Strawberry Ice Fishing Report


Very Active Member
Took the children out yesterday and iced 7 fish in 5 hours. 1 15", 2 17", 1 19", 2 20", 1 21". Lost a couple at the hole and had a few bites that I missed. Spent a lot of time helping the children, so I wasn't as productive (depending on your definition of productive) as I could have been. Planning to go back out on Monday.

Anybody else been out recently?
Now that the fishing at Strawberry was on the front page of the newspaper I guess the cat is out of the bag. I've been out a few times and have caught several nice fish in the 22"-24" range. I caught a 23" rainbow yesterday (1/18) that really had the girth of a football. You know the fishing is good when you start to refer to the 20 inchers as " only a 20 incher".
Are the fish getting fatter? I dont fish it because the fish are long and skinny, Kind of like catching a fighting stick.

We wenet on the 18th and caught some nice bows 14" to 18" and fat on 16" was 11" around... now thats fat... looked like a football. We also caught two 22" cut throught....but they arnt as fat as the bows.

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