Strange feeling



Driving out to guide my brother on his deer hunt on Friday. Doe crossed the highway right in front of my truck ended up hitting her on the back end. Turned around she was in the bar ditch looking up. Went up the road a little ways and called the local G&F. Anyway told me that he would get with me later and sell me a tag for her if I wanted her. So instead of coyotes getting her I decided to get as much meat off of her as I could.

Anyway had to shoot her with my pistol. Turned the truck lights on her and with her now motionless I began the field dressing process. Once I reached up to get a grip on vitals. Her heart was still beating.

Not sure if anybody else had this happen to them but it was a little strange.

Did salvage the back straps and the tenderloins. Most of the hind quarters were bad but ended up with some venison at the least.

As far as the truck the only thing that was broke was a cover for one of my add on driving lights.
It is no 30 inch buck, but I bet it will taste good, just remember that heart beating everytime you take a bite of her!

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