SuperBowl? Who's G'na B There ?


Very Active Member
It's danged early for this type of speculation,
but lordy it's fun sometimes.

Who do you guys think will end up making it
to the big game ??

Fred, I know you've got your pom pom's flying
for the Bronc's. Always thought that was a charater
flaw in'ya, but......

What think ???

Curious Laro
Anyone discounting Denver this year is blind!!
Go Broncs!!

Cowboys looking good....
Eagles looking good....
Broncos looking good...

Give it a few more weeks to see who is the real deal this year.

You're sure correct.
I'd like nothing better than it to come
down between the Cowboys and Bronc's, just
so I could keep Beanman wired up for a
couple of weeks.

Be Great to see how it pan's out.

this year is much differant than last year so far..don't count out Green Bay yet also the Chargers, Giants and Saints...none perfect but still need to be dealt withand the most inproved team so far is the 9er's not champs yet but play hard and fired up!
You'll just have to take my word for it
that I thought Washington might beat Dallas
today, but they're the Real Deal.
They're HUNGREY new head coach is gonna

Skin's are looking good.


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