It's $10 for the Super raffle for one tag and $30 a ticket for the Trifecta to get the chance at three tags. The thing that a lot of people are already missing out on other websites is the winners still have to fork over the full cost of the license and a Conservation Stamp for the animal(s) they choose. My guess is that people would want the sheep or moose tag, followed by an elk tag if they win the regular raffle and all three of those if they win the Trifecta. The only negative I see with the setup is that you can buy as many tickets as you want and that turns it right back into the deal where if you have money you have a better chance to go to the front of the line. G&F doesn't care since this way they have a good chance at taking in a lot more money. It's sort of like the person who has more PPs has a better chance at the tag in the drawings. Piper should love this since it isn't truly a straight up random draw where he'll only have the same mathematical chance as the next guy. My feelings are that I would like to see whatever money is made from these raffles be dedicated to habitat improvement, rather than straight into the overall kitty the way it is now set up. This was thought up just to help the G&F budget, rather than the animals they manage
I like the idea. I do agree that it'd be nice to see where the money goes. Some rich dudes will be able to buy multiple tickets, but that is just more money for the G&F . . .

I've made up my mind, I'm going to win!
I like it as Wyoming needed to raise money and this was one of the items suggested instead of raising NR fees. It doesn't include all the sheep/moose areas though.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-13 AT 09:52AM (MST)[p]Okay a question has already come up on the process some people say for the Reg raffle each of the 10 winners get to choose the species. I have a different take. I read the news article as its 10 tags (moose, sheep, goat, elk, deer etc) and they draw them specifically for the Reg Raffle and you don't get to choose them. Only w/ the Trifecta do you get to choose. That makes the most logical sense as if they don't do it that way then the possibility exists for Fish and Game to give out an addittional 11 sheep tags (possibily for the same area, say Area 5). That would be a real possibility if we get to choose and that would really hurt us all in the regular draw...that's my take on it.
30Hart is correct and I should have known that they couldn't issue 11 sheep tags---my bad!!! In the Super raffle you will buy a ticket for a specific animal ahead of time. That means at most they would only give two tags out for any one species when you add in the tags for the Trifecta.
Some of you are missing the point. It's to raise money for the almost broke g&f. The odds will be equal to that of a state lottery whether you buy 1 ticket or 20. I seriously doubt any one individual will buy 100 chances as it would be enough to buy a commissioner tag outright plus hire a guide. Simply put if your using this opportunity to plan on hunting Wyoming you'll be sorely disappointed
But if everyone bought one chance at the trifecta there would be no need to raise license fees. Help the g&f and get a astronomically small chance @ winning a dream season.
I will be buying one ticket with no thoughts of winning just to help out.

Just think buzz can buy 20 and help fund the Bureaucracy to the levels he sees fit without continuing the funding mechanism on the backs of mule deer.
>Some of you are missing the
>point. It's to raise
>money for the almost broke
>g&f. The odds will
>be equal to that of
>a state lottery whether you
>buy 1 ticket or 20.
> I seriously doubt
>any one individual will buy
>100 chances as it would
>be enough to buy a
>commissioner tag outright plus hire
>a guide. Simply put
>if your using this opportunity
>to plan on hunting Wyoming
>you'll be sorely disappointed
>But if everyone bought one chance
>at the trifecta there would
>be no need to raise
>license fees. Help the
>g&f and get a astronomically
>small chance @ winning a
>dream season.
>I will be buying one ticket
>with no thoughts of winning
>just to help out.
> Just think buzz can
>buy 20 and help fund
>the Bureaucracy to the
>levels he sees fit without
>continuing the funding mechanism on
>the backs of mule deer.

***Your last comment was not needed or remotely funny if that is why it was mentioned, as BuzzH probably does more for the hunters and conservation in Wyoming with all he is involved in that any 100 hunters put together!
if you don't appreciate the joke feel free to ignore it. I'm sure buzz is the Gandhi of Wyoming wildlife conservation but he is also a big fan of more govt is better. The super tag will give all people like buzz the mechanism to fund the g&f to the levels they see fit. No need to get your panties in a wad. There's a lot of citizens that do lots for Wyoming wildlife.
>if you don't appreciate the joke
>feel free to ignore it.
> I'm sure buzz is
>the Gandhi of Wyoming wildlife
>conservation but he is also
>a big fan of more
>govt is better. The
>super tag will give all
>people like buzz the mechanism
>to fund the g&f to
>the levels they see fit.
> No need to get
>your panties in a wad.
> There's a lot of
>citizens that do lots for
>Wyoming wildlife.

***Some jokes are not funny and should be kept to ones self and that was one of them! You are so far off on your statements that I shouldn't even respond, but FYI BuzzH has already come out against the whole idea of this Super Tag Raffle on a post he made on the hunttalk website, so put that in your pipe and smoke it Mr. Expert!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-13 AT 10:49PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-13 AT 10:31?PM (MST)

Just do me a favor and ignore all my posts. I'll return the favor.
I know its too much to ask but a guy can dream.
And FYI I never stated that I knew buzzh's opinion on the super tag nor do I care but buzz has traditionally supported all things govt and has been very pro funding government.
+1 Eric------

I am just going to show support on buying a few R/tix and not even daydream about drawing anything.

>Just do me a favor and
>ignore all my posts.
>I'll return the favor.
>I know its too much to
>ask but a guy can
>And FYI I never stated that
>I knew buzzh's opinion on
>the super tag nor do
>I care but buzz has
>traditionally supported all things govt
>and has been very pro
>funding government.

***Then why make smartazz comments when you don't have a clue of the stance a person has on it?!!! Yep, that's a big butt that I also think is incorrect because of talks I've had with him and things I've read that he's posted on other websites. You can dream all you want because if you post what I think is BS about something, regardless if it's about BuzzH or anything else, you'll see me posting my opinion. Since when are the forums a one-sided place where you can post and think it won't get repercussions if someone thinks you're wrong? It doesn't work that way pardner! Remember though that just because people disagree doesn't mean they're enemies! Have a Merry christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
"traditionally supported all things government" that's an immature comment and indicative of what's wrong with so many peoples thought process.

What should we support? privatization and no trespassing signs? should we not support the government? I don't get it?
I guess not supporting The wildlife department or the forest service or whatever is going to make hunting better?

Lets punish them, lets not give input and ideas, lets make it an us vs them thing, lets not support Game and fish because government hating is in style right now and someone told me to think this way.
Giving any govt agency more money seldom fixes problems. With that being said I have been a supporter of fee increases for a long time because I believe that Wyoming wildlife is under valued. Even then there are places the g&f could trim fat and run more efficient. There are also places that end users should pay more for the specific service being provided. I will support a fee increase except for mule deer permits because I want no incentive for the g&f to continue funding of the g&f on the backs of mule deer.

For the record we could get rid of about 1/4 the federal govt and no one would be the wiser. This is how I would start.
Dept of energy
Dept of education.
USFWS ( the most blatant anti hunting wing of the federal govt)
State agencies or BLM could handle the refuges and ESA.
IRS (flat tax)
Bureau of reclamation.
I think buzz calls me a "tea bagger" which is probably appropriate in most cases

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