Stop These People! This Is Not Hunting!

  • Thread starter Fair Chase Hunter (Guest)
  • Start date

Fair Chase Hunter (Guest)

Check out this website. These people are going to destroy hunting as we know it and all for the almighty dollar.

Write the NRA, SCI and B&C, voice your opinion now!

Fair Chase Hunter
Holy Crap,
How bad can it get?
Looks like you can spend a few bucks, and lay back in the recliner and "hunt"????

How can they call this hunting? Looks more like a dang video game to me, and someone is going to get rich off of it!

I agree, lets "shoot" this down!!

Surely this can not succeed. I am not sure how this can be outlawed, but I will check in to it.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Holy balls! That is the ultimate in lazy!!! Imagine shooting a buck via lap-top while taking a dump in your own home thousands of miles a way. Haahaaaaaa.. What a f-ing joke!
this guy who runs the thing has changed his plans a little. He is no longer going to do live hunting through the comp. only on the range. It is all explained on jho.

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