Stupidity Reigns in Arizona Schools


Very Active Member
Looks to me like its time for a change in the school board down in Arizona. Check out this story. Talk about over-reaction. By the way, what ever happened to tolerance? If I were the parents I would be on the phone with a lawyer preparing a suite for mental suffering, shame and embarrassment, etc. What an outrage.

Arizona School Suspends 13-Year-Old Boy for Drawing Gun
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

MESA, Arizona ?
Officials at an Arizona school suspended a 13-year-old boy for sketching what looked like a gun, saying the action posed a threat to his classmates.
The boy's parents said the drawing was a harmless doodle and school officials overreacted.
"The school made him feel like he committed a crime. They are doing more damage than good," said the boy's mother, Paula Mosteller.
The drawing did not show blood, bullets, injuries or target any human, the parents said. And the East Valley Tribune reported that the boy said he did not intend for the picture to be a threat.
Administrators of Payne Junior High in nearby Chandler suspended the boy on Monday for five days but later reduced it to three days.
The boy's father, Ben Mosteller, said that when he went to the school to discuss his son's punishment, school officials mentioned the seriousness of the issue and talked about the 1999 massacre at Colorado's Columbine High School, where two teenagers shot and killed 12 students, a teacher and themselves. Mosteller said he was offended by the reference.
Chandler district spokesman Terry Locke said the crude sketch was "absolutely considered a threat," and that threatening words or pictures are punishable.


LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-07 AT 10:18AM (MST)[p]My daughter has drawn pictures in the past for class assignments with her and I out hunting shooting deer and nothing has happened. I guess he should of drawn a deer at the other end. And if you turn it on its side it looks like a skyscraper. Maybe that is what it was. Pretty ignorant if you ask me.

Hell, the kid even drew a trigger lock on it! How is that a threat?
Pure naziism in the schools nowadays.!
Archerman - Archery hunting addict!

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