Strangest thing seen....


Long Time Member
while driving down the highway, looking into another vehicle???
I log a lot of road miles, seen some strange things. Guys getting knobbers (some of us lucky enough to be on the receiving end of that), girls doing their makeup, guys reading the paper. Thats not uncommon.

More bizarre.... saw a woman breast feeding while driving once, a girl with her foot on the dash clipping her toenails, another changing into another shirt, no bra. Some you've seen?
I was getting on to I-15 on a hot summer day and noticed a girl with her shirt pulled up and her cha chas hanging right out.
Many years ago while riding along with my parents near Cimarron, NM, I saw two dogs humping in the back of a Pontiac.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
TAGATTRACTER beat me to it.

I saw a dude driving along in rush hour traffic once in San Francisco pickin his nose and eatin' the boogers.

For as much time as I've spent driving I must have seen something better than that but can't think of it this morning. I think more often than not I was the guy giving the rest of you a show. :)
"I think more often than not I was the guy giving the rest of you a show."
NV Please tell me you were on the receiving end. Please.
I was in the fast lane, moving along pretty good, down I-5 below Sac one day and watched my front left tire and wheel come off(broken axle). It stayed even with me for awhile, then went on ahead and very nearly crashed into a car as it bounced across the highway. Scary deal!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-10 AT 10:28AM (MST)[p]When on a long road trip, we play a little game to pass the time.
When pulling up on the next vehicle to pass, does it have a woman and does she have her foot/feet up on the dash board. And double points for a good looking female driver with both feet up on the Dash...

Sage, a few years back I was driving southonI5 in the no. 2 lane and a truck passed me and his right front tire and wheel came off rolling across in front of me, he went into center divide and we didn't hit the wheel, kept right on at 70 mph...

Stop Global Whining
About two monts ago i was on the freeway, glanced over and saw a woman with a bowl of cereal between her knees. To make it even sweeter, she was steering with her elbows while having a spoon in one hand and a mascara brush in the other.
Now THATS multi tasking!![/IMG]
I was driving home for lunch a few years back and passed Arizona State University just as a monsoon rain let loose. That was the best impromptu wet t-shirt contest I've ever seen...(had to circle the block a couple of times).....Terry
At a stop light in Portland Or., a naked crackhead woman jumped on the hood of the pickup next to us and took a pee on the windshield.

It stopped all trafic until 6 cops finally got her cuffed up and in the car. The cops and this one skinny gal was more funny than the hood incident......ALL they could handle!
Driving on I-15 north Highland/alpine exit area.. looked to the right and saw a boat going down the trailer..just a nice ski boat..the H2 and trailer were right behind it and it stopped after a few seconds...

Same spot a week later heading south to work dirt and rocks start hitting the windshield...we look to the left and a flatbed trailer is hauling down the shoulder alone...backwards...traffic slows as the trailer crosses all lanes and goes down the hill to the right and comes to a stop next to the frontage road.

Same spot a week later heading north after work...we pop a tire on the work truck and pull's dark so we all get out and hold flashlights to warn traffic...suddenly we hear a "boom" and a southbound camary spins a 360, crosses the median and comes right at stops a bit in front of where we are pulled over...we run out to check and the girl had hit a deer and was freaked out...we call 911 and pull the deer out of the road...meanwhile some weird dude on a bike pulls over and tries to comfort the girl by hugging her...he tells us to leave and he will stay with her until the cops way in hell, so I pull the guy aside and keep him busy until the cops get there..

I was driving through Bakersfield a few years back and saw some white people in the car next to me..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-12-10 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]Saw this the other day - guess U-haul was all rented out that day. You should have called me Eel - I had some room in my trunk and would have happily helped you out! Guess this is why that say that bailing twine is one of the most handy tools around.


I have seen several "hoarders" too - one lady's car was full of so much junk, I literally watched her climb in the car and re-pile stuff just so she could get in the drivers seat - which was the only place in the car that wasn't totally filled up. Just crap too - magazines, boxes of tea, knitting needles, a porcelain doll (pressed up against the back window under a layer of debris that included some old records, a lamp, and more magazines)some Christmas candy canes, several bottles of glue - you name it.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"I have seen several "hoarders" too - one lady's car was full of so much junk, I literally watched her climb in the car and re-pile stuff just so she could get in the drivers seat - which was the only place in the car that wasn't totally filled up. Just crap too - magazines, boxes of tea, knitting needles, a porcelain doll (pressed up against the back window under a layer of debris that included some old records, a lamp, and more magazines)some Christmas candy canes, several bottles of glue - you name it."

$1000 says that was my daughter!

Watched a guy playing a trumpet while driving driving with one hand and holding his music pages with the other.
Bangerter and 5400 S heading North in Salt Lake last summer. I pull up to the red light, look to my left, and instantly I knew it was going to be my best time ever spent at a red light!! This chick next to me, somewhere in her mid twenties and dead sexy, was going to town rubbing her chest the entire time!! I'm not one to stare...well actually yea I am especially when her hand disappeared into her shirt...but anyways I sat there giggling like a school girl until the light turned green but it wasn't over yet...pulled up to the light at 4500 S and she was right next to me once again!! Finally halfway through that light she looks over my direction and I'm sure I had that "oh yea baby I've been watching for a while!!" look on my face because she rolled down her window and began yelling that she just had implants put in and that I was the biggest perv on earth and blah blah blah...I just smiled and nodded my head agreeing with most she had to say :) after yelling for a while and seeing my smile wasn't budging she simply flipped me off, winked with a little smile of her own, then turned left out of my life forever :-(


Hence the name Never Catch!! LOL How does the hand down the skirt help with easing the pain in her boobs? I dont know and I dont care!! :)
I saw a woman with an X-tera SUV and a miniature horse in the back with its head out the window. I have pictures, I will post em here in a bit.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-10 AT 07:06AM (MST)[p]SHIRT Boz not skirt lmao!! I woulda been cool with that though... :)

I wanna see the mini horse pics too!!


Hey El, if that was in Ogden, then that was a co-worker of mine. No lie. Her car is always packed full of junk, and her offvice was the same way. Nice lady though.

One time my family and I were coming back from a day at the lake and in front of us was a truck filled with kids who were pulling a small low profile ski boat. I suspect someone had permission to take the family boat skiing that day. Anyway it was getting kind of windy, with strong gusts coming along every now and again.

Well one strong gust hit, and apparently the kids forgot to strap the boat to the trailer, and sure enough that ski boat lifted right off the trailer, but when it came back down, it did not land on the trailer. Pretty much disintegrated before our eyes.

Not sure how that story was told to the kids' parents, but I bet they claim they strap it down.
Many moons ago, I was driving on Interstate 5 in California. I watched a car sail off the freeway. It looked like he was trying to take an exit but split the difference between the exit and the freeway. The area between the exit and the freeway dropped off at lest 40 feet. The freeway was going up onto a bridge and the exit was dropping down. The car had to have had more than 25 feet of air. It was late at night and I thought the driver might have fallen asleep. The car hit left the freeway at more than 70 MPH and I never saw brake lights before it left the ground. The car ended up turning onto the exit street and just driving away. I am sure the driver was going to change their pants.
I saw some nerd looking dude driving a car,with a blow up doll" The doll had her mouth wide open..guess she was scared"" both were driving ""
Here you guys go.. Oh and by the way the lady said since her donkey died she had a mini horse now to put on "The Show"....Whats that mean?????:)


Ironically on the way to my grandmother's funeral, a girl in a little Ford Ranger shoots onto the freeway and then zipps across three lanes of traffic and clips the rear bumper of a news truck in the HOV lane. The Ranger turns sideways and flips four times then seems to hang in the air for a few seconds and then flips three more times before landing on its wheels.

The girl is outside the truck in the middle of the high speed lane out cold. The news guys get out and give the slit throat sign guessing that she is gone. The odd thing is, both door windows are down about four inches and did not break. The doors never came open so how did she end up out of the truck?

There was as little sliding back window and she somehow bounced, slid or fell though it at some point and then got thrown out onto the cement. Never heard if she died or not, but my guess is she did. Pretty cute little oriental girl around 20ish got stupid.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-10 AT 06:11PM (MST)[p]>Here you guys go.. Oh and
>by the way the lady
>said since her donkey died
>she had a mini horse
>now to put on "The
>Show"....Whats that mean?????:)

She probably does live Nativity scenes for local churches and Christian elementary schools around Christmas time.

Why - what were you thinking CJ? ;-)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
As I was going to a particular store for some quick groceries late one night I once saw a Utah Highway Patrol vehicle parked on a side road. Becuase there was a stop sign there I stopped and the patrol car happened to catch my eye. Well, the park lights were on, the windows fogged up and the vehicle was just rocking up and down, I could even hear the springs squeaking over the sound of my radio as I had my window down. I guess I stared for a little too long as the car stopped rocking and everything was silent. I decided I had looked a little too long and took off very carefully from the stop sign.

About 15 minutes later, on the way back as I passed that same side road again, sure enough, the lights started flashing and I was pulled over. Since it was nighttime and pretty dark my vehicle was approached by both officers - yep both male. The next day I went back by there so I decided to pull down the side road, and about 5 feet from where I thought the car was parked was a used tube of astroglide and some condom wrappers. Well, I knew I wasn't speeding when I was pulled over and probably had a pretty good case, but decided right then and there it wasn't worth it for me to even appeal the ticket. I just paid it and made sure I slowed to a crawl in that area and tried to avoid it as much as I could.
I call BS on this one, especially coming from you Homer, you seem like the kind of guy who doesn't just bend over and take it. But then again maybe you are.:)

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