Super New Health Drink!!!!!!!!!!


Very Active Member
So, I have been looking for something that will help me with my energy levels and also something that is GOOD for you.

Well, I had a friend introduce me to something called 7+. It is an amazing new health drink from a company called ExFuze. If you have ever heard of "Super Fruits" this is the very first health supplement to have all 7 of the WORLDS super fruits in one drink.

It has had an AMAZING impact on my life and I have been only drinking the stuff for 14 days. I have had more energy that I ever thought I could have. It is a all natural juice that you only have to take 1 once a day!!!!!! It has also helped me with some major stomach problems that I have had for 10 years. There are soooo many other things that this stuff could do for you. I have probably 20 friends that are now drinking it down in St. George Utah and they are all AMAZED at how it has affected their overall health!

If someone is really interested in learning more about this product and what it can do for you....PM me and I will share the secret with you.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-08 AT 02:44PM (MST)[p]Why do I feel like I just watched an infomercial? :) I always thought "super fruits" refered the members of MM.
>Why do I feel like I
>just watched an infomercial?
>:) I always though
>"super fruits" refered the members
>of MM.

LMAO....You are right 1911, after going back and reading does sound pretty much like infomercial! I did not mean it to sound that way!!! The stuff actually does work though...

and yea....there are more than a few "super fruits" on this site!
Hey FLEH, hook a brutha up, i'll try anything once!!

I've had an opened bottle sitting in the back of the fridge for 3 months. Think it's still good?
It might have more medicinal value if it has femented for a few weeks in the back of the fridge.
Hey Doug...I was thinking that I needed to get you some. This stuff will be right up your alley! I have a good friend in Colorado that lifts 6 days a week. He was taking about 5 different supplements to help with muscle recovery and joint strength..I told him to go off all his other stuff and only drink this. After 10 days he is hooked! He said that his muscle recovery has NEVER been quicker. I owe you since you got me that sweet Skull Crazy shirt. PM me your address or I can drop a bottle in SLC for you on Friday...I will be landing at the airport coming home from Sacramento on Friday early AM.

Brahma....It should be fine. How come you are not drinking any? You must be pretty lucky..this stuff has only been released to the public for 4 months..You must know someone!!!
Fish give me a call ... I got this sweet deal going called Amway! Shhhh! If we get in on the ground floor we is gunna be rich!

Bottom must of dropped outta the diesel engine market LOL


I never said anything about a business or anything else. Yes...This is a Network Marketing Business....but I never asked anyone to get involved...I just said I have started to drink a new Health Drink that is pretty darn amazing! Regardless of how I got involved or how others got involved...the drink is quite cool!!!
We all as sportsmen need a chance to get in better shape and to get healthy!! And I know you so as Damn old as you are!!! :)
And yes..there are some guys getting involved in the business side of it making a TON of money. Amway has given all MLM business a bad name...I agree with that! But When I saw is better than anything that has ever been out there! And NO I am not asking anyone on here to get involved. It is NOT for everyone. But I DO believe in this new Juice!! Me and My family will drink it no matter what!! So flame me if you will.....But I think it is pretty dang cool!!!

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