Stop the Wolf Killing Derbies


Active Member
This is the tactics the antis use to get signatures on petitions. Below is an email I received encouraging me to sign a petition. They distort the facts so it sounds like the coyote derbies are actually wolf derbies. Then the actual Petition, from Defenders of Wildlife, does not say a word about wolves, only predator derbies. They are getting about one signature a minute from morons all over the world who think the wolves are getting slaughtered.
Someone from SFW should get this info from me and give it to their sponsor contacts at Cabelas and Sportsmens before they get the Petition delivered to them. Otherwise they will think everyone is actually outraged over coyotes.

Below is the e-mail

"It's bad enough that wolves in the Northern Rocky mountains lost their protected status under the Endangered Species Act. But now, they are being targeted en masse in "predator derbies" -- competitions where contestants vie to see who can kill the most wolves and other animals over a two-day period.

Tell the corporate sponsors of these derbies to withdraw their support >>

Cabela's and Sportsman's Warehouse, two major outdoor retailers, sponsored three derbies in Idaho since November. The proceeds from entry fees go to the "Idaho Sportsman's Litigation Fund."

The fund is actually a moneypot for lawyers and lobbyists working for the misleadingly named group Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife. This fund has one purpose: to keep wolves unprotected and in the crosshairs.

We know that wolves are worth more than the three points competitors received for each kill at these barbaric predator derbies. Wolves are an essential part of the ecosystem in the American West, and a healthy wolf population helps all the animals down the food chain."

Join our friends at Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund to protect the great strides we've made toward wolf recovery. Demand that Cabela's and Sportsman's Warehouse withdraw sponsorship of predator derbies that target wolves >>
Thanks for taking action!

Emily V.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

Tell Predator Derby Sponsors: Wolves are Worth More than Three Points!
Tell outdoor retailers Cabela's and Sportsman's Warehouse that wolves are worth more than three points!
Take Action!
Grassroots pressure forced Nikon to withdraw its sponsorship of wold-killing predator derbies. Now it's time to turn the heat on Cabela's and Sportsman's Warehouse to get them to do the same.
Forward to a friend >>
Read the petition >>
Its not a derby its a contest and I am entered in one this weekend!!!:) (coyote and bobcat)
"Tell Predator Derby Sponsors: Wolves are Worth More than Three Points!"

I agree! Wolves should be worth at least 4 points.


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