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I am very superstitous. Everytime I see a moose, I will see a buck in the near future. Also the days hunt is based on the first 3 songs of the day from a local radio station. If all three songs are good, there will be blood on the ground by the end of the day.
What are all of your superstitions?

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
I give the bullet going in my chamber a kiss for good luck. I usually pick up a small rock from where I see the first animal of the day and put it in my pocket.


I too inspect and kiss the bullet before putting it in the chamber. :) Thought i was the only one to do that...

I hunted single shots for many years and grew to love them. One thing for certain, you learn to make that first shot count!

I'm not very superstitious, but if I get out in the hills and discover I forgot to put any toilet paper in my pack I know it's not going to be the greatest hunting day.
I try not to be superstitious, but, if a hunt is not going well I will go back to using my old "lucky" hunting clothes.
Of course they have holes and are worn out.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both." - James Dale Davidson, National Taxpayers Union

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-10 AT 07:52PM (MST)[p]Deadi, I hear ya. Climbin mountains with jeans chaffin the jewels ain't much fun. Or one sleeve of your thermals missin.

Bet we could start a long thread on "What you've used in a pinch."

To the original question: If I think positive thoughts, positive things happen. So I think positive thoughts while gettin that extra 5 minutes of sleep, drivin/ridin out, climbin that first hill or two, and just before the shot.

Amazin how it works!!

Doubt it??? Go to the range and think you're gonna make a bad shot, what happens??
Sometimes a good ol fashion prayer to the man above-funny how my most sincere prayers are when I'm hunting! lol
If I dont forget something I know its gonna be a bad trip. If I have everything I need then theres bad juju in the air.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
my brother in law will shoot any coyote he sees it dont matter where he is at or how hard the tag is to draw even if it is opening morning of the hunt ive been with him a few times when he has done this and sure enough by the end of the day he kills a decent buck we were hunting wyoming a few years back and he killed a coyote at about 4 o'clock and by the end of the day he shot a 185 inch 4x5 turned out to be the biggest buck of the trip lucky f'er
I'm not at all superstitious:

1. I have killed many bucks the same year I have shot a porcupine while scouting.

2. I killed my best buck after listening to a certain cassette (yes I know how that dates me) tape on the way out.

3. I have had to put my S. Sweet cigar out 3x on 30"+ bucks. So I always have those in my pocket. I light them if the ground is wet enough but just chew on them if it is dry. My old hunting partner (mormon) actually started carrying them but never would light one.

But I'm not superstitious.
+1 NUTS4Bucks
I too will shoot a coyote no matter where or the time of sighting. I figure it will help down the road some how.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
When I was 14 my dad and I were hunting elk and he set me down on the side of the trail they were using to get to the bedding area.
We saw them coming out of the meadow below, while they were in aspens heading towards us I had a coyote come in below me and sit and look at me... after about 10 minutes, well 30 seconds I couldnt take it anymore... The coyote died and it pushed the elk over to my dad and he killed a nice 6 point bull... damn coyotes now I really have to kill all of them since it messed up my elk hunt...


Always listen to this one mix cd i have driving to my spot. Every time i listen to it I will see deer.
I always carry the ivory from my elk too. That's year round, I always need good luck.

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
My Dad My Bro and me listen to Ted Nugent every morning on the way to a hunt. And pack a good cigar in each of our packs for after a kill. More or less to toast the fallen animal for if it wasnt for animals to hunt id have to find something else to do and im way to redneck for tennis.
When hunting with my bro. Almost every time he does his business on the ground there is blood not to far along. We've done well with his bowls through the years.
1911 told me his superstition. Before leaving his hunting cabin each day afield he goes to the front door and yells "hey warden come on in and have coffee with me". This has saved 45 many a poaching ticket. The warden is still wondering how 45 always knows when he's hiding out in the brush waiting to follow him into the woods.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-01-10 AT 08:15PM (MST)[p]The "Lucky Ducky" brought me great luck in 2009, but if he doesn't get his act together in 2010 I'm setting him free!
i like to kiss the bullet or talk to the broadhead about flying straight. i also have a lucky hat that was lost this yr the weekend after i arowed my 5 point bull. i looked half a day for that hat and am still trying to replace it. not sure how many animals i killed in that hat but it did have a good life.
I too am superstitious while hunting, playing poker, or when I was in college Livestock Judging. I have been trying everything to get get my "mojo" going during these predator calling contests I have been doing. Same clothes no wash or wash, arrow head in my pocket, knife my dad gave me, morning nookie, no morning nookie, (prefer nookie even if I dont see anything):) etc. I need to keep trying something until I get it right. I have a call that was deadly last year. I think he may go to the calling dump grounds if he does not start producing!! Called up 12 one day with it last year, not one this year! WTF!!! I may go in my undies with a slingshot and elk call to the next one and win the SOB!!

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