Sucks to be this Guy!!

I did the same thing as a prank on a guy I work with. Said it was a stainless steel springfield 1911, and it was for sale for 300.00. I left it on there for 7 minutes and he got 45 calls, 18 voicemails, and like 25 texts. Classic! He was pretty pissed.
Help a Sista named GUY out,LMMFAO!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
HAHA , way funny . I clicked the other items for sale by owner . All the used guns are way over priced , guess divorce is real expensive .
what kind of DF lets his wife know what he has and where it is at????

should ran a ad saying will trade guns for chickens, I bet the phone would never stopped ringing.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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