Study: The press is failing America because of ?massive media bias?


Long Time Member
Unlike the obviously flawed study that the AP, CNN, NYT et al are flogging as if it's unvarnished truth, this study wasn?t funded by a billionaire sugar daddy with an ax to grind. It was conducted by researchers at Virginia Tech. Its results were released in November 2006 to no fanfare.

Jim A. Kuypers, assistant professor of communication in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences at Virginia Tech, reveals a disturbing world of media bias in his new book Bush?s War: Media Bias and Justifications for War in a Terrorist Age (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2006).

Convincingly and without resorting to partisan politics, Kuypers strongly illustrates in eight chapters ?how the press failed America in its coverage on the War on Terror.? In each comparison, Kuypers ?detected massive bias on the part of the press.? In fact, Kuypers calls the mainstream news media an ?anti-democratic institution? in the conclusion.

?What has essentially happened since 9/11 has been that Bush has repeated the same themes, and framed those themes the same whenever discussing the War on Terror,? said Kuypers, who specializes in political communication and rhetoric. ?Immediately following 9/11, the mainstream news media (represented by CBS, ABC, NBC, USA Today, New York Times, and Washington Post) did echo Bush, but within eight weeks it began to intentionally ignore certain information the president was sharing, and instead reframed the president's themes or intentionally introduced new material to shift the focus.?

It's not hard to anticipate the reactions to this. First, silence. We?ve seen that for over a year now. Second, critics will say ?The press should challenge the administration.? True, but the press shouldn't stray into propagating falsehoods in the name of challenging any administration. And it certainly shouldn't frame all its stories through a consistently skewed lens.

But that's what the researchers found:

This goes beyond reporting alternate points of view. ?In short,? Kupyers explained, ?if someone were relying only on the mainstream media for information, they would have no idea what the president actually said. It was as if the press were reporting on a different speech.?

The most obvious case of that that springs to mind is the infamous 16 words of the 2002 SOTU. President Bush stated clearly that ?the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,? yet the press has consistently reported that Joseph Wilson?s trip to Niger refuted that. It didn't. The British still stand by their intel on that. Wilson?s own CIA debriefing tended to back that up as well.

Here?s a Q&A with Kuypers on his 2006 study. While I don't expect any of this to counter against years of ?Bush LIED? nonsense, it's nice to see that one academic took a look at the media?s systemic and ongoing failure to report the truth without bias.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,

The lefties love kool aid themselves. They live their own life filled with hate for one man and it isn't Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam or Bin Laden. One man is the source of all their anguish. You should find pity for those so unfortunate.

Nice try 202! I challenge anyone to look into the Niger documents and whether or not MI6 is currently standing behind them.

The only person to stand by them as credible publicly was Tony Blair while MI6 constantly stated on the record the jury was still out. Odd, how that article does not mention any of the known forged documents.

There are timelines about this subject, the documents, the involved intelligence agencies and current viewpoints of the documents validity.

I get it, it's now the media fault. Explain that to the family and loved ones of our fallen soldiers. Where does the buck actually stop or does it?
As far as fallen soldiers go...these stats may surprise you. I think it is proof that the media chooses how to depict the story. Has the media ever brought up the fact that there have been less soldiers lost in Iraq than in times we have not been at war? I'm not a political guy and I don't like to argue politics because no one wins the arguement. This is just something to chew on. I don't believe the media serves America what they need to hear; the media serves us what THEY want us to hear. Read below:

War Casualty Stats - You will be surprised
Why has the media not complained before the Iraq war? These are some rather
eye-opening facts:

As tragic as the loss of any member of the US Armed Forces is, consider the
following statistics:

Annual fatalities of military members while actively serving in the armed
forces from 1980 through 2004:

1980 - 2,392 1989 - 1,636 1998 - 826
1981 - 2,380 1990 - 1,508 1999 - 795
1982 - 2,318 1991 - 1,787 2000 - 774
1983 - 2,465 1992 - 1,293 2001 - 890
1984 - 1,999 1993 - 1,213 2002 - 1,007
1985 - 2,252 1994 - 1,075 2003 - 1,410 -- 534*
1986 - 1,984 1995 - 1,040 2004 - 1,887 -- 900*
1987 - 1,983 1996 - 974 2005 - -- 919*
1988 - 1.819 1997 - 817 2006 - -- 920*
* Figures are Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom
fatalities only

Does this really mean that the loss from the two current conflicts in the
Middle East are LESS than the loss of military personnel during Mr.
Clinton's presidency? Were we at war?

Now, are you confused when you look at these figures?

Especially look at 1980, during the reign of President "Nobel Peace Prize,
Jimmy Carter" himself, there were 2,392 US military fatalities.

What this clearly indicates is that our media and our liberal politicians
pick and choose, and they tend to present only those facts that support
their agenda driven reporting.

Another fact our left media and politicians like to slant is that these
brave men and women losing their lives are minorities.

Wrong again - The latest census shows the following:

European descent (white) 69.12%
Hispanic 12.5%
African American 12.3%
Asian 3.7%
Native American 1.0%
Other 2.6%

Now, the fatalities over the past three years in Iraqi Freedom are:

European descent (white) 74.31%
Hispanic 10.74%
African American 9.67%
Asian 1.81%
Native American 1.09%
Other 2.33%

These statistics are published by DOD and may be viewed at:

You right wingers are great, now we should stay at war because it's safer for our troops. I don't care what your numbers say that's funny.
What's to spin? you guys are grasping at straws and it's pretty fun to watch.
I have never heard any reports that the majority of active duty fatalities were mostly minorities.

I agree Wizsard that we are spoon fed by the mainstream media on a daily basis. Was that your point?

I mean to say, what exactly is the point of these statistics outside of the racial percentage of fatalities. Is it that some losses are simply deemed acceptable in a war we could have possibly avoided?

I just don't understand how those statistics presented to a grieving mother, father, husband, wife, or child of a fallen soldier would be comforting.

I do fully agree about the mainstream broadcast media, that's for sure.
It's great that we live in this amazing country that allows liberal jackasses to spew venom. It's great that some guys on here think that thier opinion is all that matters. But some of you anti-american bastards need to get the hell out. In my mind your comments are providing aid to our enemys! We have always stood together in perilous times. And now most liberals hate President Bush more than the terror groups who'd love to terminate us and all of the west. Where do you get so much hate? And why the hell are you still here? Just move on out to North Korea or Go make love to Hugo Chavez. You are an embarassment to the U.S.A. SPINELESS! SENSELESS! GUTLESS! Great men and women have shed thier blood and given thier lives to protect our LIBERTY. And some of you almost make it seem cheap! You make me sick!
"I get it, it's now the media fault. Explain that to the family and loved ones of our fallen soldiers. Where does the buck actually stop or does it?"

Forthewall- This is why I posted those war stats. So many Americans make it seem like it is Pres. Bush's fault that those soldiers lost their lives. Soldiers lose their lives when we are not at war as well. Look how many soldiers died during Clintons reign. Why did they die?

If a Democrat is voted into office I can't wait to see how the media flip-flops and how it brings us the news. Will they side with the new Pres. and support him/her? Or will they stay par for the course and continue to bash everyone that has ever run this country? They are so biased and favor the Democratic party so much....we might see them put out some positive stories over the next 4 years!!

Wiszard my response you quoted was to 202's post and not to your thread.

I have been on both sides of the aisle in my lifetime and I am now an Independent. I do not base my criticism solely along partisan lines. "If" the country was duped into this war and soldiers die, it rests with the Commander and Chief. Clinton, Bush, Jones, Smith, Vanhorglenson, it doesn't matter who.

Bush pushed for the ability to pursue a pre-emptive policy on the premise that after all diplomatic avenues had been pursued a pre-emptive strike would be the very last resort. Once the Congress gave him the votes, he gave the finger to the U.N. and the rush for war was on.

Proof in the pudding, why did we have 60,000 troops and equipment on ships in the Mediterranian, stuck, after the Turks said, "Thanks, but you still owe us for the first gulf war so you can't use our country to attack Iraq from the north?

If there was no rush to war, why would we have been in the Med, or relying on a last minute vote by the Turks. Such a tactical error seems unbelievable for a well-planned war plan by the greatest military in the world don't you think?

Check my post "Between Iraq and a hard place", this war will end when the money is gone. McCain is pipe dreaming with his 50 year plan.

Everbody dies Wiszard, heart attacks, crushed by forklifts, car crashes, suicides, reading too many of 202's posts, you name it. Bullets, I.E.D.'s, Mortars they're a little different.

I will look into the DOD thread link to determine if all of those soldiers died in action and not just because they were listed as active duty...big difference. The size of our military changes, the more forces the more deaths. It would be more informative to see the numbers in percentages.
Bigbuckchaser said " It's great that we live in this amazing country that allows liberal jackasses to spew venom. It's great that some guys on here think that thier opinion is all that matters. But some of you anti-american bastards need to get the hell out. In my mind your comments are providing aid to our enemys! We have always stood together in perilous times. And now most liberals hate President Bush more than the terror groups who'd love to terminate us and all of the west. Where do you get so much hate? And why the hell are you still here? Just move on out to North Korea or Go make love to Hugo Chavez. You are an embarassment to the U.S.A. SPINELESS! SENSELESS! GUTLESS! Great men and women have shed thier blood and given thier lives to protect our LIBERTY. And some of you almost make it seem cheap! You make me sick!"

I could not agree more.
Forewall man up and get out of the middle of the road. That is how you get run over. At least Dude is standing on the far left. Don't attempt to paint yourself as an independant. You are far far from it. Pansies are in the middle of the road. Either that or move your pansie a%^ to France.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Buckchaser and 202 I have a very American idea here. Bush and his war are both hugely unpopular that's a fact, maybe you missed that somehow? since we're all for America and our system is a democracy that means majority rules, why don't you guys shut up or get your butts out.
Make me!!! Nananana................:p

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
I kind of figured that. nobody wants to leave this country, and we all want whats best for it as well. there's just different opinions on what that is.
I concur

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
No one will ever win the arguement over the war and Bush's reasons to go there. Soon this thread will be longer than "15 inch bases"!! Bottom line is...Bush will not be in the position to over-see what is going on in Iraq come November. The discussion should be which candidate will be able to facilitate a happy ending in Iraq. You can't please everbody so ther will be no happy ending in everybody's opinion. I just hope that whoever is in office can create an "America" we can all be proud of. We are all "Americans" and should think as "Americans". As over-stated as it may be, we all live here and we all want the best for us. It's too bad politics don't work that way. There will always be the minority vote that is unhappy.

"Their" it is a rather simple and common word which is used on a daily basis for those proficient in English.

Apparently "thier" is a code word used amongst the angry partisan illiterate. Oh well, I guess 30inchbigbuck will have some friends in the laborer line. :)

Yep, I know, out making friends again.

202 are you using the alias of Bigbuckchaser? Have you really become so desperate that you are propping up your own threads?

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