Strange things to eat.


Long Time Member
So I was thinking about a program on cable that was showcasing strange things people eat around the world. What are some of the things you like to eat that others shake their head at. My personal list would be sushi, sashimi in particular, smoked oysters, and kippered snacks just to name a few. Drives my wife insane. Let's hear some.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
Grandma's Mountain oysters fresh outa the kitchen at a branding are tasty and don't last long. A couple kinds of wild mushrooms can flavor up most any meal, especially, rattelsnake, squab, or wabbit.
There was a time i'd eat just about anything, moths,lizards, anything i could catch so i wouldn't have to eat the chit the army was feeding me, but those times are long gone. I have a pretty quiet menu these days.

calimarri, smoked oysters are fine but personally i like my oysters raw with a drop or two of lemon juice. and some of the stuff the ex used to cook was pretty scary! i dont know that we could actually put a name to some of the dishes.
Garobo (iguana) in coconut broth is pretty good. Armadillo ceviche is nice. Fried bananas with beans and crema is the best. Conch fritters are always tasty. My wife makes awesome coconut flour tortillas that we fill with avacado, beans, eggs , and crema. Damn, now I'm hungry.

clam sandwich

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
We ate guinea pig in Peru and it was very good. Lutefisk is another thing that other shake their heads at. Although rocky mountain oysters are hard to beat.

Tripe is another thing that I eat that makes my wife gag. Blood sausage, head cheese, tongue. Traveling in the orient I think of some of things we have consumed: Stinky Tofu, dourian fruit (which is aweful), snake, fish roe, Blonchan (again aweful), deep fried worms, silk worm larva.

Just about anything can be considered food and what we eat and don't eat is taught to us by our culture.

Can't say that I would want to eat it every day but, Porcupine liver and fried eggs makes a pretty good breakfast. Well, at least it's unusual.

Speaking of Sushi, I don't know what this is but it don't look very good.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-08 AT 07:09PM (MST)[p]

damn it BFE....this was a work computer that i just spit soda on!

how do you get to that porqupine's liver? Do you get at it the conventional way or do you go with the gutless method? lol
...lived five years in Japan and learned to really crave sushi, including sea urchin. Ate some things in the Philippines that I don't have any idea what it was and I don't ever want to know. One of the best things I had in Australia was kangaroo: tasted like a corn-fed whitetail.
Thought of a couple others I like. Love a good bowl of menudo (tripe) soup, chicken/turkey gizzard, and fried pork skins. I also like a good 100 year old egg or so they are called. It is an egg that has been marinated for a long time and takes on a blackish transparent look. Anyone know how to make them? Last time I had one was in an asian restaurant in Southern California.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan

You were probably eating either dog or cat there in the Philipines.

Now here is one that is illegal to eat but still in demand over in Monkey brains........right from the skull........a rich man's meal.

They would tie a live monkey down to the ground, and place a table over his head with only the top of his head sticking through. Cover it with a metal cover and when the paid eaters gathered around the table, the "server" would raise the cover off and take a large cleaver and slice the top of the monkeys head off and those with their chop sticks started picking and eating them brains while they were still warm.....

You guys are some sick puppies!

Being in the beef business, I was raised on all those extra beef by-products, but since I left the ranch, I have become civilized.

I been all over the world and ate some of the worst they had to offer anywhere.....but to say I LIKED any of it....not!

I have ate a few of those things in beefy's picture, however I prefer the slightly smaller ones.

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