Stuck in elevator part II


Long Time Member
If you were going to be stuck in an elevator for 12 hours. Who WOULD be on your list. Please be mindful of the 50% rule. Sorry Feleno I had to steal this idea from you. I think my posts will outnumber yours here shortly. :)
mywifeishotterthantiffany's wife...or tiffany!! Sorry I like most of ya but I'm not diggin the idea of bein stuck in an elevator with any dudes...

LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-10 AT 07:56PM (MST)[p]tiffany lakowski (however you spell it). pam zaitz (she safari). miranda lambert makes appearances on huntin shows too.

Theres nobody on mm I'd wanna be stuck in a elevator with so I went to the next best thing, hunting shows.


Hey - I think I have seen that lately doing her ironing naked.

12 hours? yikes. I can think of a whole bunch I would like to be stuck with for 3 or 4 hours.
Stuck in an elevator with ANYONE for 12 hours is really going to lose its shine when, either you, or that ever so stunning chick, are forced to "drop a duece" in the corner at about hour six......I'll have to skip that event.
Looks like I have been missing out on the fun while I was gone. Who are the pictures of the cute girls on this page?

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

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