Strange Storm


Have you ever taken video out in the field and been surprised when you got home a downloaded it a found something you didn't know was there?

I was up doing an overnight scouting trip on the Mogollon Rim last weekend. The moon looked pretty cool through the back window of the truck and there was some rolling thunder sounding off intermittently. I thought I'd try to capture it on video. Imagine my surprise when I downloaded the video today and found this....... Terry

did it rain???

Quit f'n with us sticksboy!:D

Did you have your recurve & wood dowels with you for protection?}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
i must be freaking out ,,,, i thought i saw one of those chupacabra thingy's ,,,,, i need to quit listening to stairway to heaven backwards
"Did you have your recurve & wood dowels with you for protection?"

Yes I had my sticks with me but had a little trouble getting strung up and loaded in the back of the truck.......Eel..... I figure if MMer's are brave enough to tackle terrapin why should I be afraid of an overgrown monkey?...You guys are a true inspiration.... :).... Terry
I thought a Chupra-whatever-the-hec is a werewolf shapeshifter thingy...Eel has to deal with the overgrown monkey thing...
Stairway to heaven backwards...I'll have to try do that with a CD....Cassette or 8 track???
all I get is this video was removed by

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-10 AT 03:41PM (MST)[p]Black helicopters buzzing the house last night and nw my link goes dead..... Weird...... Terry


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