Stop Trophy Hunting NOW!

Thank's for the info,seems like the sportsman are really getting bashed lately with a lot of Idiots that know nothing about hunting and what the hunter actually does for the benefit of wildlife.
Not on Facebook, your kidding?
I steer far far away from anything Facebok and will NEVER
create an account with those freaks.
Why anybody is on that crap just bumfuzzles me.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
To every tree lover and animal hugger....

Please rank the importance of every animal from most important to least... thank you.
It's amazing how many people think "trophy hunting" means cutting the head off the animal and leaving the rest to rot.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
>Not on Facebook, your kidding?
>I steer far far away from
>anything Facebok and will NEVER
>create an account with those freaks.
>Why anybody is on that crap
>just bumfuzzles me.

Yeah, I am sure the sites you hang out on are full of perfect people with honorable intentions. I believe you are being what my kids call a hater. Lots of great hunting info on facebook.
Some of you guys crack my azz up. Replace facebook with internet in your replies if you want to see how silly you are being.

Similar replies though the ages would include:

I didn't need no damned horseless carriage yesterday and I sure don't need one today.

Cabins are for puzzys. I lived in a tent, my grand daddy lived in a tent, and by hill I'is gonna live in a tent.

Whoever heard of a need to carry a dad gum cell-u-lar-tell-A-phone around with you. I got a long with a party line jim dandy.

I could go on but yeah, you get the picture. If you don't, you are likely about complete in the metamorphosis into one of those unreasonable, illogical, set in their ways, old farts. If the argument was about waste of time it may hold some degree of weight but here way are...that one is out the window.
>Some of you guys crack my
>azz up. Replace facebook
>with internet in your replies
>if you want to see
>how silly you are being.
>Similar replies though the ages would
>I didn't need no damned horseless
>carriage yesterday and I sure
>don't need one today.
>Cabins are for puzzys. I
>lived in a tent, my
>grand daddy lived in a
>tent, and by hill I'is
>gonna live in a tent.
>Whoever heard of a need to
>carry a dad gum cell-u-lar-tell-A-phone
>around with you. I
>got a long with a
>party line jim dandy.
>I could go on but yeah,
>you get the picture.
>If you don't, you are
>likely about complete in the
>metamorphosis into one of those
>unreasonable, illogical, set in their
>ways, old farts. If
>the argument was about waste
>of time it may hold
>some degree of weight but
>here way are...that one is
>out the window.

1911, your last sentence nails it.
that's the good and the bad about all the tv, fasebook and hunting computor web pages out there today. they do promote hunting,but the anti's out there are also watching and using it against us.
+1 1911


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>If you really want to have
>some fun, do what I
>did and go onto that
>Facebook page and post well
>reasoned, polite comments about hunting.
> Here is a link
>to the page, where you
>can read my comments, and
>those of others who don't
>see things the same way
>I do.

Well Done Dan!
You make them look even more foolish than they already are.
Valiant effort Dan. It just shows that their beliefs are based on ideology and not on reality. They will never let facts influence their "progressive" way of fantisizing. If only real life could be like a Disney movie.......:)

That Roxanne is something. I am still waiting for an actual factual sentence to come out of her, something besides stupid one lined garbage.

"Ive done here" translates to "Thanks for the azz kicking and bringing to light my stupidity for others to see!" Myth_of_Trophy_Hunting_as_Conservation.pdf

Most of their argument is based on a 2004 document, trying to sell "eco-tourism" as an alternative to trophy hunting. Eco-tourism has been around a while, if it was as profitable as they claim, africa would be full of hotels selling photo safaris.

I think the market has spoken and shown the best way to fund conservation efforts is to simultaneously manage game using sport hunting.
I think that dear poor Roxanne is afraid of me. She won't come back on to engage me in debate. Poor thing. She's probably having trouble getting in touch with her feelings, since she can't form cogent thoughts.
nutz, she is however having the time of her life insulting you on other parts of the page.....

she is the definition of ignorance......

Actually, I can't see a single post of hers anymore. Perhaps she somehow blocked me?

I just got off the phone with a customer service representative of Good Sam Club, the parent company of Camping World. The poor lady had to take my call, and I feel badly for her, as she was very uncomfortable when I rejected (veyr politely) her reading a canned, written response to my complaint about Mr. Lemonis. I was very polite but also communicated my displeasure and asked her to ensure that my comments would be communicated to their executive offices. She actually wrote down what I said, and asked me to confirm the message before she sent it.

Perhaps all of you should do the same. Here is their phone number, 800-234-3450. I pressed option 4, and got a very pleasant lady on the phone. She is in Englewood, Colorado, at the center of western big game country. I'll bet they have more people who are pro-hunting in their location than those opposed. Call 'em, guys.
Well, it seems that the website has shut me out. I posted quite a few polite and well reasoned comments, and now all of my posts have been deleted, and now I cannot post on there anymore. So, once again, the anti's have proven their inability to engage in well thought out debate. They only want to hear from their own side, with similar thoughts that they espouse.
Do any of you know anyone in the hunting pictures that are posted on STHN? The guys over on Accurate Reloading have come up with a great idea of how to deal with those idiots of STHN. They've filed complaints with Facebook for copyright infringement, and given Facebook bills for the unauthorized use of their photos. They're telling Facebook that if they don't remove all the unauthorized photos, they'll face a charge of $50 per day, per photo that is unauthorized.

Those dipsh*ts associated with STHN have really stirred up that group, and they're fighting back. If any of you have your photo featured there, without your consent, or know of anyone who does, I encourage you to go over to AR and look up the thread "Hey Saeed, you're famous" and go find Mike Smith's posts at the bottom for more information.
I am with you Harry but it is not so funny. Those are the same people that have banned cougar hunting in Cali and kept the ban in place. They seem to have more resources than hunters and perhaps more clout. Look at how they blocked Dan from posting anything that they disagreed with on FB. It seems the rule is you can post all the myths and untruths you want if it pertains to anti hunting. Post pro hunting/trapping facts backed up by evidence and you are blocked. That is just the way of the world in many places.
I know, I guess the LOL in my above post was the wrong response.

The anti hunting forces have just presented a bill to the California legislature with the intent of banning the pursuit of bears and bobcats using hounds.

I'm saddened and sickened as I have enjoyed hound hunting for many years and am certain we can kiss this form of hunting goodbye forever.
We are just outnumbered in spades.

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