Success with Moo Cow Decoy



Not Spot and stalk....these guys from Sage Buck Productions used the Moo Cow at the end of a long waterhole, forcing the bucks to drink within bow range.

The bucks were fine with the cow being there, they just didn't want to drink right next to it. Crafty way to use the decoy.


Best of Luck,
Jeff (MM Sponsor)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-12 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]Thanks everyone. Here is the note I got from John with the pics:

"Hey Jeff, Ok so I finally got to put the moo cow to the test. The water holes that we hunt have a run off that goes down 120 yds from the hole and over the years we have had some quality bucks water too far away for a shot. So what we did was put the decoy towards the bottom of the hole to try and push the goats towards our blinds. Worked to perfection! They were very comfortable with the moo cow, but went above it to drink which put these two bucks well within range for a shot".

Best of Luck,
Jeff (MM Sponsor)

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