Sunday duck hunt


My cuz aka rackman and I went out and did some river duck hunting. Not to bad for a day of havin fun.


Hey Cocatchaser you will be happy to know these hens made there way from colorado into utah. Oh go EAD and don't post on my post. Whiney bit(h!!!!!!!!!!
Why do people have to be rude? When someone is excited about something and they post it on here, its not meant to be bashed. They are posting things on here to get other hunters excited and to maybe get some POSITIVE feedback! Just because they were hens, does not mean that they were any easier to hunt than a drake. Thanks for posting the pics cuz. I sure had a ton of fun!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-10 AT 08:49PM (MST)[p] Well I would rather be a whiny bit(h from Colorado than a hen shooter from utard!!!
Maybe that is why you have no deer you and your buddies shoot all the does
Hens, drakes, does it matter see here is the thing we dont have dogs or a boat. Southern ut doesn't exactly have the best places for duck hunting. So we walk the river banks. With the rush of a duck taking off the river we don't take the time to check to see if its a hen or drake. We shot all we would eat which was a duck a piece. Oh and my buddies and myself don't hunt doe's. Just bucks that migrate to utah from colorado.
Here that! Treed
Nice comeback I would expect nothing less from a UTARD. To duck hunt ethically you might want
To get a dog
Did you come up with that utard thing yourself? How original! We hunt streams that if we are lucky has a foot of water in it at most. So no need for a dog, we retrieve everything we harvest. So before you call someone out, make sure you know the facts! Now lets get back to the original reason for the post.
Yeah if I knew where that idiot lived I would pay my brother that lives in Colorado 10$ to go whoop his A$$, but he would probably do it for free. Congrats on the ducks. It's good to be outside doing anyhting.

Thanks for all the nice comments guys. It's always fun to be out in the hills havin fun even if all we shoot is two hens. Them hens tasted mighty good.
Here that! Treed
Jarhead if you whant my adress post your phone # I will give it to ya!!!' have your brother come over and bring a friend or three. Utah guys shoot waterer you want but stop frickin whining about you have nothing to shoot
There's another thing you are stating about me that you are absolutely wrong about. I have not once whined about the Utah deer herds. I am actually sick of getting on this site, and seeing twenty different posts about the same damn thing. So next time catsniffer get your f'n facts straight before you make yourself look even stupider.

I used to hunt the rivers and canals in Utah a lot. Some good memories! Keep up the good work, nothing wrong with shooting some ducks...
Here that! Treed
Thanks for bringing that to my attention I hate to group all you idiots from Utah into one big group!!! Go kill whatever you can scrape up does ,hens, cows whatever!!!!!
COCATCHASER looks like you take the dumbazz of the day award here at MM. Congrats!
Sounds like you had a great time. It makes me want to skip work tomorrow and jump some ducks.

Thanks for pics.
Here that! Treed
It is so easy to get under your thin skin!!! I just don't see eye to eye with you on your choice Of shooting hens ! As for being a dumazz if not shooting hens them I am proud to b a dumazz!!
Just remember " dead hens don't lay eggs"
What makes you a dumbazz is not what you do or do not shoot it's the way you commented on this thread. Big f'n deal they shot a couple hens. If you don't like it move on to the next thread and leave your DUMBAZZ comments to yourself!
No but they taste just as good as a drake. It's then not them and be not b. We shot two hens get over it. Now if I posted up twenty hens I could see your problem. The two hens we killed does not affect your life in anyway. Your comparing ducks to other game like deer is stupid, thats like comparing apples to oranges. Now instead of crying about what my cousn and I shoot go out and do some hunting yourself and post pics.

Here that! Treed
It affects everyone when you shoot hens ! So if your hunting prowess is that small you can't throw out 8 or 10 decoys and kill a drake so b it!
I am sorry if I offended you to guys I guess If you had a good time that is what life is all about! Atleast you ate them most people just ditch pitch them
Here that! Tree
If you post on a forum not all comments are rosey they should be old enough to defend their own selves! Thanks for chiming in that is what makes these forums fun though
CoCat, a hen a piece is perfectly legal, good for them. You said most people just ditch picth them, are you guilty of doing something yourself?
Here that! Treed
No I do not ditch pitch them!!!!! I have found a few like that! Duck poppers rock
Here that! Treed
No hens for me we put the green heads in the blocks and put the wood to em
Aaron84, Congrats on getting into a couple birds! Sneaking and flushing birds up along a Creek is about as fun as it gets IMO! I too used to hunt without a dog and though i found out how wonderful it is to have and watch a good dog in action, that didn't keep me from going hunting when i didn't have one. Many pleasant miles were spent kicking clods in ditches for pheasant and lots more sneaking, looking ahead down the banks for ducks. It's all good!!

I suppose if it requires a dog to be ethical, and these guys are my friends I'll let them use my dogs if they need something retrieved.
Here that! Treed
Good for you shimmy ! I will bet my house you shoot a few ducks without a dog you will lose as many as you get
Aaron, looked like a fun time. Some of the best hunts I ever had were in my first years of duck hunting. Every duck was a treat because there are so many different ducks. Which turns into so many different firsts.

If you ever head east and end up in Oklahoma, look me up. We will go knock a few down



Thanks fishfurlife I will look you up if I ever head that way. Thanks for sharing your pics, hope one day to get a goose or two myself. And thanks shummy for the offer. Glad to hear the dogs are healing up ok
Good show guys. I used to shoot 100 to 150 ducks a year with about half being hens. Great fun. I think there are more ducks now than back then.

Yes it use to be a point system for hens and drakes(hens was 3 and drakes was 1 point) they had different points for different ducks too, (Canvasbacks,Greenies,teal,woodies.) when you hit the limit of 10 points you was done.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>AT 08:49?PM (MST)

> Well I would rather be
>a whiny bit(h from
>Colorado than a hen shooter
>from utard!!!
>Maybe that is why you have
>no deer you and your
>buddies shoot all the does

Grow up, and quite being a dipsh*t.
Good job guys. Hey dont let that IDIOT spoil your post. Its not every day you get to hunt with good company. And catsniffer or licker or whatever your incompetent name is, why dont you come to wyoming and pick on someone your own size. I guarantee you will think twice about bashing people. Havent you ever heard of management. There is a reason why the game and fish allow us to harvest hens, does, cows, etc. Why dont you think before you randomly type your BS. One day my self or some one like me might be there to put you in your place! If you cant play nice dont play at all. Man thats weird I just told my 3 year old the same thing. GROW UP!!!
>My cuz aka rackman and I
>went out and did some
>river duck hunting. Not to
>bad for a day of
>havin fun.


I never went duck hunting but would like to try it sometime. Good job! that cocat is a pecker.
A84 im pissed you stole my "p.s.EAD"! But you used it on the perfect person so no hard feeling. cocat lost his nuts to his wifes purse along time ago! So it makes him feel tuff with his key board kinda like his little purple moped.

P.S. cocat E.A.D.
Hear That Treed!

Hey cocatchaser.... Ive got 3 Colorado Mountain Lion tags, wonderin if you could help me out. 1 is a Reservation tag, one is a Brunot tag and one is a State permit.

Let me know buddy

Hear that treed!

If you come hunting we got all the government cheese and firewater you can drink, seems like you want some since thats all you talk about. You're just a wannabe Indian anyway.

Here that! Treed
I am sure you couldn't keep up on a lion hunt! I would hate to have to piggy back you back to the truck ;) coors if you got it

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