Sunnyside Utah Bighorns



Here is a video I took of the bighorn sheep that reside around Sunnyside, Utah. I've been through there a few times this year and always see the crossing signs but never saw any sheep until this time through. I even got a front row seat for a little headbutt action. Fun stuff! Enjoy!

Great to see a group of healthy rams.

That reminds me. I'd like to kick zigger in the nuts........if she has any.
Very cool stuff right there!
The guys could still be hunting right now too.
It would make the pack-out pretty easy.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-12 AT 04:03PM (MST)[p]That is sweet! I hunted sheep in that unit last year. Didn't hunt anywhere near sunnyside but if it came down to the last day I may have shot somebodys pet ram.
That is pretty cool catching a head but from the front seat of your vehicle. I love watching sheep. It is too bad they didn't have a hot ewe in tow or you would have really seen a show!
Awesome video and thanks for sharing.
I have to expose some ignorance and ask if these are Rocky Mountain Bighorn or Desert Bighorns?

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