

Very Active Member
Tonight on Showtime 8 pm mt. time Fador will defend his title. I know someday he will lose but I sure hope it's not tonight. He is calm, cool and BAD!!!
Who's Fador?? Is he on the undercard? All I know is that Fedor Emiliananko will defend his heavyweight title tonight!

*JK - Jodog!

I think he will crush this buy like a paper doll.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
His fights drive me nuts, because he always seems to be in trouble for the first little bit, and appears to be losing, then all the sudden his hand is being raised. He's a stud for sure, I just wish he would come fight in the UFC.
>Who's Fador?? Is he on the
>undercard? All I know is
>that Fedor Emiliananko will defend
>his heavyweight title tonight!
>*JK - Jodog!
>I think he will crush this
>buy like a paper doll.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

What buy?

The strikeforce announcers are idiots....Fedor got baited to the ground...none of his punches landed squarely....Verdum wanted to use that combo triangle/arm bar "va cavallo" submission the whole time and just needed Fedor to go to the mat with him. Lame fight.....go Carwin!

PS...I am really bummed that Wandi had to drop out of the Akiyama fight next week...leben is fun to watch though and I think he will win.

Fedor should have beat that buy.

See - I did mean to say that .45!


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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