Stream Access Change

Sad, sad deal.

This is as egregious as Wyoming's non-res wilderness ban.

Public, let me say that again, PUBLIC rights are going to be taken away with the passing of the bill.

We can only hope it doesn't make it back through the house with in the next three days. It probably will. And Gov. Herbert is a for sure signature.

This WILL be disputed for years in the courts, burning up your tax dollars, to overcome what a special intrest, agenda driven legislature just caused.
SFW was quiet, at least publicly, on this issue. I don't know what SFWs' stance, if any, was on this issue. The active anglers who were deep in the legislative process indicated that SFW was in support of HB141. Meaning not supporting the vast majority of fishermen in this state. Again that's heresay.

What I do know, is if SFW wanted to activley support/lobby in favor of utah fishermen they would have. In this case they didn't.
This state is really sucking! Sons a bit ches dont own the water or the fish in it. There all just a bunch of greedy
as sholes
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-10 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]Muzz, that's what chaps my hide more than anything. The money WE anglers pay for licenses and the money spent by the DWR supports river fisheries of water owned by US, yet WE just got told, buy the people who supposedly represent US, that WE can't use OUR resources that WE pay for.
If you don't own the land and you can't float down the stream of water you don,t have any business on that property if the owner of that property does not want you on it.

With out privet property rights you have nothing. IMO
Castnshoot, go tell that to the 5 unanimous Utah supreme court justices that have interpreted the constitution to say otherwise. I completely understand the intrestes of the landowners and private protery rights. Fact is though, what you're saying is wrong and violates the state constitution. Idaho and Montana realized that. Utah will too, just will take a little longer.

What happened today was special intrests lobbying the legislature for their agenda. When it comes down to it, which it has and will again in court, the constitution trumps all, even this ill thought up, bought and payed for bill.
Your spot on Forkwest. This will not end here, and cost Utah more money fighting it.
Every other Western State understands the law, and allows wading in streams.
Alaska is the great example of this working. The high water mark is PUBLIC property, and you can wade up and down streams. It seems to work for both the public and the landowner.

This is really sad.
I have writtern my congressman several time, but he is clearly influenced by the big land owners in the area.
Let's give all of these High Paid Lawmakers a Salary of $35k or less per year and then take them along with their kids, to the fence lines of some of these Private Lands that they can no longer access by being a "Member" of the Club or pay Trespass Fees to access with the "Float Only, No Wading" ruling and watch their sad faces and hear them grumble and curse as they cannot fish some prime PUBLIC TAXPAYER WATERS!

Then let's take them along with someone like me or another who currently has access to those lands thanks to the "Public Water Passage" ruling and see the lunkers they can have the opportunity to catch while teaching the ever declining youth, the great outdoors that was put here on Earth for EVERYONE. Would this sink into their thick skulls what they are doing to the average TAX PAYER and their children's future recreation activities??? Not all of us want to go to some man-made pond and catch 12"-14" planter trout with white meat and missing fins gulping at anything that hits the surface of the water!

If they pass this, then they need to make a law that adjusts where OUR tax dollars and license fees fund rehabilitaion projects, fish planting, etc. These funds shouldn't be allowed to be used for PRIVATE lands that we cannot access (within reason) and if they are gonna keep their Lands Private, then they can stick with their waters and not use our Public Waters! We could create a special permit (kinda like a car registration) that says if you have Private of Public access??

To many agendas for the rich and "Gov-ment!" I understand Private Property, but the water, air, earth and sky - ARE EVERYONES, let us share it with our kids and grandkids etc!!!!

Quit being Greedy!!!

Pheeeeeewwwwww - Done venting now! :'(

?-ERock-> ?
Well the way i see it is we as sportsmen and women pay for our tags, licenses and we get the shaft! If we dont have the money or the land were just screwed! This states slogan should be "money talks" Its been a rich mans sport for years and gettin worse every year, i just try to play along with what i can as long as i can. My expectations are to catch a dozen 10" fish a trip and shoot the elusive utah monster 2 point every year. All though i go with out on deer for the past 6 years its sad to see how things have gone. I dont have the money to play any longer. Until some one with some real balls gets in there to stand up for us as average people and sportsman were just schit outta luck people.

Write an email or letter to your State Rep, and Senator. Telling them how you feel.
Then email all of your friends asking them to do the same.

If we all band together and fight this, we may win.

Key Points:
-Locks us out of waters, that we fund
-The Supreme court has already ruled
-All other Western State allow wading in streams
-Money wasted evaluating, and fighting this

Keep the faith man!
Fork hit it on the nose. The freakin' SUPREME COURT ruled it unconstitutional, but the legislators this year seem so hell-bent on telling anyone associated with other government branches to go to hell.

I just love that MY tax dollars will, once again, be spent on court costs!

We need to band together and do what we can, find out who voted for this bill and VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT. I am so sick of the circus we call a Legislature anymore!


Write your leaders and ask if they voted for it.
Mine both voted for it.

I am ticked!
Key word navigable:

"Deep enough and wide enough to afford passage of ships, boats or barges."

I think you will find that this issue is far from resolved in most western states. No matter what you might read on some fly
fishing web sights.

There is just way too many things to be taken into consideration to say anybody can trespass just because a couple of inches of water travels from one property line to another.

These access issues should be decided on a local level{county by county}.

It my be popular now days to bash the "rich guy" but the fact is
this ruling negatively affects the small land owner{common folks} more than any body. Of Course there will always be those who think that anybody who owns a piece of property bigger than
50'X100' are greedy.
Is SWF going to help the common man...LMAO

You will only get help from SFW is you have lots of zeros on your income tax filling. Currently SFW is fighting hard to get land owners 100 more elk tags from the DWR. There is no way they are going to bite the hand that they are asking to be fed from.

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