Strawberry Blonde???


Long Time Member
Does it make a difference if she's a vegetarian?
For some strange reason, i'm craving strawberry shortcake all of the sudden!!

Dang she's hott!!!!!!!!!

Reminds me of the Waitress that serves me lunch at Carlos' Country Kitchen here......damn, I think I will go have breakfast there now...see ya.

dang 13er you are a picky sumgun. if you saw the other pictures you'd agree she's not even close to being a BIG girl.

"For some strange reason, i'm craving strawberry shortcake all of the sudden!!"
I bet you got a can of whip cream ready to go Slammer.
RE: More Strawberry than Blonde???

I'll bet they both eat meat. Steak in paticular.
RE: More Strawberry than Blonde???

auuuugghhh Tag did you have to go there? that change from very good to bad was as subtle as a hand grenade.
RE: More Strawberry than Blonde???


hell,i just saved another keyboard from getting wet! but a thanks once in awhile is too much too ask!

WOW that first one is HOT!!

The one singing is nice to but that song is annoying...I think she would have a better future in porn....


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