STRUCK GOLD! Pics to Prove It!


Very Active Member
If you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do?
-Warren Miller

That's kinda been my mantra the past few years. I've wanted to do the Wind Rivers and chase elusive golden trout for years. I wasn?t about to be one year older and still dreaming. This was the year.

This would be a departure from our usual Uinta pack trips. A different state, a mountain range I've never laid eyes on and a species of trout the remained unchecked on my list. Remaining constant was my Dad, my 6 year old son after his successful debut last year and my horses. Brother came along this year too after a long hiatus from the backcountry.

3:30am alarm, an hour later and we're on the on the road. A trailer tire blow out, a less than scenic tour of Rock Springs, sausage Mcmuffins, a new tire, inevitable Wyoming roadwork delay, miles of rolling sage?.then this. Our first good view of the Wind Rivers!

It was still a good amount of distance and time before rolling into the trailhead. I got the horses ready, Dad and bro packed the panniers and son and dog explored the area. Within 20 minutes we're heading down the trail.
While not a hard hike, the miles staked up. By about 5pm, after 8 trail miles and another mile of bushwhacking, we found a suitable place to call home for the next four days. That's camp there at the foot of a 500 ft granite wall.

Once the area was clear of all potential bad guys and after every grizzly in the territory had been shot, we were good to relax and enjoy a fine fajita dinner.

While we saw no real signs of bears, we still took the precaution to hang our food. Here?s the view from our kitchen window.

After a good nights sleep and a filling breakfast, we were off. Prospectors of sorts. In search of GOLD! Riches never come easy, another couple miles and more climbing put us close.
Within a dozen casts or so, BAM! Fish on?fight it?bring it in easy?is it? it?...Yes! I struck gold! The first of many Golden Trout.

Son + Spinner = Golden. All his own!

Dad too! Check out this old male, the fish that is.

The color on that brute was something else, unbelievably beautiful fish.
Took a break from the fishing for a bit and hiked up to the top of the entire continent, LITERALLY! Standing on top of the continental divide. Pacific to his left, Atlantic to his right.

The view from up there was nothing short of amazing.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, standing atop His creations, God?s perspectives, or at least our feeble understanding of it, becomes a whole lot clearer. Gratitude seems to always fill my thoughts?life, health, family, freedoms and the opportunity to experience it all!

As you'd expect, a 6 year olds attention span for fishing isn't that long. So what's a boy to do? Eat easy-cheese from the can, climb boulders, throw sticks to the dog and build huts! We made it a point to make sure we didn't cram fishing down his throat. The last thing I wanted was him thinking fishing is a boring thing where you have to sit and watch dad for hours on end. Races back to camp, gorilla warfare stick gun battles and watching clouds with grandpa, a few of many extracurricular activities. He truly had a great time.

Blueberry pancakes, bacon and fried potatoes fueled our next day?s hike to this scenic lake.

Cookie cutter high country brookies, but WOW was the bite on! That kid pulled in probably a solid 30 fish from that lake and with every fish he wanted to know ?is it a keeper!?!?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-10 AT 09:16PM (MST)[p]I left the crew and scrambled solo up a couple hundred feet of rubble to a breathtaking view of the drainage below and barren alpine tundra above.


We wanted to take a peek at one more lake in the vicinity before we left. Required about a mile hike and a treacherous river crossing.

Once there, it became immediately apparent that this lake was teaming with fish. With crystal clear water, good sized trout could easily been seen cruising the shallows. We couldn't get rigged up fast enough. We watched many more than we caught. They weren't in the mood for anything, but the few we caught were a fine reward. Obviously planted at one time, I'm guessing many, many years ago, this lake harbored entirely wild rainbows. Very rare, from my experience with high and deep backcountry lakes.

It was close to dinner and time to head back, one last picture before descending to camp.

Yep, them?s T-bones from our own home grown beef. Fine eating for our final dinner.

Up early, pulled camp, and ready for the hike out. Our first little drizzle of the whole trip. Nothing threatening, actually felt pretty good to cool it down for what would be a pretty good ascent right off the bat.

Small breather at the top and keep on going. Still some pretty good patches of snow up there for August.

Just about there. Last river crossing.

Usually reaching the trail head comes with a happy sigh of relief, this time we were welcomed back with a flat tire on the truck. No problem, get the pump. Oh, forgot the pump, no problem, change to the spare. What! Forgot the jack! Man was I unprepared. That won't happen again. Thanks to dad?s mountain mechanic skills, he found a perfect elliptical shaped rock that when crammed against the frame and backed onto, the front end lifted enough to get the spare on. Just added to the adventure. 20 minutes and we were on our way home.

As we headed out through the wide open Wyoming prairie, with the Winds in the rear-view, we reflected on memories created that will last our lifetimes. We vowed we'd visit this special place again. A truly epic adventure it was.
AWSOME post thanks man that is some Beautiful Country. Your son is a lucky young man. Im jealous.
That one big Golden is beautiful. Reminds me of the Eastern Sierras.
I back packed it many times and many of those lakes had goldens.
Man! I could cry!
Been there and done that, but not with my son or grandson!

Gotta go get the bucket list!
So thats why you wanted to know if there was gas in Farson? Sweet pic the winds make the unitas look boring.
Great stuff right there. Man you guys was into the fish. Great looking goldens.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
WOW!!! and I mean WOW !!!
I am always looking for horns when I look on MM but this is the best post I've ever seen here. Good job.
By the way I like my steak mediun rare!!!!!!?
Awesome !!!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
And that, my friends, is what it's all about!

Well done on the story and the pics.

Ol' Jim Bridger was probably grinnin' at the boy the whole time!

It is hard to believe that fully 80% of Americans have NEVER gone on an overnight fishing/camping trip!
Awesome post! Kudos to you for bringing the young man up in the outdoors and sharing such an experience.......they grow up quickly so enjoy it while it lasts. Thanks for taking the time to post it up here.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Wow... What an adventure. Did a back pack trip into the Wind Rivers in 1998. If you only get to go once, I recommend it to anyone and everyone. You did a great job documenting those memories... Thanks for sharing

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Looks like an awesome trip. I'm a huge Warren Miller fan. He's a living legend and great guy.
Awesome I hope to get back into the windy's next year. My Bro backpacked in a couple of weeks ago with a friend. Here's a pic of a couple of nice goldens he and his friend caught.

Very smart old man! I'll bet the kid won't ever forget that trip. Nice effort! Thanks for sharing and excellent pics.

Most excellent! People who never get the chance to do something like that don't know what they're missing.

Awesome post...thanks for sharing your adventure! Not near as great or anywhere close, but rekindled a bunch of memories of similar trips of long, long ago. Especially liked the beautiful trout pics; and the awesome surroundings!
Awesome post! I was lucky enough to catch a big golden with a red belly similar to your dad's just a couple of weeks ago in the Uintas. Beautiful fish. Great photo story!

Nocked N Loaded
All I can say is double awesome! That is a perfect summer trip. We all know how lucky you guys are. All those city folks that don't have a clue really are missing out.
ForkWest, Thank You!! I read your thread when it first came out and was overtook with a feeling near jealousy but closer to regret that though long on my "list", i've never got the chance, or just made it happen, to go high for the Gold. As it works out, your pictures and wonderful story just may have to make that trip for me, well done, and thanks again!!

I don't know if it's possible to catch too many nice trout in ones day but i've caught plenty and i don't believe i've ever seen a more beautiful trophy trout than that big male that your dad took.


Great story Man!! It felt like i was there.Way to take pictures,that boy wont forget them photo's.Thats just awesome taking your boy with you guys,yea it might be a little more to pack,but the memories you two generations of father and son will last a lifetime after lifetime.Your son will be taking his son in about 10 years...Passin it on!! Nice job
Awesome story and even better you gave your son a life time of memories.Thanks for sharing and caring enough to take your dad and boy. Nice job.
I wish all the threads on here were like this one. Awesome! Thanks for sharing your trip with us Forkwest!

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold

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