Street Bikes


Very Active Member
Well, I am going to pick up my first road bike. It will be used for a short commute to work and running around town. I am buying this in anticipation that the price of gas is going to keep rising this summer and also for the fun of it.

I am buying a 2008 Honda Rebel 250. It's not a big road bike, but for what I am using it for I think it will be perfect. Anyone else own one? Pro's or Con's?

LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-11 AT 06:45AM (MST)[p]Cons are teenage girls with cell phones that dont pay attention...

Its been nice knowing you.

P.S. I have a negative view because I've seen a medical examiner walk around picking up peoples head and putting the pieces in a plasic bag. At least wear a helmet. That makes it easier for the first responders.
I've got an 85 BMW K100 with 33,000 miles on it that I'm getting ready to put back on the road. Everyone is spot on about the teenagers and don't forget the Q-tips (old folks). It's not bad if you remember to have your head 10-15 seconds ahead of you at ALL times. You really need to ride like your life depends on it, because it does!

That little rice burner will save you a ton on gas and parts should be cheap. I just paid almost 400 bucks for a stupid fuel pump for mine. An ex-coworker years ago had a Beemer with over 225,000 miles on it and it was still going strong.
I've been riding street bikes (of increasing sizes) since....forever. The vast majority of accidents happen during the first two years...there is a learning curve.

Pay attention, be aware of everyone and's a lot of fun!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Yep make sure your life insurance is paid up.Not just your driving but people tend to not see those guys on the motorcycles.

P.S. in the last 5 years there has been 4 of my wifes and my co-workers killed on motorcycles.
>P.S. in the last 5 years
>there has been 4 of
>my wifes and my
>co-workers killed on motorcycles.

Jeepers.....Looks like my old lady is getting a life insurance policy and a new motorcycle for her birthday.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I've been on bikes since I was 13 and rode my first dirt bike. Same year I got my first road bike.

I took my first riders course, USN said I had to do it, after riding for almost 40 years. I gotta say the course was well worth my time. Slow manuvering was cool.

Take the time to get lessons from an MSF course; it will be well worth the money.

One thing I have learned from riding so long, and someone else sorta touched on it, is to anticipate that every car out there has it in them to turn into your path...plan accordingly and look for escape routes. NHTSA publishes some motorcycle crash statistics. Google that stuff and see how guys are getting hurt>>vehicle makes left turn in front of bike is #1, night driving, drunk driving, no helmet, no insurance, no course taken. All those factors increase your chance of getting whacked.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
On the other hand.....a friend of mine who is 65 years old only rides his Honda 750. It's the only vehicle he and his wife own, and he bought it used. Last summer they rode from Kali to Homer Alaska and back.

On a side note.....I stopped at his place about a month ago. He has a blue tarp covering the roof of his house to keep the rain out. He also has a ladder leaning against the house. The ladder has been there so long that a tree is growing up between the rungs pinning the ladder in place. The only way to get the ladder down now would be to cut the tree out. He and his wife seem very happy must be nice.

Make sure that your organ donor card is filled out!

Kidding aside, i've many times had to put the idea of getting a Harley, or such, out of my mind. I was a little too careless with how fast i went or what steep hills that i'd go up as a kid on dirt. Was in some pretty good wrecks back then that would put me in the hospital now. :)

If you're a careful and cautious one by nature, seems like a decent way to get around. Good friend of mine, my mechanic, they took his leg off a few months ago from some shitfaced drunk Mom, car full of kids, running a stop sign and smacking into him broadside... even being careful isn't enough to be safe. I think luck has a lot to do with getting killed, or not, on a bike.

I rode for many years but gave it up because of too many close calls. One of my friends was riding with her boyfriend at the time and a truck crossed the center line killing him instantly and throwing her 85 feet into a ditch. It broke her back in two places which took two 15 inch rods to stableize her spine. Bikes are fun but you better ride like everybody is out to kill you. Be carefull, Keith.
con; the honda rebel is the #1 motorcycle among lesbians according to my buddy who was a honda salesman for a couple of years
>con; the honda rebel is the
>#1 motorcycle among lesbians according
>to my buddy who was
>a honda salesman for a
>couple of years

There ya have it! Golden opportunity to convert them from their evil ways :) Is there a Honda Rebel 250 Club???

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