Super Bowl Picks


Long Time Member
Now that the playoff games are set, who's going to end up in the big one and who's going to win?
patriots go out second round. greenbay goes to the bowl and meets the cowboys.

the only eagle with enough power and speed to kill and gut you with one shot
The Bears! :)
"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne
Green Bay and the Cowboys are both in the NFC, so they can't play in the Superbowl.
I hope someone beats NE. I don't care who it is.

Greenbay vs San Diego
The super bowl winners will get their sixth trophy and the loosers will go back to Ne England...COWBOYS!!!


If I'm gonna dream , may as well dream big eh....
Patriots vs. Packers.

Keep in mind that teams from warm climates who have to visit cold climates this time of year generally don't fare well. Combine that with the way the Packers, and especially the Patriots, have been playing and you have a recipe for a Packers/Pats super bowl.

It would be incredible to see Brett Favre go out with another ring. Just as incredible to see the Pats finish 19-0.
Packers beat the Colts in overtime.


Green Bay vs Colts
FARVES wins it for Green Bay in last 45 sec of MPV!
Manning calls Farve best QB ever then says...........
Pats beat whatever second rate team the NFC serves up. Then take their rightful place as the best team in the history of the universe! I feel bad for fans of lesser franchises, you know ESPN and every other sports news outlest are gonna be all pats all the time! The patriot lovefest will continue throughout the off-season!
And I got news for ya, the pats are gonna be just as good next season!
BUC's and Colts. the bucs win. If not the buc's then the Packers.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Rackmaster , your pics would be a nice touch for Favre, I wouldn't mind seeing that at all.....AND I AGREE , FAVRE IS A BAD GUN SLINGING SON OF A GUN...
A story book ending would be Favre beating the undefeated Patriots to win the big one but I'm pulling for Favre beating the Colts. After watching the Pack get beat twice by the embarrasing bears it's hard to say. They are unpredictable.
OK Boys here it is.

WASH VS SEATTLE - Seahawks win - Todd Collins will end up with 3 picks Seahawks win by 13.

NYG VS TB - Giants go down to face the Bucs. Giants win by 3.

JAC VS PIT - This will be the best game of the weekend. But with Jacksonville hot streak the Jags take this one by 1

TEN VS SD - SD should win this one if they keep there mistakes to a min.

SEA VS PACK - SEA freezes to death at lambo and the pac win.

NYG VS BOYS - Giants did not beat the boys in reg season and they will not - especially in Irvine.


JAGS VS NE - JAGS are the only team in the AFC that has a chance agaist Tom Brady. NE cannot stop the run and the JAGS are the best running team in the AFC. However Tom Brady throws a last minute TD that puts NE ahead by 1 with 1:20 to go in the game. JAGS try as they might run out of time to set up a FG.

SD VS COLTS - SD cannot stop Peyton colts win big.

DIV Championship

PAC VS BOYS - Farve cannot play in Texas Stadium never has done well hear. BOYS get it done and defeat the PAC with 3 TD's by TO and ROMO. 35 to 28.

COLTS VS NE - Battle of the air attack. MANNING 38 - 45 for 3 TD's. BRADY 34 - 40 for 4 TD's - but wait TB had 3 picks. Colts win Colts win.



Sorry PEYTON is the next ELWAY - just can't get it done in the big one. Until he is 2 years away from retirement. Cowboys win this one by 14.

COWBOYS - CHAMPIONS for the 6 time. WOOHOO -
I love all the front running NE fans.
" I've been a fan for since.... well, okay since Brady took over for Bledsoe".
"Sorry PEYTON is the next ELWAY - just can't get it done in the big one. Until he is 2 years away from retirement. Cowboys win this one by 14.

COWBOYS - CHAMPIONS for the 6 time. WOOHOO -"

UMMMMMMM, who won the SB last year???
Nice pic FAIRCHASE. I believe Romo doesn't hang his head this year. I bet he would love to see the seachickens in Cowboy Stadium. As a diehard Boys fan, I just don't want the Skins back. Go chickens this weekend. mtmuley
NFC-While a little piece of me would love to see Favre win a ring this year, I am a Skins fan through and through. They are the hottest team in the NFC right now. They are playing with a ton of heart, and seem to have a 12th man playing with them (RIP Sean), and a Quarterback whose stock seems to be rising. Seattle will be a tough place to get a win, but I would love to see them in Dallas the following week. I love a good rivalry game in the playoffs.

AFC-I am not sure if anyone can get past the Pats, but if there is a team that can do it, it is probably the Jags. So they get my vote, in a close one.

Superbowl - Skins vs. Jags

Skins win by 10 and Joe gets his 4th with 4 different quarterbacks.

"success Is Reason Enough!"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-08 AT 03:15PM (MST)[p]Sorry Moonlight, neither the Skins or Jags have enough talent, or post-season experience, to be left standing at the end of January. AND, for either of them to get to the big game, they'd have to win three on the road, THAT isn't going to happen.

If it isn't Pats vs. Pack, it'll be Colts or Chargers vs. Cowboys. I'm still saying Pats vs. Packers.
Let's just take it one weekend at a time, guys. This weekend I think I'll take the Redskins, Giants, Jags, and Chargers.
It won't be the Steelers. A few years ago I swore I would never root for the Jagwads because of what the did to my Broncos the year before we won the bowl. I was rooting for them tonight.

seahawks would cool but that means they beat the PACK.. thats my team!
has any team in the NFL ever lost 3 time to the same team?
Giants loss twice to the Cowboy and play next week!
>Well so far my picks are
>By the way Zigga - ESAD

You do know who won the SB last year right?

Just curious.

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