE GAVE 17 more away. Are we takers, or makers ?

do you know where the money came from to buy these $10,000 to $40,000 dream hunts, so we could give them away in $10 application fees, or a $40 Full Curl Society Membership ?

Do you all know i get up at 3:00 a.m. to watch the London Oil markets, so i know how to trade teh US VS Canadian dollar, to maximise our funds, to get more hunts cheaper ?

It came from some people who have worked really, really hard. they grew up poor as helllll, the got lucky, and they know what it is like to have NOTHING.

So, they took some of THIER MONEY, LOTS OF IT and bought hunts,and the 17 winners are all WORKING class folks, who probably would have a hard time geting these world class hunts any other way.

so, did SFW take, or does SFW and its members give ?

Bull, you are 100% right, we all come together and we work hard to make MORE wildlife.

just look at the Utah proclamation in 1994 compared to NOW, there is a LOT MORE TAGS and the quality is better.

And, just for THOSE WHO DIDN"T COME this year to Full Curl, Tom Mower gave $100,000, and a whole bunch of otehr guys and outfitters have stepped up and we are going to try and give away 32 stone and dall sheep hunts in 2011.

Why, becausae when i see the average income, hard working guys draw one of THESE DREAM HUNTS< and they run to the front of teh room, and THEY JUMP into teh arms of Karl Malone - who was suppose to be at the NBA all star game to announce his nomination to teh Hall of FAME, he was there to see the JOY and SHARE the wealth, the love and the passion with the working man.

enough said

Once again, TO OUR PUBLIC MEETING, then you will know the rest of teh story.

OUr team has been working 20 hour days for MONTHS to help all of us have better hunting today and in teh future.

And, now, we are going full speed ahead on teh WOLF WARS, cause if we don't win that, there will be NOTHING TO FIGHT OVER>

i don't have time to get on here and answer the SAME QUESTIONS over and over and over.

Find the meeting place, bring 1,000 haters, and at the end of the day, most of them will be SFW members, cause they will really understand what SFW does.

that is why SFW has thousands of members and is growing ever day.

We seek your input, we seek your help, the problems are COMPLEX, the solutions are EXPENSIVE.

Bull, one day you will get your Bison tag. And, because of people with a long term vission, THOUSANDS MORE WILL AS WELL

I'll take you up on your offer Don. Are you denying that YOU asked for 100 tags at the elk committee meeting Thursday?

Spin it how you want, but you can't keep taking from the public and expect the public to be okay with it. To me, this whole deal mirrors what I see happening in DC. Whether it is intentional neglect of the average Joe, or just a disconnect to them, the results are not good. What good does it do to have 80,000 elk instead of 65,000 elk if you have FEWER tags issued than now while it is 'only' 65,000 elk? What good does it do to have monster bulls, if the future elk hunters can't ever hunt them? You say the survey shows that most elk hunters want a 320-360 class bull and that somehow raising the age objectives is needed to make that possible. Let me ask you a few questions? 1)How many of those that say they want a 320-350 class bull know what one looks like in the field? 2)If a 315 bull was standing in a clearing, how many of this group of hunters would pass on it? 3)How does raising the age objective on the Manti/Wasatch from 5.0-6.0 to 5.7-6.3 do anything for the average hunter? 4)Is it not true that YOU wanted every bull harvested to be scored? 5)In other words start managing to B&C score rather than age objectives?

I'll meet with you anywhere you want. I won't wear a "flak-jacket', but I will be wearing hip waders!
I dont have a place to recommend, but I will come if you are willing to answer any question like you say. Ill look forward to a date and time. And sure, if you answer things like you said you would be willing to, I just might be a member.
I have watched this thread and others for a few days now. I have an "indirect" stake but I have not been able to come to SLC for the Expo and have not entered the raffle. I don't know about the SFW but I'm sure they have accomplished many good things but like any group don't meet everyone's needs all the time nor will they ever. It does seem fair though to make the drawing as "transparent" as possible and it seems fair to be able to track all monies that are contributed. In both cases it eliminates the rhetoric. There have been examples of good intentions "gone bad" and accountability in these processes should be maintained.

The other interesting portion of these threads is "Who should be eligible" to put in for the drawings. I suppose this is where there will be many different opinions but if I'm reading things correctly some of the winners are folks that work and then volunteer? That is certainly the case in the MDF, CDA, RMEF, DU, Pheasnats Forever, etc. local groups that I have watched or been a part of. We have never excluded volunteers from being in the raffle but we have also drawn every name in front of the "crowd". The EXPO draw is a pretty high level and maybe getting a "third" party to monitor (may be happening already) or do the drawing would help. Just a thought.

I appreciate your willingness to speak up here. I, too, would love to attend such a meeting. We are all in this together and if we can start seeing things the same way everyone would benefit. I think a good civil discussion of different opinions would be a great thing. If in fact you can answer the questions myself and others have, I think you'll gain quite a few SFW converts. Bottom line is that wildlife is something we all feel passionate about and we want to do what's right.

I don't have a place to recommend or any connections- maybe somebody on here does. Perhaps we could meet at a school, similar to RAC meetings. I know last year there was a meeting promised "in April" that never materialized. Hopefully we can make this one happen.
I agree with AWHOLELOTTABULL, SFW has done a lot over the years and things are far better now than 10, 20, & 25 years ago.

I may not agree with everything SFW does or recommends, but all in all, I support the group and would hate to see what would happen here in Utah if all decisions were left up to pencil pushers at the UDWR who are looking for more dollars to hire more people to study frogs and lizards.

You guys are nuts if you think things would be better off if UDWR was able to do what they want. NUTS I tell ya!!! Nuts!!!

Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 10:57?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 10:55?AM (MST)


How do us nonresidents figure into your plans?

After waiting in line for 13 years only to have 1/2 the permits converted to wealth and resident raffle tags? Prostituted unlike any other state in the country.

I was curious if you could take 1/2 the resident tags and hold a convention raffle here in Chicago where UT residents would be required to fly in to enter. Our convention facilities are much better here and the population base is much higher. This would raise a hell of a lot more money for wildlife.

I bet Michael Jordan and Brian Urlacher would show up to rub elbows with Karl Malone, probably bid up those 100 auction tags. Heck Brett Favre is a big bowhunter and has a big pile of cash with probably a lot of spare time next season. I could see this being a big success.

Can you set up a Webex for us nonresidents so we can attend your Power Point meeting?.........Considering we fund over half the UDOW budget in applications fees for the priveledge to not hunt. After all, as dryflyelk mentions........"We are all in this together".
Don, There is no doubt SFW has done good for Utahs wildlife and I would love to attend a meeting like you describe and hopefully you answer ALL the questions.

But, did you just say, you're going to have some attorneys look into what was said on the internet about the expo draw and go after some people? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just when you were starting to gain my respect, you say something ridicules like that. I suppose money that was intended for habitat will now be used to pay those attorneys to file a moronic lawsuit. Unbelievable!
ILArcher I believe your Chicago region is under the jurisdiction of your favorite local community organizer Obama. Maybe he can get you some tags to auction off through TARP funds and create a job or two while he's at it.

And thanks for funding half the Utah budget but no one put a gun to your head and made you apply. After all wouldn't you be better off staying in Illinois hunting whitetails considering all the problems we have here in Utah.

I understand Utahs wolf plan involves transplanting all wolves to Chicago where they will be exterminated by the countrys number one predator: CHICAGO POLITICIANS and that's how you non rezzys fit into the plans.
Give me the time and place and I'll be there Don...I'd love to have some questions answered, most of which have already been asked time and time again with no answers. I'd love to get some.

We all know you and SFW does plenty of good Don, and in fairness it's probably on a much larger scale than most of us realize. Most logical-thinking guys on here don't sit with endless bashing of SFW...we understand and appreciate what the organization does.

But also in fairness, WE deserve to have the many unanswered questions put to rest.

Like I said before, it unfortunately seems sometimes like SFW has lost sight of the fact that they work for the sportsman and wildlife, instead of the other way around.
ILARCHER, Please tell us what you have done to demand a tag after applying 13 years as a non resident? Ask several residents how long they have been putting in. I think Utah's system is more than fair to non residents. Heck, ask Jordan if he will buy you a tag.
I would love to meet with you and get facts instead of hearsay. Whenever we can put something like that together I will be there. I would like to hear your opinion as well as many others here in person. I believe that would make it more formal, and would keep people from hiding behind a computer screen. By the way i am no hater. I just would like to get some information to see if SFW is the right place for me to be a member.
Just for the record all Non-residents don't think like this. If someone doesn't want to help fund Utah or any other state for the "privilege to not hunt" they don't have to now do they! If you want the privilege you have to play the way each state sets it up, like it or not. I would also rather attend in SLC versus Chicago but then I like Reno better than SLC. All the tags for the raffle are in Utah so it is logical that the EXPO and MDF are in SLC. Hope to make it next year in SLC or Reno.
Here is a classic half truth, actually third or fourth of a truth put on teh internet by Hoytme.

And for all the guys who want to come and get the facts, thanks for the reason, and that is all we want.

Elk in Utah

First, if you go back 20 years, the Utah elk populations have greatly expanded, and teh QUALITY tags have increased.

Less than 10 years ago, there was only 650 Trophy bull tags, today there is about 2,800. so, what entitles sportsmen to 2,800 tags forever ? The DWR has said repeatedly, as average age comes down, tags will be cut to some level, be it 2,200 or 2,500, etc.

Once again, Hoyt, where is teh love for helping go from 650 to 2,800 ?

The ranchers were having their grazing permits cut on public lands, and they rightfully were very mad, and wanted to reduce the Elk herds dramatically.

SFW stepped in with teh DWR and BLM and helped the major habitat restoration effort to make more grass, water, and also came up with a $500,000 a year budget to pay for elk and deer in hayflelds.

So, due to that, elk herds have been allowed to expand.

Additionally, back prior to SFW, teh old Board of Big Game Control was made up of one cattleman, one sheepman, one forest service employee, one sportsmen and teh DWR Director. The Congressional delegation leaned on teh Forest Service guy, who rarely voted for wildlife or sportsmen, and if he ever did second the sportsmen's motion, which rarely happened, and the DWR Dirctor then broke the tie in favor of elk, he got Fired by the Governor - Doug Day TWICE and TIM Provan once.

Any wonder with the old board why Utah shot spike bulls and two point bucks, they had one agenda, kill as much wildlfie, every year if they could.

IN the second year of SFW, under the DNR Director Ted STewart, who is NOW a federal jugde, a committe was put togetehr to combine the old Board of Big Game Control, and Wildlfie Board. AFter a year of study, when the Cattleman figured out they no longer held all the cards, they after supporting the new board, tried to stop it, just like the critics of this years Elk plan. AFter 8 meetings and hours and hours, 12 voted for it, and 3 voted against, including probably Hoyt, who also missed the last meeting.

So, don't attack me on teh elk plan, it was a 12 to 3 vote.

Now back to the original question, and if you see why we need some time to talk about all the issues, just look at teh background data on this question.

DWR Director Jim Karpowtiz, myself, Commissioner of Agriculture Blackham, and several legislators have figured that based on teh ELK Survey question, where TWO TO ONE were in favor of giving the landwowners some tags in order to go from 65,000 elk to 80,000 elk, there is going to be a seven year period while the cow elk are increaseing, producing more spike bulls, and it takes some time for those spike bulls to become large mature bulls. So, how do we get from 65,000 to 80,000. It is just like growing a business, if you invest right, the business grows and pays out more money, the hard part is getting the money to grow.

So, in teh elk meeting, i mentioned taht the committeee needed to start addressing this KEY, LYNCHPIN question, how can we get some money to landowners as we grow the elk herds, which will sustain higher elk numbers, thus higher sustainable numbers of permits and keep the quality.

I said there are several options to start thinking ABOUT. Which includes, we already went to some legislators and asked about a LARGE $8 to $10 million approriation to help develop the landowner habitat programs, until the elk herds grow, and can sustain more tags, thus provide some of the "NEW" tags going to landowerns. Anotehr option might be to "take" some of the current tags - perhpas up to 100 of the current tags. Perhaps have a license increase. Or, some combination of all of these.

And, here it is now official, Don Peay and SFW is "taking" more tags from teh public. Hoyt, your statement is a flat mis representation. It isn't even a half truth, it is a complete misrepresentation.

I try to find solutions to complex problems, and listen to thousands of sportsmen. THE DWR plan was pretty dang close to the SFW proposed plan.

You could have put forward your plan, but you didn't.

YOU were not at the fights when the effort was made to go from unlimited bull hunting to spike only. Many non future thinking sportsmen said, "hey, you can't make me just shoot a spike, if i see a big bull, i wantt ot shoot it." And when the question was asked, when was teh last time you saw a raghorn bull, the answer was, "WEll, we haven't seen on, but if we do, we are entitled to be able to kill it."

Lots of doubters didn't want to move forward. OUr current Director Jim Karpoowtiz was just an up and commer and he lead the fight for spike only and Utah now famous big bulls

without leaders, willing to fight for what is beter in teh future, Utah would have ZERO big bull tags. ZERO. It has gove from 650 to 2,800 in the era of SFW. Lots of people help out. If you are going to trash SFW, give credit where it is due as well. Zero to 2,800. If teh DWR and the Board decide to "take" 100 tags at some year in the future, and think that by doing so elk herds can be increased 15,000 or more, thus more quality tags each year, they just might do it.

Still, 2,700 tags is a lot more than ZERO, or 659.

That is what the Wolf folks said, hey Yellowstone used to have 5,000 elk, now it at 6,500, and increase in the presence of wolves.

they misrepresented teh data. The herd was 5,000, then it grew to 20,000, and now wolves have knocked it back to 6,500.

KInd of like telling a guy who is laid of because his companies stock went from $30 down to $5, and the company lays of 60% of the workers, but some idiot comes a long and says to the laid off worker, hey the stock used to be a $2, you ought to be happy it is at $5.

So, as Utah moves forward on teh NEW ELK plan, don't misquote me or SFW.

In the spirit of cooperation, why don't you ask what i said first ?

Don't forget the Committee voted 12 in favor, 3 opposed.

there are some VERY MAJOR differences going from 5.5 year old to 6.3 year old bulls, according to biologist Ken Clegg who has looked at this data more than anyone else. And he polightly took on some other biologists who felt like it was no big deal. It is a big deal.

the future of our herds is habitat and predators.

so, once again, thanks to all who want to know the facts.

I am extremely busy until March 8 when teh legislatvie session is over.

I don't touch a DIME from teh EXPO, talk to Miles Morretti of the MDF and Byron BAteman.

SFW and MDF will be making a full report on the Expo 200 tags to teh dWR and the Wildlfie Board in the end of March.

I am the issues guy.

I look forward to sportsmen who want to participate in finding solutoins to the complex problems our game herds face as teh West grows like never before and anti hunting groups spend hundreds of millions of dollars trying to end our sport - NOT 5% of teh tags, ALL THE TAGS.

In mid march, i look forward to a 2 or 3 hour meeting for all who want to come and seek out the FULL answers of all your ideas and questions.

I also look forward to all of your comments how to make things better.
im in the middle of the road on a lot of the stuff written . After reading them i see both sides points of views. but i think what the majority of the people that are complaining about is, the average joe hunters seem to be losing opportunity to hunt while the wealthy folks are getting more opportunities. i personally dont mind the idea of raffling like at the hunt expo. i hate the thought that the people with more money are able to buy these big tags at auctions tho. yes they put alot! of money into the wildlife from these tags. my queston here is, what if those tags that are auctioned are raffled instead? i dont know the numbers that attend the expo which i am curious about. but if say 20000 people pay five dollars to be put in a raffle for a governor type tag the amount of money earned is $100,000 for that tag.yes odds are 1 in 20000 for a govenore tag but everybody has a fair shot. as it sits average joes have no opportunity at the govenors tag so 1 in 20000 is a huge improvement! it gives everyone the same chance at it instead of only a handful of fatcats that can just throw excess money at an auction for the tag. i understand there are sportsmans tags you can put in for but the rich can put in for that also and they can also try to buy an auction tag.
im curious to know and i cant find a thing about it, but how many people are putting in at the hunt expo for these raffle tags? is the amount of revenue from raffles per tag close to the amount they are auctioned off for?
where are the numbers,why are they kept so low key?
why does it seem the books are kept so secretive? why cant we know how much of the money is actually benefiting wildlife? i think most people wonder where there money actually goes?

why does the utah dwr seem like they dont do there job when other states seem like they are out there and actually are knowledgeable about there jobs?
like the udwr's website is very uneduacating while places like arizona colorado nevada all seem to show harvest stats for the last ten years, descriptions of units,size of animals harvested,etc... just seems that utah puts minimal effort into things and they arent actually doing there jobs.
these are just questions ive wondered for long time, just wondering if anyone can clarify them.

?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?
Not a lot of disagreement with your post but one thing I would question is the math around everyone's equal chance at the draw. Let's say there are no acutions. Don't you think the guys that can bid on the auction tags can afford a lot more chances in the draw? Maybe I'm missing something but while the odds are "equal" the guy that buys the most tickets appears to have a better chance at drawing. That seems to be the way it is at our local chapter drawings and some guys buy more. Always have always will.

I don't know the numbers but the aution tags bring a lot of money.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 08:59PM (MST)[p]>Not a lot of disagreement with
>your post but one thing
>I would question is the
>math around everyone's equal chance
>at the draw. Let's
>say there are no acutions.
> Don't you think the
>guys that can bid on
>the auction tags can afford
>a lot more chances in
>the draw? Maybe I'm
>missing something but while the
>odds are "equal" the guy
>that buys the most tickets
>appears to have a better
>chance at drawing. That
>seems to be the way
>it is at our local
>chapter drawings and some guys
>buy more. Always have
>always will.
>I don't know the numbers but
>the aution tags bring a
>lot of money.

well at the western hunt expo your only allowed one ticket for each hunt and thats what i meant only 1 ticket for the raffle per hunt per person
?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?
Don, you may be a better spinster than Obama himself. I will meet with you one on one, I will meet with you when you have your lovely power-point presentation. You don't intimidate me, nor do you dazzle me with your silver tongue. I wasn't able to be on the elk committee because it was for special interest groups, DWR and RAC/WB members only. You act offended that others as well as myself question your motives, while shutting us out of the system? Get real. And don't try and tell me I can have my voice heard at the RAC/WB meetings, the outcome will be determined with backroom deals long before the smoke and mirrors game is played out in 'public'.

I have said SFW does SOME things really well, but that does not give SFW the green light on every thing they do. Tell me Mr. Peay, what are the odds for a 14 year old kid leaving in, lets say Heber City, of drawing a Wasatch any-weapon tag before he hits retirement age? Tell me again how things are so wonderful, and if I don't like I can go hunt elk in Colorado. Arrogance is NOT a sign of listening to the average hunter, it is a sign of elitism.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-10 AT 11:43PM (MST)[p]Don-

I have been member of SFW in the past and I openly admit that you and SFW have done some very good things for wildlife. Thank you for those efforts. However, you are always quick to hop on the internet to toot your horn and take credit for everything positive occurring on the wildlife front. In the past, you have side-stepped tough issues like the longstanding request for drawing odds/numbers for the Hunting Expo, and the repeated request for a transparent accounting of how SFW uses it funds (much of which are derived from the sale of public tags). If you are truly going to hold a meeting in mid-March to provide answers to questions like these, please count me in. I will not be there to bash you or SFW. Rather, I would like to have a professional dialogue and seek answers to a few basic questions. If you answer these questions and resolve my concerns, I will renew my SFW membership.

In preparation for the this meeting, here are four basic questions that I and others have been asking about for some time:

First, why won't SFW provide a detailed and transparent accounting to the public? The RMEF posts its tax returns and audited financial statements on its website: ( I believe all non-profit, conservation organizations have an ethical obligation to provide this information. After all, these are non-profit, tax-free entities that seek donations from sportsmen like me, and more importantly, have been entrusted with a permits taken from the public draw to raise money on behalf Utah?s wildlife. As such, I believe that conservation groups are stewards of a public resource and have an ethical obligation to disclose exactly how those funds are being used. I would hope that the State of Utah is performing regular, in-depth audits of those funds. But I have little faith that there is any real oversight. If everything is on the up and up, then why not open up the books? This would resolve the cloud of uncertainty that has been hanging over SFW and would lead to additional participation from concerned sportsmen like me. The reason I believe this information is not released is because the average sportsman would be disappointed if they knew the amount of money that is spent on salaries, consulting fees, administrative costs, etc., and never actually hits the ground. I hope I am wrong but we will never know until this information is released.

Second, on a related note, what percent of money raised by SFW is actually spent on conservation? According to SFH?s 2007 tax return (which is not posted on SFW?s website), only 13.5% of total revenue went directly to conservation projects. In fact, more money was spent on ?consulting fees? than actual conservation projects. The numbers are summarized below:

Total Revenue - $3,363,380


ADVERTISING - $109,079
BANK CHARGE - $20,379
GROUSE STUDY - $30,000
INSURANCE - $2,827
MISC - $148,968
PROGRAM EXPENSES (fund-raising?) - $885,870
RENT - $9,720
TAGS - $429,955
Total - $3,068,613


Now, I am not an accountant but I certainly hope that more than 13.5% of total revenue raised by SFW actually goes toward wildlife. No doubt, there is more to the story than what is shown on a tax return. However, nobody from SFW is willing to step forward and explain these numbers.

Third, why won't SFW release the numbers relating to the Hunting Expo? People have been asking for some time to know how many people applied for each specific hunt. If we had these numbers, we could easily calculate what the drawing odds were in prior years for a given tag. We could also figure out exactly how much money each tag is actually generating for ?conservation.? The convention tags are public resources that have been entrusted to SFW and MDF. Plus, in the beginning, SFW promised these numbers would be made public. I guess what I am saying is a little transparency would go a long way toward restoring people?s faith in SFW.

Finally, what happens to the money raised from Convention Permits? When I read through the relevant Utah Administrative Code provisions (, I did not see ANY requirement that ANY portion of funds raised from the sale of Convention Permits actually be used to benefit wildlife. Remember, I am talking about Convention Permits, not Conservation Permits, which have a statutory requirement that a certain percentage of the revenue actually be used for conservation. I certainly hope there is a statutory requirement located somewhere else that a certain percent of all funds raised by the sale of Convention Permits be used directly to benefit wildlife. However, I don't know why it would not be included in this section of the code. Once again, Convention Permits are a public resource and the funds derived from the sale of those permits should be carefully accounted for and used for actual conservation projects.

In closing, please take my comments/questions as a sincere request from a concerned sportsman and a former SFW member. I have tried to be honest, factual and respectful in framing the issues. Despite what you might think, I am a dedicated sportsman that enjoys being involved and giving back. I have been a member of several conservation groups over the years, and I would like to be involved in the future. However, I want to know that my time, effort and money are used to benefit wildlife and not to line somebody?s pocket. I know there are many people that feel just like me. I have seen these same four questions raised repeatedly over the years. No doubt, there may be some additional questions out there, such as the recommendation from the Elk Committee. However, I believe these four questions encompass the majority of the concerns that I have heard expressed regarding SFW. Please invite me to your upcoming meeting in April, where you plan to discuss these issues. And in the event that the meeting never happens, I renew my offer to take you or another SFW Board Member to lunch and discuss these issues.

Thanks for your time.

[email protected]


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Don, I found the data you posted about the size of bulls at certain ages interesting, but wrong. After an extensive search, I could only find one study done to compare the age of harvested bulls with their Boone and Crockett score. Here is the link:

In 2001 and 2002, in units 111-115, 221 and 222, Nevada F&G set up check stations to take age samples and measure the B&C score of all bulls harvested. Over the two year period, they measured-age tested 265 bulls.

Here are the results, which they expressed as an average rangefor Boone and Crockett score:

3.5 year old bulls: 245-295
4.5 year old bulls: 270-320
5.5 year old bulls: 290-340
6.5 year old bulls: 315-360
7.5 year old bulls: 325-375
8.5 year old bulls: 340-380
9.5 year old bulls: 345-380
10.5 year old bulls: 342-379

The vast majority of the bulls were 3.5 to 7.5 years of age, so the sample sizes above that age were small, making them less accurate.

Equally interesting were the bulls outside the averages:

5.5 years of age, bulls scored 260,355,375
8.5 years of age, a bull scored 320
9.5 years of age, a bull scored 270

I believe this information illustrates the problem with Utah's current use of age to determine tag numbers. With the any weapon hunt occurring in the heart of the rut, it should be obvious that those bulls with superior genetics are being harvested virtually every year. Does someone pass up a 5.5 year old that scores 375 for a 8.5 year old that scores 320? Of course not. Nobody has a clue what the age of the bull is when they pull the trigger, but they likely have a pretty good feel for the score. The result? The genetically superior bulls are harvested, leaving less favorable bulls to do the majority of the breeding. Add to that the spike tags, which again eliminate superior genetics, since that cannot be determined at 1.5 years of age, and it is easy to understand why the average age of bulls killed is going up, while score is going down.

I cannot see any possible advantage to lowering tag numbers under the current season scheme in Utah. Will average age go up? Yes. Will there be more top end bulls? NO!!!!

If you really want more top-end bulls, move the any weapon hunt out of the rut into October. You can offer more tags, you will kill fewer bulls, particularly the big boys, and end up with the opportunity to take a true monster in virtually every unit.


you ask fair and honest question and you will get fair and honest responeses at the meeting where it can be explained in the detail required. thank you for your questions.

The grey area, that SFW members must calculate in their analysis if they want to be a member or not is this, HOw much money does SFW help actually put into the conservation system ?

by design, our model has never been to raise $1 million gross revenue, then after all teh fundrasiing expenses - banquet food, building rentals, splits on auction items and merchandise, travel, payroll costs to produce teh banquets, etc. end up neeting $300,000. A lot of groups put all this expense into "mission accomplishment" as it cost money to try and make money.

then, get a 3 to 1 match on the $300,000.

the SFW model was to get a large enough sportsmen group on a county by county basis to get enough money into teh conservation system to fix teh problems.

Specifically, as i spend two months a year "lobbying" if you will the Utah legislature for conservation funding. When SFW started, the DWR Budget was about $22 Million and it had been cut by over 10% or $2 million by legislators mad that the DWR had bought the ranches in teh Book Cliffs. The Senator who cut the funds said to me "if they have enough money to buy ranches to grow more elk, I'll cut their budget" and he did, and DWR employees got laid of. What message did that send to the DWR ? Try and do somethign good for wildlife and sportsmen, you get laid off. Since no other sportsmen group would get into this fight and defend the DWR becasue "we are a habitat group, not a political group" and my response to that was, in teh west habitat is politics. So, this reason, and the crash of the Deer herds when the DWR manager said "we are going out of the deer business and there is nothing we can do about it becasue we dont' have the money to fix it, and the Federal land agencies won't do habitat work, deer habitat is NOT on their agenda." as the DWR shot 500 doe deer south of Beaver because the ranges were in bad condition, and the BLM in 1996 said, "fixing deer habitat is NOT A PRIORITY".

AFter meeting with George W. Bush a time or two, somehow it became a priority and now over 150,000 acres of BLM and Forest lands are treated annually in Utah, and based on Utah's model of sucess, other states are trying to get the funding and projects going as well.

What role did SFW play in teh Habiat restoration program ?

Subject to debate.

The DWR gave SFW the first annual Kevin Conway Habitat Conservation Award for "helping get the watershed restoration project going - ie working with Bush Administration and BLM - and for helping establish the $12 Million a year funding source.

Most people in the know agree, without SFW, the habitat restoration effort is still just a few thousand acres a year effort, not the 150,000 acres, plus a year.

Specifically, now, i beleivce the DWR budget is upwards of $55 million a year. that is a $30 million a year increase. What percent of that is attributable to SFW efforts ?

Here are many of the specific programs SFW has helped work to establish that didn't exist, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, they are BUILT into the base budgets, meaning the money is there EVERY YEAR:

1. $12 Million a year total habitat restoration program, largest in teh nation by far. The "controversial" conservation permit program was the anchor of $1.5 million to get the $12 million. Although the $2.5 million state match is officiall called the Watershed Restoration Act, the main sponsor of the Bill said to a group of his colleagues, it ought to be the Don Peay watershed act - Ask Senator Valentine about that. I try to keep a low profile most of the time, it is a double edge sword as people don't know what you really get done, but the risk is, if you take credit, you are a bragger. I went to BYU when Jim McMahon was the QB, he said, "if you back it up on teh field, it ain't bragging."

2. $30 plus million fish hatchery restoration program

3. $2 million habitat enhancement program administed via DWR habitat council, various project

4. Additional funds for law enforcement

5. $500,000 a year for coyote control

6 Tens of millions of dollars for highway fencing and underspasses that allow for migration.

7. $500,000 for landowner compensation so landowners only solution wouldn't be just killing deer in teh fields, they could be compensated.

so, Is it worth it to SFW members to for a 4 person staff to make the group run, and in the end, annaul budgets for conservation are increased around $30 Million a year ?

Why were budgets being cut $2 million proior to SFW, and why is the budget up $30 million since ? WHat percent of that is attributable to SFW working on the Hill ?

The DWR gets a lot of credit now, as they should becasue they have listed to teh sportsmen and turned away from being anti- landowner and got away from teh spotted owl and desert tortise agency where they were headed, and are now focused on prducing abundant game and fish.

Here are some laws SFW helped change as well:

1. Trophy poaching bill, instead of the $500 slap on the wrist, $8,000 fine for poaching.

2. AFter one landowner is souther Utah killed 80 bucks in his 5 acre field and left them lay, as he could do by law, about 7 years ago, SFW lead the effort to change that law so that can no longer be done.

3. Proposition 5, requiring a 2/3 majority vote to stop hunting vial the ballot initiative.

4. Instream flow legislation that allowed the DWR to acquire water rights so they could release water into rivers in low flow times of year to keep fish from ding of in late fall.

SFW has been deeply inolved in the process of getting wolves delisted - taken of the endnagered species list.

SFW has spent - unfortunately - far to much money on attorney fees to be in teh court room to try and make sure states keep the rights to manage wolves.

So, to payroll staff.

As mentioned, there has beein $1 million invested by SFW into on teh ground projects on the Henry Mts. alone. Byron Bateman SFW president has made the Henry Mts. his project.

IN addition to teh money on the ground, Byron spends a lot of time - SFW money, not conservation permit money travleing to monthly meetings with the Henry Mt. grazers, meeting with teh BLM and DWR on projects, coordination of drilling wells, etc. etc. etc.

It costs money, to invest in people, to make it all work.

YOu can read somewhere on line all teh millions of dollars SFW has put on teh ground.

And it costs money to raise money, and it costs money to put the money to work. and it costs money to fight all teh land use and other battles to get good habitat projects on the ground.

Now to the Expo.

The staff and volanteers of SFW and MDF were worried sick all yaer long that the Expo could have been a bust, and we could have lost $500,000. There is RISK and REWARDS in a show like this.

the economy is clearly in trouble, people are laid off, one of our parnters left to go back to reno, many Exhibitors felt that the people of little old Utah - everyone knows now it is NOT JUST A UTAH SHOW, it is a NORTH AMERICAN OW - wouldn't come and spend money buying hunts, clotthign,etc.etc.

But, as we told the wildlfie board in teh public meetings to get the Expo tags - the Expo tags are just ONE componenet of many functions, exhibitors, auctions, meal events, facility rental, evening entertainment, computer drawing costs, sponsorhisp coordinators, etc - The Expo in total costs about $1 million to do.

We have to lease the Salt Palace Convention Center years in Advance, we have to guarantee certain number of hotel rooms. Part of the nock on SLC and people NOT WANTING to come to Utah is it is NO fun. so, we do some entertainment in teh evenings: Jeff Foxworthy, Montgomery Gentry, Alan Jackson, this year Jodee Messina fridy night and Josh Turner Sat. night.

both nights, and Sat. night were spectacular.

Now that the SHOW was a MONSTER SUCESS - inspite of all teh doubts and critics going in, it is easy for everyone to wonder where the money will go. and, we will be presenting that to teh Wildlife Board in a month.

Where would be the public outcry if we had not worked 30 hour days, calling in all kinds of favors from wealthy high end donors to make it all work, etc and we had lost $500,000 ?

Just one example. Sisel International, a Utah based health and bueaty care products company donated over $85,000 to sponsor the ladies luncheon. Many ladies said, "the BEST LADIES EVENT EVER" from any of the ladies events attended around teh country for the last 20 yars.

If the ladies are happy, the husbands get to come and spend a little money to.

that in teh end helps conservation.

So, to me specifically, since i am the lighting Rod apparently, what do i get paid from the 200 application fees - which was my idea and worked to get them ? ZERO, not a dime.

The Expo contracted with Peays Consulting for $40,000 to obtain sponsorships for the Expo, help bring high end clients, and hunters from around the world to our show, and do a whole bunch of otehr stuff.

in total, Peay's Consulting delivered around $400,000 in Sponsorhips, plus i did a whole bunch of other stuff that helped generate lots of otehr revenues for the Expo and make it an overall sucess.

The EXPO sucess is a GREAT team sucess of many staff of SFW and MDF and many, many volanteers, and of course teh 27,000 sportsmen who came out to support our conservation efforts. THANKS. many great things will continue to be done on a daily basis, thanks to the Sucess of the Expo.

And then, since you all want full disclosure, I just planed on keeping it quiet, so now i will tell you.

i told the 800 people who attended the First Full Curl Society meeting to help build additional sheep conservation efforts, and provide dream hunts to sheep hunters this that 20 years ago, i sold a very lucrative Engineering Consulting business in 1996, to start SFW. Taht money was never touched, it was invested for 20 years, and when i got to be age 50, my wife and i decided to spend teh annual interest income. She gets teh money one year, i get it the next.

This was my year, and it was a goal and a dream for me to shoot 4 sheep in my 50th year. Investmetn income from the sale of my personal consulting business 20 years ago would pay for it.

Rather than do that, i decided to say thanks to the sportsmen and women - all 800 that attended, and i donated my personal sheep hunting money this year to buy 4 dall sheep hunts and two stone sheep hunts to those who had never had teh chance to kill one of those animals. Those six sheep hunters are ECTSTATIC !

And, Tom Mower donated $100,000 to buy hunts and help bring more people to teh Expo next year. From his leadership role, lots of otehr people have stepped up, and we hope to provide 32sheep hunts in drawigs next year at the Expo.

Not a dime or benefit for Mr. Mower, he believes in the SFW Conservation mission and has donated over $1.5 million.

Isn't it kind of intereting how sportsmen complain the anti hunting groups have all these MEGA WEALTHY hollywood types and then when a few kind and generous sportsmen write teh big checks to help all of us and all of our wildlife, then the critics blast our people to ?

So, here is just a little insight into what SFW is really all about.

SFW members and leaders give a heck of a lot more than they take.

SFW creates long term sustainable wealth. Taht means not just shoot all teh bucks and bulls, then complain when they are gone.

And, since SFW membership is growing, it means that a lot of sportsmen who really take teh time to look at see where their money goes, and what SFW gets done, more and more sportsmen are joining the SFW team.

hawkeye, i hope this provides some insight and answers. You can see it is a very complex busines. there are no simple answers.

It is 3:30 in teh morning, i have lots of work to get done today.

I look forward to seeing you and all the other sportsmen sometime in late March or April, where i can explain to you with powerpoint pictures - as we can debte numbers and claims all day long, but pictures don't lie and piectures are worth 1,000 word.s

Thanks for asking important questions and seeking honest answers. I hope i have provided you with some information and answers and look forward to the meetings later.

And if you really want to know why i am up at this time of night, Marc And Debbie Bingham donated $4 million to SFW to help us acquire an interest in a million acre hunting operation in Canada. teh profits from that area will go to our conservatin mision, and EACH YEAR, there will be 4-8 hunters who will win these world class hunts in drawings. Just ask the guys who got the hunts this year, they are EXCITED !!

A friend of mine, who works in teh private sector told me i would have been paid about $400,000 to have put that total deal together. What did i get paid, ZERO, I worked day and night for two months to pull that deal off, and also help get the expo done, and keep teh Sporsmen's Voice at teh Capital. So, when i say it is 20 hour days, for 3 months out of the year, it is.

Making teh acquistion, It just gave me one more thing to worry and mange. But the LONG TERM benefits for sportsmen and wildlfie will be HUGE.

What did teh BINGHAMS get for $4 million ? Nothing.

MArc went up there this year with me for 5 days to look over teh place, we saw grizzly, caribou and dall rams. Marc didn't even have a hunting license, and when he left the little cabin built high on a lake that will be the base for dream hunts for generations for average income working people and our military heroes, all he said was, "keep it the best place on earth, where dreams will come true."

But, Mr and Mrs. Bingham are so pleased how it is all turning out they want to donate another Million to SFW so we can expand our conservation mision and generate more funds for on the grounds projects, fund transplatns and win teh anti-hunting wars.

I got to check on some currency exchange rates, and put together a bid package to secure another really neat place on earth for wildlfie and sportsmen.

HOYTME wrote; "Tell me Mr. Peay, what are the odds for a 14 year old kid leaving in, lets say Heber City, of drawing a Wasatch any-weapon tag before he hits retirement age? Tell me again how things are so wonderful, and if I don't like I can go hunt elk in Colorado."

Now that's ignorance right there!!! I grew up in, lets say Heber City. Hunted all over those mountains growing up. I was practically raised on the Wasatch. I shot the very first bull I saw when I was 17. At that point in time it was the only branch antlered bull we had seen in 5 years of hunting. And yes, we hunted hard and knew how to hunt elk. There just wasn't any to speak of. I remember pulling in to town with that thing in the back of my truck. I literally stopped traffic. That's how rare a 3x4 200" bull was back then. So the answer to your question of "what are the odds for a 14 year old kid living in , let's say Heber City, of drawing a Wasatch any-weapon tag before he/she hits retirement age?", is easy. A HELL OF A LOT BETTER NOW THAN EVER BEFORE!! If we had stayed with the old program, hunting elk wouldn't even be a topic of discussion. You don't want answers to questions, you just want a fight. I would bet that no matter what answer dkpeay gave you, it wouldn't satisfy you. Good luck.

It's always an adventure!!!

you are 100% right.

and, for the record the odds of drawing a tag for elk are now about 1 in18, so that kid will draw 2 or 3 tags in a lifetime.

200 or 300 percent better than when we were kids
i am a computer TARD.

what is a pm ? personal message i suppose, how do i check it?
dkpeay said: ?hawkeye, you ask fair and honest question and you will get fair and honest responeses at the meeting where it can be explained in the detail required. thank you for your questions.?

Don, I sincerely look forward to the March 25th meeting. I will take your response at face value and look forward to receiving answers to my questions in Post #42 (above). However, I have one additional request for the upcoming meeting. Please don't come with a 2-hour power point presentation touting all of the SFW successes. We have heard that song and dance before in all of your posts, in every issue of the Sportman?s Voice and at every banquet that we attend. I, and most everyone else for that matter, recognize that SFW has done some great things for wildlife. However, I would hope that you will you spend your time at the upcoming meeting answering some longstanding questions.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
>and, for the record the odds
>of drawing a tag for
>elk are now about 1
>in18, so that kid will
>draw 2 or 3 tags
>in a lifetime.

Where does this "1 in 18" number come from Don? Just might be the overall odds for the Wasatch unit, I didn't take the time to look it up.

Either way, the idea that a 14 year old kid starting from scratch right now drawing 2 or 3 tags in his lifetime is an EXTREME stretch.

The "1 in 18" might be the overall odds for every unit, for every tag, in the entire state. I don't know. If it is, then you're "2 or 3" tages in a lifetime is some super-spin man!!

Seriously...using the overall odds of 1 in 18, whether for a specific unit or for the entire state as a whole is beyond misleading. Factor in the point system, the number of guys ahead (in points) of our 14-year-old, and waiting periods...among other unknowns like tag numbers, and there is NO DAMN WAY you can say the kid is gonna draw 2 or 3 tags in a lifetime with any kind of accuracy.

I'm not a whiner...I don't hate SFW. But you hate internet half-truths, right Don? Well so do I.

I've said it 100 times...SFW does a ton of good, more than I know I'm sure. We need SFW and people like you Don, I don't let that fact escape me for a minute. Founder is 100% right when he says if we didn't have someone leading the UDWR we'd be up a creek...but I don't like being fed sh*t and told it's filet. Just because an organization is as a whole very good, (like SFW) doesn't mean we as the general public has to accept everything they do as gold.

Like the 200 Expo tags being the average hunter's "best chance" at drawing a great tag. Puhleeease. The "best" chance, even though it's still a long shot at best, is through the general draw. And it'd be better if those 200 tags were still in it.
As an average Joe, I'm baffled by your posts dkpeay. Were you trying to GAIN support or just get mad at some people..? What's that old saying..?

"You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar" or something like that...

I have read this entire thread. If I didn't have an opinion of SFW before, I doubt the organization would like me basing my opinion on the incredibly disrespectful, abrasive, and hateful tone of "dkpeay" and his lengthy rants.

I first assumed that "dkpeay" may have been for Don Peay..? (I DON'T KNOW IF THAT IS A CORRECT ASSUMPTION) but I can't imagine that an individual who apparently has so much pull with Utah's wildlife management, and therefore it's sportsmen, would be berating and belittling all of us regular Joe's out here... Is he..? This is a heart felt question that I truly am baffled on. No sarcasm. Maybe I don't fully understand the politics going on here..? I am only in my 20's...

No matter the organization, company, or whatever, I doubt I'd be comfortable supporting an individual who is so incredibly comfortable with the hateful tone he posed, that he puts it on the internet for anybody and everybody to see. Even if the facts are correct, the manner in which they are presented mean more to me, and I don't know if "dkpeay" would be an accurate representative of my feelings and attitude, even if all the facts were those that I support.

The statistics are welcomed, the programs you (dkpeay) apparently support are appreciated, but when it's coming off the page at me like a gatling gun... It truly hurts. "bring the Kevlar...?" Really, what is that all about...?

This is not concerning SFW exactly, more of a personal question regarding the dkpeay posts above. I understand if you have history with, or strong feelings of disgust for other individuals on this site, but I would think that you too would look at the "big picture" and realize that there are tens of thousands of people out here who don't know you, what you do, or why you are yelling at ALL OF US, and the organization WILL be judged by it's members' (and leaders') actions and statements.

It's like, you present stats and programs and stuff like you're explaining everything you do (WHICH AWESOME- THANK YOU)... Then you start yelling, and belittling me and I don't know you from Adam. So then I start forming an opinion of you and SFW. Though I'm really just confused now. I hear great things and bad things both. And the only good things I hear on here, are coming at my like "bullets flying", like I'm an enemy.

I can only suggest you try and use more "HONEY" to attract support. Your posts have opened my eyes about you, but I don't know if it has helped SFW's cause.
Why dearbedead,
I'm offended!
By gosh, I thought we was almost kin...
You know three winners. LOL!

Look at the towns on the list.
Don, for someone with an engineering background your math is way off. Even if someone actually add a 1 in 18 chance of drawing as a 14 year old with zero points, being as there are on average FOUR THOUSAND applicants for the Wasatch rifle permits where 216 tags were issued last year, he wouldn't be assured of a tag for 18 years. That would mean he would be 32 before he would be assured a tag, on a mid/lower tier Limited Entry unit. Then he would have to way 5 years before being able to apply for Limited Entry elk again if he didn't jump into the deer/antelope pool during his waiting period, making him 37 when he gets back in the pool with zero points. Being as YOU want to raise age objectives thus REDUCING permits, it will be 20+ years before he would be assured of drawing another tag, making him 57 at the youngest before he would be assured his second tag. That's using the best case scenario. Using 'real' numbers, where we as sportsmen should want to see more new applicants than those who get out due to drawing a permit each year, the odds get much worse. Now, lets factor in the tags YOU DO WANT TO TAKE OUT OF THE PUBLIC POOL to 'compensate' landowners, the reduction in permits from ever increasing harvest age objectives, and the future is very dim for a 14 year old kid.

Now, I will give props AGAIN when/where it is deserved, and Utah's elk herd in light-years better today than when I was a new elk hunter in the 80's. This is due to many factors, ONE of which is SFW and MANY other sportsmen/conservationists that have fight the good fight. There are far more mature bulls in Utah today than 25 years ago, in fact on many Limited Entry units there are too many mature bulls, which will get even more unbalanced if harvest age objectives keep going up. Scoutdog referenced a study from Nevada that shows bulls in the 7-9 year old range are as big as they are going to get, so even units that have 5-6 year old averages will have a large percentage of bulls that are in that age class. What is hurting 'quality' is two things IMHO: 1)Issuing way too many tags to the most effective weapon making a very high percentage of the desired caliber class of bulls unlikely to survive and become older/bigger the following year. 2)Issuing permits to the most effective weapon during the two times of the year mature bulls are most vulnerable, the rut and when they have transitioned to winter grounds.

The 'quality' can be raised w/o raising age objectives by simply moving season dates around and by giving a higher percentage of tags to primitive weapon hunters. Archers last year enjoyed a 34% success rates across the board, with the 'premium' units enjoying 40% success rates and the lower two age class units enjoying 29% success rates. Whereas the early rifle enjoyed 81% success rates with the 'premium' units enjoying 86% and the lower two age class units enjoyed 78% success rates. Muzzle loader hunters where 15% lower than early rifle on most units. This is not rocket science, no matter how bad we want it to be. Give the 'trophy' guys that want to wait 20+ years their premium units, let the average hunters have theirs as well. Keep the premium units with extremely high age objectives, and with season dates geared toward extremely high success rates. Give the lower two age class units to the average hunters where the weapon allotment percentages are shifted toward primitive weapons by just 5% more to archers, and 5% more to muzzle loader hunters, while also moving season dates around to allow more of the bulls with great genetics to have a chance of reaching maximum antler growth through escapement possibilities. Is that really that greedy?
HOYTME writes: "The 'quality' can be raised w/o raising age objectives by simply moving season dates around and by giving a higher percentage of tags to primitive weapon hunters. Archers last year enjoyed a 34% success rates across the board, with the 'premium' units enjoying 40% success rates and the lower two age class units enjoying 29% success rates. Whereas the early rifle enjoyed 81% success rates with the 'premium' units enjoying 86% and the lower two age class units enjoyed 78% success rates. Muzzle loader hunters where 15% lower than early rifle on most units. This is not rocket science, no matter how bad we want it to be. Give the 'trophy' guys that want to wait 20+ years their premium units, let the average hunters have theirs as well. Keep the premium units with extremely high age objectives, and with season dates geared toward extremely high success rates. Give the lower two age class units to the average hunters where the weapon allotment percentages are shifted toward primitive weapons by just 5% more to archers, and 5% more to muzzle loader hunters, while also moving season dates around to allow more of the bulls with great genetics to have a chance of reaching maximum antler growth through escapement possibilities. Is that really that greedy?"

You and I agree on that Hoytme. Good post there!

It's always an adventure!!!
The efforts are being made to have a couple of public meetings on March 24 in SLC and march 25 in SLC to answer questions.

45 minute presentation, 1 hour and 15 minutes for questions.

how does that sound ?
I'll be there if the time is after working hours, and if I can have the mike as well.
"6:30 till we get all the questions answered - if that means until two in the morning." ?
is there any way possible to have it recorded and put on the net for peopl that wont be able to come? im sure many people that live in the southern part of the state may not be able to attend.

?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?
I think we should have a "TEXAS CAGE MATCH". Sell tickets to this and you will make some money.MM complainers VS SFW Members. NO DISCOUNT COUPONS ALLOWED. BYOB (Bring your own beer).
Im with Hawkeye ill be there if its not going to be a Don Peay chest pounding, show and tell party.

If there is a Texas cage match count me in for that too.
While the SWF, MDF, RMEF and individuals like Don Peay appear to be focused on "big picture" issues like funding habitat restoration and conservation, funds for law enforcement, predator control and wolf delisting, conservation easements, highway fencing, million acre ranch set-asides and monetary donations from high net-worth individuals, other on this site seem soley focused on other real weighty issues like: how long will it take a 14 year old from Heber City to draw a Pahvant elk tag or since I didn't get drawn for the third year in a row at the Expo and my neighbor just got his second tag, it must be a rigged process. Bottom line, we wouldn't have the hunting we do today anywhere in the west if it weren't for the SWF's, MDF's, RMEF's and Don Peays of the spite of the fact that we don't always agree with every position they take on every hunting, wildlife or conservation issue. The fact that virtually every western state (including Utah) has set aside a certain amount of tags for purchase via auction or raffle or landowner or whatever will benefit all hunters (both those who hunt today and tomorrow) in the long run.
No logical person on here is trying to say we don't need or appreciate SFW and similar organizations doodah...

...our Federal government does a whole lot of good too, but they're definitely not all good. The general public has the right (and responsibility) to stand up for what we believe in, whether it involves government spending or Utah tag numbers. The beauty of America!!

If you disagree with the government's health care proposals it doesn't neccesarily mean you're denouncing the U.S. government as a whole, and the same principle applies with SFW or any other organization.

Nothing at all wrong with tags being set aside for auction/raffle. Nothing at all. It helps raise money for wildlife and habitat, definitely needed. The problem with Utah's contributions? Look up the numbers compared to other western states if you haven't already. It'll blow your mind.
I myself do not have the best spelling or grammer and noticed that your posts were quite early in the morning,and I'm not trying to bash you here, but I really hope your "lobbying" and consulting work is done in a more professinal manner than you've portrayed on the internet trying to tell me what you've accomlpished for sportsman.

If you want people to work with/for you maybe you should think twice before you post a rant like your first post in this topic and I also look forward to hearing what you have to say in person if/when the meeting ever happens.
Here's an idea. How about all those with hidden profiles have name tags at this meeting so we can see who you really are. Don's name is out there and he's not hiding behind a computer screen, I think it's only fair that the people who are attacking him here on the internet, reveal their identities. Of course, unless you're afraid to hike your skirts up and stand behind your oppinions.

It's always an adventure!!!
>I myself do not have the
>best spelling or grammer and
>noticed that your posts were
>quite early in the morning,and
>I'm not trying to bash
>you here, but I really
>hope your "lobbying" and consulting
>work is done in a
>more professinal manner than you've
>portrayed on the internet trying
>to tell me what you've
>accomlpished for sportsman.
>If you want people to work
>with/for you maybe you should
>think twice before you post
>a rant like your first
>post in this topic and
>I also look forward to
>hearing what you have to
>say in person if/when the
>meeting ever happens.

Are you for real? Don comes on here and tries to answer some questions, offers to meet with people and you still cry and complain like that?? Seems to me you should think twice before you post. Like him or not the guy is at least trying and willing to meet with us. A-lot of others would not. For that I give him credit.
I agree with wholelotofbull. Here is who I am.


Mike Morris
[email protected]

If I win the lottery, I will fly out for the meeting. Still waiting to hear a sound biological basis for managing an elk herd based on the age of bulls harvested.
I agree with AWHOLELOTTABULL too...I've been posing questions and stating opinions in this thread, but I've definitely not been "attacking" Don.

Either way, my name is Taylor Edwards and I hope to be able to attend the meeting. I'm planning on it.
I agree completely with awholelottabull. Those of us who are critical of SFW should be willing to stand up and be counted. I certainly won't be hiding in the back of the room. Rather, I am looking forward to an active, productive dialogue.

I also have one additional request to others who feel like me and are looking for some answers from Don Peay. Please be polite, professional and respectful! The only thing that would be worse the having Don show up with a 2 hour power point presentation touting the many SFW successes while entirely ignoring the core issue would be for a bunch of us to show up and act like complete asses. Don has been kind enough to agree to a meeting. Let's act like grown ups and make the most of it.

Hey Jim, will you be attending the meeting? We certainly have not seen eye to eye on this issue but I am looking forward to meeting you in person.

Jason Hawkins
[email protected]


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD

we have MArch 24 and 25. They are nights of RAC meetings, i have seen some saying it is a conflict.

If you all would like, we could move the meetings back exactly ONE week, and still do one night in SLC and one night in Springville or Provo.

I am planning on 45 minutes of a powerpoint presentation, and then the rest of the night answering questions. Is that fair ?

some civility would be appreciated.

i will answer any and all sincere questions.

if someone is out of line, ignorant or extends personal attacks, i will go to the next question.

i think these are fair rules of the game, how about you guys, what do you think ?

I also hope that sportsmen come with some solutions to the challanges we face as well. and, i may politely ask some of the audience what is their solution.

let me know on teh dates.

let me know on the format.

i hope this can be a ver productive meeting for sportsmen, so we can come together and address the tremendous issues we all face, for what we all are passionate about and want to protect for now and for future generations.


I will make sure I am available whenever you decide to hold the meeting. However, I am just one person. No doubt there will be some who want to attend the RAC meetings to comment on the elk proposal. Perhaps you should go with whatever dates work for the majority. Somebody will have a conflict no matter when you hold the meetings. Your proposed format sounds reasonable and fair to me. I have already outlined the 4 questions of primary importance to me. See post #42 above. Although there will certainly be a variety of questions, I would bet that those four concerns are shared by the majority of those who will in attendance. I am looking forward to meeting with you.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
Don, I for one think it is great that you came on here to address your accusers. I know trying to find middle ground for all the different concerns of the hunting community is like herding cats.

By the way, keep in mind the concerns we have way to the south of you here in NM.

We have deer habitat issues, working with ranchers/landowners issues, predator issues and others. I am pushing the local SFW banquet locally here in Alamogordo NM in March (selling tickets), but, we sometimes feel like we are the red headed step child way down here.

Do not let those Utah guys take all your focus. :)


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown

Have you ever heard the phase "don't argue with an idiot"? You are young and maybe don't follow the stuff surrounding SFW and Don Peay but for years he has had "idiots" bash him relentlessly and all the while said nothing but there come a point when you have to return fire with fire and doing so with an idiot is exactly what you just witnessed. A guy that has dedicated his life to making the West a better place to hunt for our generation after us. Yeah it started in Utah but is spreading and yet the idiots keep slapping their jaws in ignorance of what is going on. So take it with a grain of salt, most on here either support Peay or absolutely despise him so he's just speaking to the idiots that this post is directed to.
>Don, for someone with an engineering
>background your math is way
>off. Even if someone actually
>add a 1 in 18
>chance of drawing as a
>14 year old with zero
>points, being as there are
>on average FOUR THOUSAND applicants
>for the Wasatch rifle permits
>where 216 tags were issued
>last year, he wouldn't be
>assured of a tag for
>18 years. That would mean
>he would be 32 before
>he would be assured a
>tag, on a mid/lower tier
>Limited Entry unit. Then he
>would have to way 5
>years before being able to
>apply for Limited Entry elk
>again if he didn't jump
>into the deer/antelope pool during
>his waiting period, making him
>37 when he gets back
>in the pool with zero
>points. Being as YOU want
>to raise age objectives thus
>REDUCING permits, it will be
>20+ years before he would
>be assured of drawing another
>tag, making him 57 at
>the youngest before he would
>be assured his second tag.
>That's using the best case
>scenario. Using 'real' numbers, where
>we as sportsmen should want
>to see more new applicants
>than those who get out
>due to drawing a permit
>each year, the odds get
>much worse. Now, lets factor
>in the tags YOU DO
>THE PUBLIC POOL to 'compensate'
>landowners, the reduction in permits
>from ever increasing harvest age
>objectives, and the future is
>very dim for a 14
>year old kid.
>Now, I will give props AGAIN
>when/where it is deserved, and
>Utah's elk herd in light-years
>better today than when I
>was a new elk hunter
>in the 80's. This is
>due to many factors, ONE
>of which is SFW and
>MANY other sportsmen/conservationists that have
>fight the good fight. There
>are far more mature bulls
>in Utah today than 25
>years ago, in fact on
>many Limited Entry units there
>are too many mature bulls,
>which will get even more
>unbalanced if harvest age objectives
>keep going up. Scoutdog referenced
>a study from Nevada that
>shows bulls in the 7-9
>year old range are as
>big as they are going
>to get, so even units
>that have 5-6 year old
>averages will have a large
>percentage of bulls that are
>in that age class. What
>is hurting 'quality' is two
>things IMHO: 1)Issuing way too
>many tags to the most
>effective weapon making a very
>high percentage of the desired
>caliber class of bulls unlikely
>to survive and become older/bigger
>the following year. 2)Issuing permits
>to the most effective weapon
>during the two times of
>the year mature bulls are
>most vulnerable, the rut and
>when they have transitioned to
>winter grounds.
>The 'quality' can be raised w/o
>raising age objectives by simply
>moving season dates around and
>by giving a higher percentage
>of tags to primitive weapon
>hunters. Archers last year enjoyed
>a 34% success rates across
>the board, with the 'premium'
>units enjoying 40% success rates
>and the lower two age
>class units enjoying 29% success
>rates. Whereas the early rifle
>enjoyed 81% success rates with
>the 'premium' units enjoying 86%
>and the lower two age
>class units enjoyed 78% success
>rates. Muzzle loader hunters where
>15% lower than early rifle
>on most units. This is
>not rocket science, no matter
>how bad we want it
>to be. Give the 'trophy'
>guys that want to wait
>20+ years their premium units,
>let the average hunters have
>theirs as well. Keep the
>premium units with extremely high
>age objectives, and with season
>dates geared toward extremely high
>success rates. Give the lower
>two age class units to
>the average hunters where the
>weapon allotment percentages are shifted
>toward primitive weapons by just
>5% more to archers, and
>5% more to muzzle loader
>hunters, while also moving season
>dates around to allow more
>of the bulls with great
>genetics to have a chance
>of reaching maximum antler growth
>through escapement possibilities. Is that
>really that greedy?

How's things going PRO?
Hey Hoytme,I mean Pro!

Looks like you're stirring AWLB up?
I think I'd back off there Pro,that guy doesn't get mad easy but I'm warning you,when he gets mad,he gets even!
Hoytme said:

"I'll be there if the time is after working hours, and if I can have the mike as well"

I may make the trip for that, its always a hoot to hear what the PROfessinals have to say..comical for sure
Hard for me to understand why some of the PRO's are complaining about SFW. Perhaps it's harder to work the system than it is a client or 2.

I would hope that there is respect shown to Don for
being man enough to do this.

Like he told me one time over lunch we can have our personal pissing matches as long as we do what is right for wildlife.

I don't agree with several things that SFW has done lately but thats no reason to "get a rope"

I've drank the koolaid and I still have the "hangover"

I won't be there as there are far better ways to spend my time
and I'm not going to sway to their philosophies concerning hunter management and wildlife management.

Please keep things in perspective.

I'll be there whenever and wherever. I look forward to a productive give and take meeting. We should probably agree on some type of question and answer format to be the most productive. Maybe we could do it similar to a RAC meeting. I think doing it a week after the RACs is a good idea- we need as many people there as possible.

Ben Armstrong
[email protected]
I do hope there is some civility and that everyone can act like adults. Although we don't all agree on everything all the time we all agree on one thing, and that is the fact that we all love to hunt and value our resources. How we go about taking care of those resources is the ultimate topic here and we will all have to make some sacrifices to our own personal wants and wishes to make things happen. That being said, If we pushed it back a week I can come. I will actually be out of town next week on business.

It's always an adventure!!!
Wow you guys make my head spin.

MOST of you guys must be pretty young or too old to remember how things were. Hunting really sucked by our standards today!

I remember when there were no great tags for you guys to whine about, no money to be accounted for (good one guys). NONE! Nothing to celebrate about. None of your trophy pix on MM.

I'm not a "Don sheep" (but I am a friend) and when you get close enough to see the Passion for WILDLIFE AND the AVERAGE HUNTER it becomes apparent that HE is the guy to lead the fight.

I can see why Don would unleash from time to time. I would take a bite out of someone's azz if you nipped at me this much.

I just hope Don doesn't die from a thousand tiny cuts. Who else do we have on our side? Who will it be? you? you? I doubt it!

+++++++++++++1111111111111111111 to dkpeay!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feel free to take a ridiculous shot at me too! Wake up boys!
>Just for the record all Non-residents
>don't think like this.

So you're saying all nonresidents are not unhappy the NR quota being raided 50% ? What percentage do you think are happy about it?
Has hunting really become all about the trophy and showing off the pix with it/them?

This is funny stuff, now Don is a victim and should be excused for lashing out at the minions once in a while.

Those thinking of attending the back patting 'summit', just think of the dog and pony show today in DC and that is what Don's power point sales pitch will be most like. I just hope he brings plenty of puppet strings, because that's what he will be attempting to do, make more little puppets tooting the SFW horn on how they are the ones that saved us from ourselves.
Is it "Troy"? Well "Troy", I'll be looking for your "microphone" grand stand at this meeting. I would just about bet that there will be nobody by the name of "Troy Show" take the mic. Care to wager? I don't know about a "dog and pony show" but I'm pretty sure there will be at least one jackass!

It's always an adventure!!!
I have read this entire thread. I'm glad that Don took some time to reply to this website. It's wonderful that he took some time off from doing some back door dealings. Thank you Don.

Don, I noticed that you never address this post, and you responded 5 times since this post was made. Did you avoid it on purpose or was the teleprompter not working?


Don, I found the data you posted about the size of bulls at certain ages interesting, but wrong. After an extensive search, I could only find one study done to compare the age of harvested bulls with their Boone and Crockett score. Here is the link:

In 2001 and 2002, in units 111-115, 221 and 222, Nevada F&G set up check stations to take age samples and measure the B&C score of all bulls harvested. Over the two year period, they measured-age tested 265 bulls.

Here are the results, which they expressed as an average rangefor Boone and Crockett score:

3.5 year old bulls: 245-295
4.5 year old bulls: 270-320
5.5 year old bulls: 290-340
6.5 year old bulls: 315-360
7.5 year old bulls: 325-375
8.5 year old bulls: 340-380
9.5 year old bulls: 345-380
10.5 year old bulls: 342-379

The vast majority of the bulls were 3.5 to 7.5 years of age, so the sample sizes above that age were small, making them less accurate.

Equally interesting were the bulls outside the averages:

5.5 years of age, bulls scored 260,355,375
8.5 years of age, a bull scored 320
9.5 years of age, a bull scored 270

I believe this information illustrates the problem with Utah's current use of age to determine tag numbers. With the any weapon hunt occurring in the heart of the rut, it should be obvious that those bulls with superior genetics are being harvested virtually every year. Does someone pass up a 5.5 year old that scores 375 for a 8.5 year old that scores 320? Of course not. Nobody has a clue what the age of the bull is when they pull the trigger, but they likely have a pretty good feel for the score. The result? The genetically superior bulls are harvested, leaving less favorable bulls to do the majority of the breeding. Add to that the spike tags, which again eliminate superior genetics, since that cannot be determined at 1.5 years of age, and it is easy to understand why the average age of bulls killed is going up, while score is going down.

I cannot see any possible advantage to lowering tag numbers under the current season scheme in Utah. Will average age go up? Yes. Will there be more top end bulls? NO!!!!

If you really want more top-end bulls, move the any weapon hunt out of the rut into October. You can offer more tags, you will kill fewer bulls, particularly the big boys, and end up with the opportunity to take a true monster in virtually every unit.

TEHH and Scout.... Where does Biology come to play
in any of this???

Age class management and the details are one small piece
of the pie here... These guys could care less.. Now talk about
B&C Score, auction amounts, Landowner tag sales and you will have a pretty good idea of where we are headed.

These age classes are set so high that in the future when we are not hitting them you will see #1 permits cut, #2 cows whacked at an alarming rate, #3 Landowners, those that graze BLM and FS land get permits ( PAID ), #4 deer having their @sses whooped!!

Biology plays no part in any of this... Don't chit yourself
You're right. We no longer manage our elk herds based on biology. Age class only makes people feel good because they think older bulls will have bigger antlers.

Good old politics manages our deer/elk herds now. Sometimes special interest groups like SFW need to step aside so that educated people in biology can manage our elk and deer herds.

Yes, SFW does a lot of great things, but they have lost their mission statement because of money. Money can turn good people into bad people.

SFW has to much control over things, and they use the excuse that it's in the best interest of average hunters.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-10 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p]Oh come on now WW and Scoutdog! There are well paid and benefitted biologists that work for the DWR that swear by their numbers! I've sat in meetings and listened to them. They are telling the truth! Especially about the deer!;-)

It's always an adventure!!!
People like Anis does what they're told otherwise they won't have a job.
I'm with you on this one Jim.....I can't wait to see and hear this brain surgeon Troy at the meeting!
>I'm with you on this one
>Jim.....I can't wait to see
>and hear this brain surgeon
>Troy at the meeting!

And what exactly have I said you think is false/wrong? Just keep dancing, the puppet master never tires.

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