Strawberry Res. Utah



Has anybody been up there lately? Hows the tubing been? What are they hitting? I'd like to go in the next couple of weeks any info would be great.
I was up there this weekend near Mud Creek. The cuts are on fire. We couldn't keep them off. They were hitting green rooster tail spinners and rapalas. Good luck finding any that are above the slot though. We were only able to keep 3 fish because they were smaller than 15".
My dad used to hunt that when he was younger, Main canyon and such, Some big bucks hang up in there man.
Haven't been up there in years, miss that place.

>My dad used to hunt that
>when he was younger, Main
>canyon and such, Some big
>bucks hang up in there
>Haven't been up there in years,
>miss that place.

What'd he use? A snorkle and a spear gun?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-04 AT 11:19PM (MST)[p]ROFLMAO..............that's funny Wes.

Yes I did, and if the guy had half a clue as to what he was talking about there wouldn't have been a retaliation.

I was on bow hunt a lotta years back with my dad up in main. Sitting in some timber above a trail and a great big, dark horned 4x4 came up the hill. Off the trail, just straight up the hill. Dad had his old martin cougar and was at full draw when the buck topped the hill. dad shot the buck right between the horns and watched the arrow richochete off the top of his skull and down the mountain.

Luckily Dad was useing his bow fishing setup and quickly reeled in his arrow. The buck by now was about 100 yards out and running full tilt for the lake. Dad imediatly cut his arrow free from the line and launched it at the fleeing buck hitting him with a Texas heart shot. The buck fell over dead but slid down the mountain and over a cliff into the deepest part of the lake and sank to the bottom. We ran back to the truck for our scuba gear, but the lake was far too deep at that point for us to retrieve the buck. I'm sure it the buck would have been the new world record if we could have retrived him from the bottom of the lake.
Pretty pathetic life we lead when we have to continuously bag on someone else for personal enjoyment, dont you think Wes.
hahahahahahaha, good one orvy, have no idea who Cass is, do you?


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