
I need me one of those fuzzy green toilet seats, Then id be PIMPIN.haha

I dont understand. Whats wrong with them shirts, i have some just like them. Sure they might be aliitle out of fashion but they will come back.
>> Just make sure yer lady friend has a matching one

And less chest hair...don't want her to be showin ya up...
I don't know! This thread kinda pisses me off. I still have a blue leisure suit hanging in the closet. I also have a floral print silk shirt with extra wide collars, a white belt & enough fake gold chains to embarrass John Revolta. Crap, I even like the Bee Gees. At least I never had any piercing ? nipples, eyebrows, belly buttons, tongue etc.

After I turned about 14, I reverted to Levis, t-shirts (that say something about hunting) & comfortable boots. But ? I still like the Bee Gees ? ?Stay?n alive Baby?

I lied about being 14. Actually my wife bought me that polyester leisure suit in about 1973. I wore it to work one time & got laughed at so bad I had to go home & change at lunch. Pissed me off so bad all she got for Christmas was a Lava Lamp & a dayglo poster of Jim Morrison.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-07 AT 09:22PM (MST)[p]We should do a fashion show !!!!


I swear i'll do one with my face! Sorry Overton
Tag that just mean as hell there. can you teach me how to do that. ranson showed me how to post pics
Just teaching myself how, cut and paste stuff with some editing. limited with the computer at work. try opening a pic in "paint shop".
Here you go one of me in my new suit!

I have way too much time on my hands, and i'm getting paid for this.
That'd be my guess, i dont think he'd let me get away with out half an ear full.

By the way, I remember my folks dressing up like that and we have family pictures and i swear the three oldest boys are in that outfit the kids are in.......AHHHHHH the Horror!!!
Anybody else think tageater looks like tom cruise?

"What I could do, I was doing, and that was simply putting my butt on the line for my country, the country that I loved, so that all the protestors and the academics and the liberal intelligentsia back home could enjoy the right to protest against people like me, the hated middleclass." --Gary R. Smith, US Special Forces
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-07 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]Here's some more modeling....Guess who!!!


for my limited abilitied work comp....give the guy a break.

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