Superbowl prediction


Long Time Member
I predict that if the Saints win there will be riots, looting etc. in the streets. On the other hand if the Sainst lose, I predict there will be riots, looting etc. in the streets. Only another week and we will find out. Can't wait to see how the greatful people of NO react. Maybe we should send FEMA now.

Oh yeah, I'm picking the Saints to win. Hopefully Brees and Manning come down with the stomach flu before the game. Can I hope that they both lose?
i think Peyton is just to d@mn good. I wouldn't mind seeing New Orleans win but i dont see it happening. should be a fun, high scoring affair
I agree....may be some looting either way. I hope not...NO's has been through enough. I'd hope they have enough pride in thier city to win or lose with dignity. That being said, refer to line 1. If I were a business owner, I'd be well armed!


Although, NO's may have a totally different mentality to life and what their community means to never know.
I think Manning is the difference, adjust on the fly. And I get the feeling that NO might suffer from the JHTBH(just happy to be here) syndrome.
I am picking the Colts, by 14.

Colts all the way. I hate neawluns. They will riot either way

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
"I predict that if the Saints win there will be riots, looting etc. in the streets. On the other hand if the Sainst lose, I predict there will be riots, looting etc. in the streets. Only another week and we will find out. Can't wait to see how the greatful people of NO react. Maybe we should send FEMA now."

That 56 1/2 over/under is a tough bet......highest ever.

The -5 & 1/2 is kinda tight......

It could be a blowout real fast!

Or not.....

I gotta have my $$$ in by Tuesday......

Here is what I am thinking......

Take the under 56 1/2, The + 5 1/2 for the Saints and the Saints straight up.....hit all 3 and it is Chaaaa--Ching...miss on 1 and it is $500.00 long gone....

Any thoughts?

Last week the Vikings had 5 turn overs in the game, and the Saints still had to go into overtime to win the game. With 5 turnovers, the Saints should have just kicked the crap out of the Vikings, but didn't. I dont think the Saints have a chance, But Ive been wrong before. Not to many people thought the Giants would beat the Patriots either. I just hope its a good close game to keep it interesting.
Colts will win by a bunch! Saints will not have a lead in the game at all.

But I agree, either way, "Nawlens gonna' burn"........too many retards.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Well I don't have a dog in this fight but I would like to see the Saints win it just because they have never been to the super bowl but if I were betting money I would have to go with the Colts. Got a feeling it's going to be a blow out and it aint gonna be the Saints doing the blowing out. Hope I'm wrong.
I'm not seeing a blow out either way. The colts don't have enough weapons and Manning will put a damper on any lead the saints get. Like someone said before, the vikings handed the saints the win. They are lucky to be there but still two of the best teams are there. I still see the saints winning. It should be one of the best sb's.
I think the Colts would have beat the Saints anyways, but the Saints DC saying what he said, is just going to piss "the goat" (Manning) off. I expect Manning to pass for around 350 or so and wreck the Saints dbs. Saints are done with their feel good ride!
I've no pick or favorite one way or the other. Dang Vikings!! :)

Looking forward to the game though. My hope is that it's got ton's of smash mouth, extremely hard hits, and super defense, in a close game that the officials don't wreck by making their case to be more important to the outcome of the game than the players do!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-10 AT 02:13PM (MST)[p]Might as well post scores too.

Saints 38
Colts 33

$24 Million in damages to NO. 3 dead.
Saints win by 3 in 11:30 OT....38 to 35(almost 1000yds total offense between them!).
asked before the game if the Colts should be a favorite he replied.....

Manning is picked off twice late to fold late drives!

120 million$$$ fires burn for 3 days...gun dealer shoot 2 dead to stop looting, 1 police officer shoot self and horse in reaching for teaser...his horse did not make it. 5 dead 1 horse, 76 injured.

Marshal law is in place with armored division national guard called out!
Obama pleas for peace and order go unheard..
Tony Romo was heard crying and murmuring something about being there..(wtf is he talking about?)...!
"dry up Tony!" and get back under Jerry's desk..


I'm still going with the Viking just not this year.

Colts should win.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Saints win by 3 in 11:30
>OT....38 to 35(almost 1000yds total
>offense between them!).
>asked before the game if the
>Colts should be a favorite
>he replied.....

>Manning is picked off twice late
>to fold late drives!
>120 million$$$ fires burn for 3
>days...gun dealer shoot 2 dead
>to stop looting, 1 police
>officer shoot self and horse
>in reaching for teaser...his horse
>did not make it. 5
>dead 1 horse, 76 injured.
>Marshal law is in place with
>armored division national guard called
>Obama pleas for peace and order
>go unheard..
>Tony Romo was heard crying and
>murmuring something about being there..(wtf
>is he talking about?)...!
>"dry up Tony!" and get back
>under Jerry's desk..


Rack!......Nostradumbass couldn't have said it better!
Saints will win with more of its Defensive players being fined. 27 colts 34 saints.

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