Summer Games?


Long Time Member
We need some new Events for the Summer games to make sure that USA Kicks A$$!

What would you like to see as a new event?

Bring womans softball back. Those chicks are bad a$$. I think that's why they pulled softball from the summer games, because the U.S. Softball team was so good.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Football! great pic! I don't know if i could live with this country if we got our a$$es handed to us by some dink Asian team

Woman's Softball, The world simply got tired of us dominating the sport! I too am a big fan of the game, watch it whenever i can. Yes, by all means, bring that one back!!

Good one Roy!! My cousin won second or third in the world for average at the National Finals this past season in Team Roping. He coulda won the Bronze!! :)

Actually though i like all Rodeo sports, The Bull Riding is by far my personal Favorite and team Brazil would be more than competitive.

I'm surprised at you guys! Since when do we not make fun of questions around here :) lol

LAST EDITED ON Mar-01-10 AT 06:16PM (MST)[p]Stock Car racing! And not a puke plate race either!

Time trials to determine pole position.

First three places get medals.

NASCAR drivers accumulate points over 4 years. The point leader represents USA!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Muley, They don't have that yet? Good idea! I'd like to see it done like the Biathlon, only at a jog, run 2 miles to a shooting station then repete,... How would you feel of getting StinkStomper as the Coach?

Eel, That leaves Jr out! Dam! I don't know. Seeing how those guys act up in the ice skating ring, one can only cringe at the thought of giving them cars for protection. :) On second thought, maybe that would be great to watch!!

N_C, Mud wrestling eh? of course we would need to have someone to do all the screening and tryouts, maybe a team coach...are you interested?

I'd like to see a huge game of Smear the Queer....playground style. You play until you are no longer able to. If that means you separate a be it. If you get knocked be it. The country holding the ball last....wins! I'd personally give this event to Australia...but I'd think we'd be a close second.


I like never catches suggestion of UFC mud wrestling. Take the mud out of the equation and insert KY Jelly though. Much more entertaining and kinky!!
"Smear the Queer"

Sorry Steve, that's one game i've never heard of though it opens weird thoughts and possibilities. What the basic jist of it?

Maybe this is what Wiz is talking about??? I don't think he'd hit either one of them

I cant believe you never heard of smear the queer. Its a bunch of players with a football. The one who has the football is the queer and hes the one that all the other guys are trying to smear. Once he gets tackled, he throws the ball up for grabs and the one to catch the ball is now the queer. And so on....we used to play it in grade school. It was a blast. Its like football with no endzones.

Nice picture, Feleno! Is that your Dad and your Uncle Jed?

Steve, Honest truth! I have heard the term, i think, but never knew it was a schoolyard game! If i had had to guess i would have thought it another name for dodge ball, a game like kickball, that i totally excelled at!

So, how would there ever be a winner Steve... by not ever catching the ball?

Regardless, i'll put down Smear the Queer on the list of suggestions for the Olympic Committee. Thanks!!
Its a game of pride so you never back away from catching the ball. Last one standing wins! Its a mans game!!

"Its a mans game!!"

I thought you said you played it in grade school? No matter, We had a similar game of tag base on the same kinda thing but it was teams and you could take prisoners and also release prisoners that were on your team by breaking thru and not getting tagged.

Gotta be more Sports that we're sure to beat the Canadians, Europeans, and Asians, at in the Summer Olympics! Suggestions welcome!!

Dog field trials, If horses can play then dogs can to. Or maybe snowmobile racing. Oh wait you said summer right? lol
Joey- I meant it's a "Man's" game cuz the puzzies in school wouldn't play it in fear of getting smeared. It was a grade school game. However, it would be a bitchin' summer games as played by 260 pound black men....ooooops, sorry Feleno....I just let out YOUR little fantasy!! And, no, Feleno, you can't intertwine this game with your version of "hide the salami".

Fair enough Wiz! :) about a Swimsuit Competition? :9 :9 :9

or maybe, woman's surfing??

See where i'm going here? Not much happening in these pages anymore so we'll just have to get our Jollies from prime time National TV. :)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-10 AT 00:10AM (MST)[p]How about CannonBall off the high dive - the fata$$ that displaces the most water wins gold, no speedos though.
Marco Polo might also be a possibility for the summer games.
And womens slip and slide.
Bikini midget tossing!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>What would you like to see
>as a new event?

Well, if you want to make sure USA kicks ass, I suggest the following:

1. Grovelling To Despots 400 Meter Free Style.
2. Kissing The Butt Of Foreign Heads Of State 100 Country Relay.
3. Taking Responsibility For Every Natural Disaster on the Planet 25000 Mile Marathon.
4. Bankrupting Your Country 2.5 Trillion Dollars At A Time Gymnastics. .
5. Pointing The Finger At Conservatives Floor Exercise.

Should just make the whole thing a Decathalon.
Definetly worth consideration, all of them! Always could use more shooting events of any kind and the tossing of vertically challenged people could be for not only distance but judged on accuracy as well.

I'm just an old Farmboy, cowhand myself so a couple events that i could have emotional ties to my youth would be;

1. frog gigging and skinning event.
2. steel fence post pounding.
3. open that gate contest
4. who can eat the most spaghetti and beans for breakfast.
5. egg finding contest.
6. who can run the best trap line contest.
7. hay bales stacking contest.
8. catfish skinning.
9. deer skinning.
and finally, a deer spotting contest!

I probably could have once done well in most of those! :)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-10 AT 04:49PM (MST)[p]How bout a Border Patrol Biathalon? Instead of skiing they could sneak through fields of cactus and then shoot at targets made up like illegals! Or a similar triathalon where contestants dress up like illegals and have to crawl on their bellies through catus and barbed wire, swim a river and then run a marathon through the desert under a hail of gunfire?

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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