Sunday hunting ban?

First off, religion should not enter into whether the State allows a person to hunt on a Sunday like it still does in many areas in the eastern half of our country, especially the northeast coastal states. That said, if it is allowed like it should be every day of the week during a legal season, then it's up to the person to decide to hunt or watch football instead. Personally, I am Catholic and we are not supposed to work on Sunday unless absolutely necessary. That alone should keep me at home doing something else the way I put heart, soul, and body into my hunting, LOL! Seriously though, I feel a lot closer to God when I'm out in the outdoors that He created than in any Church. I think I share that attitude with a lot of people regardless of the denomination they belong to or whether they even go to Church.
I don't believe there should be a law specifically banning hunting on Sunday. It should be up to each hunter whether they wish to hunt on that day or not.

If they want to ban a day of hunting for the benefit of the land and wildlife (bogus theory IMO) then let them ban it on Wednesday, the day it would likely affect hunters the least. You still doubled your weekend hunting days.

I think we have enough laws as it is...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I personally don't hunt on Sunday... It's just something I haven't ever done. I don't think anyone should hunt on Sunday- that being said, I think if there was one more day tacked on at the end of the hunt, less people would mind if there was a ban on Sundays.

Also, I can't really see a ban going into affect, there's just too many sportsman who either don't care about it, or don't see hunting as breaking the Sabbath Day. IMO

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I'm a rather spiritual man but I'm not too religious. Even when and if I decide TO or NOT to hunt on Sunday, for religious reasons, I should not have to be subjected to the dictates of others based on their religious views. Neither side should dictate whether I MUST hunt on Sunday or whether I may NOT hunt on Sunday.
The country was founded on the principle of religious freedom and hunting on Sunday is how I choose to celebrate our Lord and his Creation!
No better way to be closer to god than being out on his front porch (the woods) and taking in all the miracles he has given us. My days spent outdoors are church to me.
WTF!........Are you kidding me?

Most of the people who think Sunday is "the Lords day" would "hit" their own sister, if they thought nobody was looking!

Some of this religon stuff really makes me sick! We can't have a problem taking prayer out of schools, government offices and organized sports events......but God says you can't hunt on Sunday?


"What's good for me, ain't necessarily good for the weak minded"
I think BR should move to PA or the northeast where he can really practice what he preaches. We finally got rid of that BS here in Michigan in the last few counties that banned it within the past 20 years or so. May I ask why you don't think people should hunt on Sundays? The only reason that there are still blue laws on the books banning it in places is due to religious beliefs. Therefore, it would seem to me that you are trying to shove your religion on others, rather than allowing their own free will decision on the matter! Is your religious denomination the basis for your answer?
I thought these were the answers I would get. My opinion is you can only hunt a few months of the year, why shorten it more? Also a good point about the weekend warriors. Sometimes the weekend is all you can get out.
@utcubby, why Huffington Post? I like to see both sides of the spectrum. Is that so bad? I rarely agree with what they write but it makes for good reading.

Traditional >>>------->
I respect those that do not hunt on Sundays and that is their choice. I do not respect laws that force others to obey another person's choice or rights...

I rarely hunt on Sundays myself, but I also see nothing wrong with others for hunting on that day of the week since it is a personal choice that I make and it should not be made for me by others... Just my .02
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-11 AT 04:52PM (MST)[p]No there shouldn't be a ban on Sunday. It should be each hunters god given right to hunt or not hunt on Sunday. I've always been taught to keep the sabbath holy but I have always hunted sunday until 2 years ago when I almost got hit by lightning. I took that as my answer as whether or not to hunt on sunday. So I don't and each year since I have been successful in getting my elk:)
I think it is okay for wildlife rules of a state to reflect the culture of a people. A lot of us would be upset if the DWR opened the general deer hunt on Thanksgiving afternoon or Christmans morning. It would benefit a few people who don't care about those holidays and ignore everyone else.
Easy there Nickman!

This is TARDville!

Could be the next New Law!


No Hunting on Sundays!

One more F'n Law for TARDS/MORMONS to Break!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
+1 Nickman.

I for one am an athiest and dont care when you hunt. Ill hunt on sunday, I hunt every christmas morning, and if i can do some crazy chit on easter ill do that too.
B bop. I have always thought you were an azz. I still think you are most of the times.

Yes I am mormon and proud of it. I still hunt on sundays once in a while. My work does not always allow me to take much time off. So its over a weekend, great. I don't see this ever happening. If it did, oh well. I would not care either way.
It would be a horrible idea. I consider myself a spiritual guy (I am not very good at obeying everything but I try). I think everyone should be able to choose what they do. I consider hunting a spiritual experience. Sometimes I hunt on sundays and sometimes I dont.

The last thing we need are more rules, at one point someone should be allowed to make their own decisions.

Free to choose

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
You scared me for a minute Kawboy. I was scared that we were not going to continue our friendship. LOL! Great comment.
To each their own. I don't hunt on Sunday. Seems like something that can be reasonably decided by individuals without compulsion.
I have packed a few out on Sunday that I or a friend have put down late on Saturday. I'll work out with God what He wants with me. I think He expects me to respect everyone else's right to do the same. Its much easier than wasting energy judging others. If you think its cool to hunt on Sunday, enjoy your hunt and if you need help packing in my neighborhood I'll help you out. If you think you shouldn't and don't then kudos for sticking to your values.
Glad you read it all the way through, I would hate to lose my guide for the SJ, and now maybe area 102

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
BLooDTRaCKeR---If He didn't want you to hunt on Sunday, He wouldn't have missed with that lightning strike, LOL!!!
amen,what if ya only have 2 days to hunt,hunt sunday morning and head back,no brainer
I think it's pretty simple. If you don't think you should hunt on sunday then don't, if you think it's o.k then go ahead and do it. I personally don't hunt on sunday. But I don't care if anyone else hunts on sunday. Just a personal thing. But it should be our choice.
Well Robiland?

Guess f'n what?

I'm a TARD!

A MORMON TARD that is!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
That's OK, I'm Jewish?

The Shabbat is on Saturday?

Ha, I grew up with no hunting on Sunday - no beer on Sunday (all the stores were closed anyway) - and I guess with the Blue Laws, nothing fun could happen on Sunday.

It's a good thing I finally moved to a Hedonistic state.
That's what I figured!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
This religion stuff kills me. I hunted a couple of years ago in Colorado with a friend who is Mormon, he decided not to hunt on Sunday, his choice and I respected that. I do not believe that someone else's religous beliefs should affect whether I can hunt on Sunday or not. I am sure the deer that I kill won't know what day of the week it is. We have enough regulations and I am sure that the legislature has a few more important issues to work on. I feel better now,

To each his own. If someone is okay with hunting on a Sunday, then there shouldn't be a law to stop them. If you chose not to hunt on Sunday, then that is your choice as well.

Like someone else said earlier, there are quite a few folks who only get to make it out on weekends and to cut their time in half would just seem wrong.
LMAO! That's why I love hunting in Utah! Saturday is a zoo but Sunday is like a deserted island!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
I will let them tell me I cant hunt on Sunday as soon as they let me tell them they have to pee sitting down....bunch of little girls came up with that bright idea.

Where do people get off telling other people what they think they should be doing based on THEIR beliefs????
Come on Boys!

You're missing the Big Picture!

The Wardens don't wanna work on Sundays!:D

Takes alot of Wardens to Police a few TARDS!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Makes more sense to do Saturday, because it is the (true)sabbath (the rest day) and every calendar I have looked at since childbirth even has Saturday as the end of the week. This is redickuless. lol
+1 TopGun, Im with you on feeling closer to God when Im in his country, that is my Church. It took a while for my wife to understand that though.

I have a question for those that choose not to hunt on Sundays. When you finally draw that out of State tag and let's say the season runs from Friday to Thursday the following week, what do you do on Sunday when you're in the back country?? Im really curious about this. If I choose to stay at camp and my buddies went out I would have terrible anxiety issues!! Do you Stay at camp, go into town, go and help just scout and glass? Or maybe you just don't put in for those tags? Im not trying to be a wise guy here, I would just like to hear your take on it.

If in the field on Sunday? Hang out in camp, take it easy. If other guys are out maybe be the cook. If someone gets something down, then help pack. Make sure I don't set up the spotting scope lest I see something to "tempt" me. Seriously, I've a lot of priorities in my life: relationships (God, wife, kids), hunting, work, firewood, etc... One always has to seek balance. I respect the David Long and Cameron Hanes of the world, but have too many other priorities to put the time in like they do. If it works well for they and their families, values, etc... all the more power to them.
Thanks guy?s for your input and I respect your choice?s, and yes I was asking about being in camp on Sundays.

Yukon, Im not so sure I agree with you. If they made it law to not hunt on Sundays and the season opened from Friday to the following Thursday I don't see people stop putting in for tags to hunt. They would still make the same cash no matter what. Unless I am missing something here?? I certainly wouldn't stop hunting if they made it law for no Sunday hunting. I would however be a little torque about it though. I imagine places like the Carolina?s that have that rule/law, religious or not it's really no biggie because they have deer crawling all over, their seasons are longer, they can kill 3 to 6 deer a year etc.etc.. But for those of us allowed only a week and 1 deer per calendar year it's a BIG deal. IMHO. I would STILL hunt when I could.

I love the fact that some of you fellers don't hunt on Sunday. That's just fewer hunters to have to deal with for me!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
I'm going to force my ideas on you too. NO BREATHING ON MONDAYS.

dumb law. this topic coms around once a year.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Why do some people have to force their beliefs on everyone? It needs to be freedom of choice - both to choose your religion or to hunt on Sunday. Part of the argument against it is that Sunday is to be for rest and relaxation - two of the reasons I hunt. Should all forms of recreation be banned on Sunday? Watching football on Sunday? What about the football players they are really out of control - they are working!
Well, maybe I was a bit hasty.

Just to support that I am not a total heathen, I have carried the following eulogy from my Grandfathers funeral, in my wallet since 1961.
I believe it and It is my only connection to religion.

He was a deist, He believed in God but did not belong to any one religious sect nor was he interested in the theological concepts. Somehow or other, no matter how beautiful churches or synagogues are built, there is something different in worshiping God in the open spaces. No dome can take the place of His sky. No steeple can substitute for the tall trees, No choir can outsing the birds, No decorations can compare with a billion stars at night. In such an atmosphere God comes very close to us. One can almost hear the whisper of His voice.

And that is where I will be on Sunday.

"What's good for me, ain't necessarily good for the weak minded"
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-11 AT 09:53PM (MST)[p]Back in the old days Sunday was the best day to hunt. Everybody was in church and you pretty much had the mountain to yourself. Now that there are more rebels like me Sunday is just another busy weekend day. The crouds usually thin out a little by Sunday afternoon for those people that have to get back to work on Monday but I say hunt on Sunday! There's nowhere I feel closer to God than on the mountain!

It's always an adventure!!!
You don't have to go to church to have a spiritual humble heart . I believe in God yes , but you don't need to go to church to prove your beliefs or morals and values . I'm 1 of 10 siblings and I'm the only one who does not go to church on Sundays . I've witnessed a lot of hypocritical people that go to church . Too much of the "Keeping up w/ the Jones". My former Bishop took $250,000 from the church last year . My best friends step dad who was a cub scout leader just got busted w/ hundreds of child pornography 4 months ago here in ST George . All thats mentioned doesn't mean all religous ppl are bad people all I'm saying is I don't need to go to sunday church to prove how close to God I am . Only God knows and can judge . I'm closer to god high in the mountains and the heck away from society !!!!
Well, I got the hint pretty quick because I had been thinking about it every year and knew what I should do but chose not to. God used a little persuasion to keep me from dragging my feet any longer. (any longer and my young kids would have been thinking it was "ok ")
+ 1 Nickman
My Dad use to say If he was out working in the fields on Sunday, God could stop by on his way to a church, Now when god got to Church he with all the poeple who needed his help He might not get around to you. But God knew where to find you every sunday if you was out in the field working.

If you don't want to hunt on Sundays don't, But to have a law saying you can't just because some short-dicked guys thinks it should be that way is wrong and stupid. You can bet the founding fathers of country hunted on Sundays. I hope alot of guy decide not to hunt on Sundays.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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