Super Tag

You have exactly a month until most of the good early rifle units open. I hope you have a lot of room on your favorite gas card! My son had one 3 years ago, we spent almost all our energy on Unit 40 for the then Aug 30 opener. Man those bulls are easy to find until about now, but when those horns get hard they sure changed their habits and started moving.

Congrats and good luck
I dont even no where to start! I am so high on the news that I think I may have a hard time sleeping tonight. I was really hoping that maybe someone on MM would give me a good idea where to start, or should I get a guide?
Congrats on the tag. I tried for deer and moose but didn't get that call!! Good luck.
dont know your time status but I would look into what hunts are open around Twin maybe the Black Hills area..there was a guy from Wi or Mn that drew a super tag last year & hired a guide it was in Eastmans & the bull he shot was in my opinion a bull anyone could have shot with an OTC tag !!! unit $$ has some good bulls also
5 years ago I would've said go to Unit 11 for the first rifle controlled hunts, but I wouldn't waste my time up there now. I'd concentrate on some of the areas closer to you!

Don't overlook 54 & 55. You may have to hunt with a muzz, late but the bulls are influenced by the herd in NV and there are some biguns. Not many but quality if you find them. The areas around (north) of Fairfield are backcountry but have some good bulls.
Boy really appreciate all the advice you guys have been giving me, I know this is going to be a one time chance on this tag so I am going to give it my all. I am bummed my hunting buddy is not going to be there this year but that lucky sucker drew Wyoming Elk again! So I am on my way as of Monday to start scoutting. Thanks again everyone!
The bull that was taken by one of the supertag winners, and was in Eastmans, was guided by a friend of mine. That bull scored a little over 350. If you have a OTC area that has bulls in the 350's, please let me know, and we can be buddies :). The other 2010 supertag winner was Jack, and he shot a bull in the 350's as well. Those were 44 and 45 bulls. Jack's bull has a picture here on MM. It died in a corn field.
Unit 45, is a great unit,but it's mainly private! I would scout 46 & 54, lots of public and some above average Bulls.
I myself saw 4 bulls in my honey hole last year over 350 !! during archery the kid that shot that corn field bull was with a good friend of mine when he shot it !! there are areas all over the state that have 350 bulls he just has to find one during his hunt !! I was just saying I would not hire a guide & waste my $$..
Well you guys I think I am ready! and if you beleave that well sh.t your wrong!! I need to find someone that would like to give me a hand on this hunt, my best friend already has a hunt in Wyoming and he already helped me last year in New mexico unit 17 and my family cant get the time off, can you beleave it, a hunt of a life time and It looks like it will be ME and my dog Skipper. HA HA HA. I will post Skipper pictures!
look up the hunts for 44 and 45, time wise. I know where to find big bulls late in 45 and i know where to find big bulls early in 44. i can give you a hand. also, if you are going up alone ill try to get time off if you need the help! i was doing training for the Air Force last year and got home with 4 days left in my 32 late season buck tag. I ended up shooting a buck on my own. its not as fun alone. 45 has a lot of private but dont be fooled. there are BLM maps that tell a slightly different tale
Congratulatons on drawing the Idaho Super Tag! We would all love to be in your shoes. I am the outfitter who guided the Eastman's bull from last year (and other Super Tag winners as well). You may have seen the stories over the years in Eastman's, Huntin' Fool, Trophy Hunter or on the Outdoor Channel. Regardless, we work very hard for our hunters and have the highest success rates in the state of Idaho. If I can be of help, don't hesitate to contact me. Visit and you'll find my contact info. Either way, I wish you the best of luck with your hunt. It certainly is the chance of a lifetime!
Congrats on the tag and I think youve got alot of good advice so far and every little bit helps especially if you live out of state. Heres what I would do if I had the tag.Start off hunting the early bow hunts in either the 46 or 54 hunts,there is alot of public ground and a good chance at a 360 plus bull.I have 2 friends that cowboy out there and watch them all year long and they say theres plenty of elk to hunt there.Then I would hunt some of the early rifle hunts like 44 because like muleymaster said, early in 44 can be real good for a big bull (360 plus) .After that I would hit the muzzy hunts back in 46-54 hunts.Unit 45 opens Oct.1 for elk but I wouldnt waste my time for elk here. If you dont have permission for good private ground a 300 inch bull is a really good bull.I know some people may disagree but thats just the sad truth,its got 100 plus bull tags every year so they keep em pretty young here.For the most part its just a good unit to shoot a 6 point bull in but theres still a possability for 350 bulls on occasion.By Oct.1 or soon after the bulls should be wandering a little more and the muzzy hunts could be real fun.Then you can hunt the rifle hunts that open after them.Unit 46 has the Dec. hunt so that would be the last chance.Thats what I would do but thats just the area of the state that I happen to live in and like to hunt.I see that your from Utah and there may be better hunts closer your way but these hunts in my opinion are some of the best in southern Idaho.Good luck and keep us updated on the hunt.
Trust me 40 early rifle is on the table! I am starting Bow in 46 47 and 54 on the 30th of Aug. and only going home one or two days a week to see the family and If I dont see a 340 or better I will head to unit 40 for the early rifle and then back to 54 46 47 for the muzz and on and on and on! maybe I should rent a house?
I know a guy that drew a few years back and I went with him to unit 40 and scouted I saw some monster bulls. I mean huge bulls bugling and fighting I would have had a hard time deciding which one to shoot but their was one that was huge but all were over 300 by a good bit. If I had the super tag I would take a few months off and hunt. That is what I would do. Get in a plane and take a look.

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