

Very Active Member
If you want chill's sent up
your spine, youtube their live
performance of Love.

I have about zero use for modern country, but these folks
are awsome. She also happens to be hot.

Oh man, I'd rather hear nails scratching on a chalkboard for 24 consecutive hours than listen to her sing for 5 seconds. I personally think she's about the worst singer next to Macy Grey. Wow she's way off tune, she ranks up there with me right up with rascal flatts. Just my two cents.
>Oh man, I'd rather hear nails
>scratching on a chalkboard for
>24 consecutive hours than listen
>to her sing for 5
>seconds. I personally think
>she's about the worst singer
>next to Macy Grey.
>Wow she's way off tune,
>she ranks up there with
>me right up with rascal
>flatts. Just my two

which is just about what I think your opinion is worth. :)
Sugarland Rocks!!! She's singing on the country Music Awards as i type this. Him? One lucky guy to hook up with her.

WTF don't you just post a link?

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Sugarland is awesome for sure. Most singers these days can't sing and really sound like chit, but Sugerland is the real deal. She can really sing.
I liked them until I heard them talk polotics. They are left wingers just like the "Chicks". It's sad to see Country Music going down the same path as the rest of them.

"Cooters R Cool"
What do you mean "them"? Oh that goofy guy with her? He doesn't count. And I wasn't going to discuss politics with her.
Sugarland is not country music. I call it "pop country". Just like Rascal Flats, Keith Urban, etc. I'm a huge country fan, but that "pop country" is not for me.

Give me some George, Chris Ledoux, or Alabama!!
The conversation, not you, nothing personal.
Just know I wouldn't let my buddies catch me listening to Sugarland.
I clicked on this post think I was going to find a Great spot for Monster deer. Sugarland AKA "Honey Hole"

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
"Only the manliest rock bands for me. Judas Priest, Queen, REM, etc..."

LOL, only the manliest, and you list Queen, wasnt ol' Freddy Mercury a BIG Queen. not very manly if you ask me, but to each there own. :)LOL

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Queen and REM?? Not very manly. Kind of like Prince! I would much rather listen to a hot chick sing pop/country than those "men". Funny, not an attack, just funny what some people think is manly.
sar⋅casm   /ˈsɑrk?zəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sahr-kaz-uhm] Show IPA
?noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
Rob Halfert, lead singer for Judas Priest is a fudge packer, as well.
Freddie Mercury of Queen paddled from both sides of the boat.
Nonetheless, still 2 of my fav bands!!!

Jenifer Nettles of Sugarland is a great talent even with the tiny "T's"

"Good mass & long browtines"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-09 AT 08:46PM (MST)[p] "Rob Halfert, lead singer for Judas Priest is a fudge packer, as well."

Well you learn something new every day, I totally get it now.

Damn it I hate being the guy that didnt net the sarcastic remark.:)


Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
> "Rob Halfert, lead singer for
>Judas Priest is a fudge
>packer, as well."
>Well you learn something new every
>day, I totally get it
>Damn it I hate being the
>guy that didnt net the
>sarcastic remark.:)

You mean he works in the shipping department of a candy factory? I had no idea either.
"You mean he works in the shipping department of a candy factory?"

Exactly NV, but he only works in the "back room", so to speak.


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