


Do any of you have any crazy superstitions when it comes to hunting or reading your draw results. My buddies give me a hard time for some of my superstitions.
Boxers- I wear red for blood when hunting, wear green for money when playing poker, wear blue for blue skies when flying.
Canned beef- My brother and I always do better on the hunt after eating a canned beef sandwich.
Change bullets or rotate arrows in quiver if the day didn't produce.
These are just a few of my rituals, what are yours?....
Its all about food for me.
Same breakfast, same lunch in the pack, etc...
Don't want to change whats working.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
Not so much in hunting but in golf,
I am really bad, I can,t have any
pennies in my pocket, nor can anyone
I play with mark there ball with
copper, no number 3 or 4 balls,
and most important always mark my
ball with Washington looking at the
i usually play with my wii before a big trip :)
Usually i stop for lunch on the way at the same restaurant and stop and fill up with gas at the same pump. If the pump is being used and others are empty i will wait.
If what I do the first day of a hunt does not work I get up earlier the next day & stay out later always going further. Each day earlier, further, & later than the last. This has always brought me pretty good luck.
> If what I do
>the first day of a
>hunt does not work I
>get up earlier the next
>day & stay out later
>always going further. Each
>day earlier, further, & later
>than the last. This
>has always brought me pretty
>good luck.

I did that one year and finally killed a nice buck right at 2:30 AM! LOL! j/k

apply at same vendor each year

would you like to travel more?
when you book do yo go online?
Do you receive a commission on your travel?
would you like to ?
More of a ritual or tradition than superstition, but I have to watch Jeremiah Johnson just before the hunting season every year.
I have hunting clothes that I wear for luck.

They are getting pretty ragged.

When I get new stuff if I am not making nothing happen I go back to my old stuff and sometimes my really old stuff full of holes espescially from crossing barb wire fences.

After I kill something with new clothes on they no go up to a higher level of confidence for me.

You asked...

Also fishing, if not getting any bites start eating a sandwich, it always works.
I stop shaving my face two weeks before the hunt. I cant say that it works all that great, but I feel a lot cooler on a hunt when Im scruffy.
I never thought of this as a supersition before, but I guess it is. I have a ball cap that I wear and I only wear it on the hunt. I keep it in a zip lock bag through the year. It's got a blood stain on it from each animal.
I will not let anyone board any of my boats with a banana. Just an old mariners superstition. I also am superstitious about being told "good luck" before a fishing or hunting trip. It is just bad juju. I try not to tell many folks that I am going out so I can avoid the good luck curse.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Breederbuck, pretty interesting thing you got going on with your boxers, so, what color you wear when going out looking to get bred, Pink? lol

Let's see...i'm fanatical about my gun, i need to know exactly where it hits at 100 yds on a cold barrel. Never have had a scope move but did have barrel damage from snow blockege once and that did cost me a huge mulie, maybe my biggest one to date. The slightest bump now worries me that something might be wrong.

That's about it. oh, i always have a box of shells with me. Before rangefinders, i missed a standing buck that was "out there," over and over again. Didn't have a clue where i was hitting. High-low?, didn't know, he just stood there. If you've ever done this, you know how frustrating it can be. This has happened twice and both times i killed the buck eventually but on the last or next to last shell i had. Now, i don't have to not know the distance, but i carry plenty, just in case.


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