Stop carrying? CCW


Long Time Member
With Wal-Mart and Kroger announcing they are woke, along with LDS church.

Are you carrying? Are you ignoring their gun free stickers?

Also. Did LDS church tell their high rollers on Deseret to leave the guns home?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I don't worry about those public service announcements. If I want to carry to work or church then I will do so. Nobody will ever know except me . . . unless something goes horribly wrong and I happen to need my gun, in which case they will be grateful that I chose to carry.


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
>Someone has church issues, huh?

I have HYPOCRICY issues.

Its ok vanilla im sure you have some top secret info on why they have armed security at HQ and why guns are allowed on church property with revenue generating hunting, but not in the ward house.

Of course as usual, you'll just sit on that one?

But yeah. I found it "interesting" that all they guys were boycotting Dicks, but we're silent in here over the church.

Just confused of "Utah values" again. Pretty sure we have a state gun.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Mabey Hawkeye could help me with this. I have had CCW for many years, I know you cant carry in court houses, post offices and other federal buildings. But in a state owned building, or a private owned building that is inside Utah, and serves the public, how is it they can suspend my rights. I didnt think it was allowed, and with the church being tax exempt isnt that the same as a private school who gets money from the state. Hoss tithing payment would pale in comparison to whats generated from deseret. However it goes I think its a very bad idea, and even worse to allow it in the spotlight. It rem8nds me of a sign that says attn criminal let it be known this house is armed, unlike our liberal neighbors to the west......
Don't tell Vanilla.

I've actually always been irritated that the church has had a history with guns and self defense, be it Porter Rockwell, Johnston's army, or any of the "shadow" defenders of the faith, yet publically acts otherwise. Seems sad to both deny your history, and deny the reality at the same time.

The Deseret thing I just find amusing.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
When General Authorities visit local wards, they typically have armed security with them.

My understanding is that it is a criminal violation to carry in a protected facility (courthouse, etc...) but merely a trespassing violation to carry in a location that doesn't allow firearms. Correct me if I'm wrong.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-19 AT 02:08PM (MST)[p]Thats sounds more like what I remember about it grizzly. Just when I heard it they didnt mention protected, it was Federal Buildings, my understanding was CCW was up to each State. And if a State adopted it then it effected the entire State but not Federaly ownd buildings, as they had no Federal CCW laws allowing it. And if a bussiness was open to the public, and or collected any moneys from the state it fell under State Law. Thats my confusion not only does Walmart do bussiness with Utahs public it collects State taxes AND state tax breaks.... should fall under State law when it comes to CCW. what they choose to sell (handgun ammo, short barreled rifle ammo) is another story.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-19 AT 04:37PM (MST)[p]>Someone has church issues.

Someone's hero was the Riddler as a kid.

Typical Vanilla. 2 posts, said nothing

ELK. Ill notice you didn't answer either.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>I don't worry about those public
>service announcements. If I
>want to carry to work
>or church then I will
>do so. Nobody will
>ever know except me .

Hawkeye, I here you,, but with theses A.I. search engines they have now days combined with the red flag laws just a statement like that on the most obscure
Website or social media could cause you to loose your CCW, or even your guns.

Sorry, reality sucks now days.
>What does Deseret have to do
>with it....that's quite a stretch.

Churches statement Saud "all church properties".

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I said everything that needed to be said. Don?t be mad at me that I can get a point across in one sentence when you can't in 15 paragraphs.

Tell us, hoss. What did the big bad ?mormon church? do to ya that has you so hyped up over them? It seems to be a common theme (target?) in many of your posts recently on various threads and various topics.

Let's get it all out. Don?t worry, this is a safe space.
>>What does Deseret have to do
>>with it....that's quite a stretch.
>Churches statement Saud "all church properties".

That really is reaching Hoss, sorry.

I've spent a heck of a lot of time on Deseret over the years guiding hunters and there's definitely not going to be an issue with carrying a firearm on a hunting property.
That place is heavily guarded around it's borders, and I can guarantee you they are packing firearms as well. Do you think they will make them switch to paintball and airsoft guns like Dog the bounty hunter uses to guard themselves against rifle packing poachers and trespassers?
C'mon.....let's be realistic here.
>>>What does Deseret have to do
>>>with it....that's quite a stretch.
>>Churches statement Saud "all church properties".
>That really is reaching Hoss, sorry.
>I've spent a heck of a
>lot of time on Deseret
>over the years guiding hunters
>and there's definitely not going
>to be an issue with
>carrying a firearm on a
>hunting property.
>That place is heavily guarded around
>it's borders, and I can
>guarantee you they are packing
>firearms as well. Do you
>think they will make them
>switch to paintball and airsoft
>guns like Dog the bounty
>hunter uses to guard themselves
>against rifle packing poachers and
>C'mon.....let's be realistic here.

I didn't make the statement, they did. I didn't have it read in church on Sunday, they did.

The statement didn't say all church properties EXCEPT......

Vanilla. My question on tge main post was are you going to pay attention to the no gun zone stickers from WAL-MART, KROGER, or THE CHURCH. Your inferiority complex made you jump to defending the church. I simply asked what guys were going to do. No worries. 3 posts from you, you still haven't answered a very simple question.

Perhaps 4 or 5 more?

VANILLA, ARE YOU GOING TO CARRY ON CHURCH PROPERTY, WAL-MART OR KROGER?(Yes I know both Wal-Mart and Kroger clarified stating OPEN CARRY). The church, best to my knowledge hasn't clarified what properties, or open carry.

I could not be more clear. I know I can expect 4-6 riddles. A dodge. A clarification of a riddle. But here's your chance, yes or no? And just for funzies, like others have, what your thought process is.

GIVEN: Vanilla is the smartest and most wise poster on the internet. Everyone else is a keyboard warrior.

I don't attend Sunday services so no issue to me. I do go see Xmas lights in SLC so an issue? I try to avoid WAL-MART. I do frequent Smiths, however I generally don't slingcmy AR when I do.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Whatever happened with the Guy that did Sling His AR while Grocery Shopping a few years ago?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Ok Hoss, I'll give you a win with your statement about the church not distinguishing "which properties".

But let's TRY to be honest about the fact that you did use a farcical statement in an attempt to stir the pot against the LDS church and it's new "hypocritical" stance on firearms.

And for the record, I am most certainly not an active member, nor am I trying to defend it in any shape or form.

DLL is a "hunting ranch"...they use firearms to harvest animals and they will continue to do so, period.

You Got a Problem with that Hoss?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I understood hoss's reasoning from the was never farcical.....

>I understood hoss's reasoning from the
> was never farcical.....

Then what was it, help me understand his obviously hypothetical reason for even thinking guns will be banned on a hunting ranch?
Seems pretty farcical to me ?
"I didn't make the statement, they did. I didn't have it read in church on Sunday, they did.

The statement didn't say all church properties EXCEPT......" - Hoss

Okay Hoss, since you know so much, tell us what the statement was and what the policy is. What you are saying here does not equate to what I've read, so clearly you know something I don't.

Here is your chance to clarify. Or not.

And no, I will not carry a gun anywhere I am not legally entitled to do so. For the same reason I don't go out and kill animals illegally. Clear enough? Or do I need to only use on syllable words so you can fully understand?

Your turn. Tell us the policy that was read in church on Sundays and the tell us what the statement they made about properties, because what I have right here in front of me is not what you said. I wonder who is right? The handbook of instructions, or Hoss? I'm sure you'll tell me that you are right and I didn't make a point here though, huh?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-19 AT 11:04PM (MST)[p]In Colorado you can CCW even in a business that has a no firearms policy posted but if they ask you to leave you need to comply with their request

The way I read what Walmart was not allowing anymore was Open Carry in there stores that's what Denver 9 news said ??
If they read it in church on Sunday I sure as schitt didn't hear it. Like I said before, I now feel more inclined to carry at church. I will ask my Stake President if it is something that will get me ex'd or disfellowshipped, but I hardly doubt it.

I think this is more of a CYA liability stance but it could backfire if a ward got mowed down in Sacrament meeting by some psycho and there was nobody there to defend it. The way things are these days, schools, churches, malls and mail trucks are high priority targets for the mentally ill.
>Ok Hoss, I'll give you a
>win with your statement about
>the church not distinguishing "which
>But let's TRY to be honest
>about the fact that you
>did use a farcical statement
>in an attempt to stir
>the pot against the LDS
>church and it's new "hypocritical"
>stance on firearms.
>And for the record, I am
>most certainly not an active
>member, nor am I trying
>to defend it in any
>shape or form.
>DLL is a "hunting ranch"...they use
>firearms to harvest animals and
>they will continue to do
>so, period.

I had heard this discussed on KNRS, a couple times.

I'm with you, it doesn't affect me, but there were a lot of folks really conflicted.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>You Got a Problem with that
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

I'd of said Jack***!?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>"I didn't make the statement, they
>did. I didn't have it
>read in church on Sunday,
>they did.
>The statement didn't say all church
>properties EXCEPT......" - Hoss
>Okay Hoss, since you know so
>much, tell us what the
>statement was and what the
>policy is. What you are
>saying here does not equate
>to what I've read, so
>clearly you know something I
>Here is your chance to clarify.
>Or not.
>And no, I will not carry
>a gun anywhere I am
>not legally entitled to do
>so. For the same reason
>I don't go out and
>kill animals illegally. Clear enough?
>Or do I need to
>only use on syllable words
>so you can fully understand?
>Your turn. Tell us the policy
>that was read in church
>on Sundays and the tell
>us what the statement they
>made about properties, because what
>I have right here in
>front of me is not
>what you said. I wonder
>who is right? The handbook
>of instructions, or Hoss? I'm
>sure you'll tell me that
>you are right and I
>didn't make a point here
>though, huh?

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has just updated its policy on firearms, moving from a recommendation that lethal weapons, including guns, were considered ?inappropriate? on church property to an outright prohibition of them."
-Religious News Service

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has prohibited nearly all parishioners from carrying lethal weapons on church property.

Prior to the shift in policy, having a weapon on church grounds was considered "inappropriate."

The change was revealed in an update to a handbook sent electronically to local church leaders over the weekend.

"Churches are dedicated for the worship of God and as havens from the cares and concerns of the world," the handbook reads. "With the exception of current law enforcement officers, the carrying of lethal weapons on Church property, concealed or otherwise, is prohibited

Churches are dedicated for the worship of God and as havens from the cares and concerns of the world,? the updated policy reads. ?With the exception of current law enforcement officers, the carrying of lethal weapons on Church property, concealed or otherwise, is prohibited.?

Washington Post

Don't know what you "have in front of you" But the quote reads "church property", or did I misread that in the 100's of places it's quoted?

While I'm no lawyer, I'll just assume if they meant "in churches" they would have said so. Church property means property owned by the church. Deseret is owned by the church, as is temple square.

Like I said, I wasn't in church in Texas when it was announced, nor were you. So I can only read the press release.

I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I Think in a Tight Spot no matter what the Rules say You'd Best Hope there's a few around like Poster #3 when things go Bad!


Is that All I Get?:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
> I Think in
>a Tight Spot no matter
>what the Rules say You'd
>Best Hope there's a few
>around like Poster #3 when
>things go Bad!
>JUDAS Hoss!
>Is that All I Get?:D
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

That's where I'd be. I worked in Krogers warehouse years ago. They had that rule then. Which meant nothing or leave it in truck.

I listened to Glen Beck about it, apparently his ward in Texas was read the new policy. I've listened to Rod Arquette a couple of times on it as well. In fact that's where the Deseret and Temple Square questions came up.

Like others, I guess I carry at the store, and see what happens? I don't go to church, after they didn't "ask" me to go on a mission,(beer drinking and girl chasing aren't qualifications?) we parted ways.

But guys like Vanilla who instantly become defensive at any mention of the predominate religion in the state, I was curious. Especially guys that went after Dicks and others.

BTW, I did see Wal-Mart is taking heat from NRA, haven't seen them hitting the church either.

I agree, JACK*** was pretty weak cheese. I owe you much better.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I haven't defended "the church" or it's policies one time here. All I said is you have church issues, which is clear you do. Not all that different from daddy issues, but not totally the same either. This is at least the third thread in the last couple weeks on totally different topics where you've inserted the "mormon church" into the discussion for some reason.

You shouldn't be offended when someone points out the obvious.
>I haven't defended "the church" or
>it's policies one time here.
>All I said is you
>have church issues, which is
>clear you do. Not all
>that different from daddy issues,
>but not totally the same
>either. This is at least
>the third thread in the
>last couple weeks on totally
>different topics where you've inserted
>the "mormon church" into the
>discussion for some reason.
>You shouldn't be offended when someone
>points out the obvious.

I guess that writing "you have on front of you" pretty much confined what was reported and what I said huh?

Ya. Pretty hard to figure out why a religion that represents 60-70% of Utahns, is the predominate cultural contributor, and generally very politically conservative, bowing to left wing pressure just might be part of a gun issue topic in Utah.

But sure "daddy issues".

No one noticed that YET AGAIN you started a sentence with "I didn't say.....". I'll let you get back to fighting ways to always ride that fence so you can always be right.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-19 AT 08:50AM (MST)[p]I haven't ridden the fence about anything.

You have church issues.

I will not carry a gun illegally anywhere, be it a church, grocery store, your home, or any other place.

What else are you looking for? Quit making crap up, like you always do. You are so full of it. There literally is not a single person on this forum that makes crap up out of thin air as much as you do. Not even tristate.

FYI- Even the quoted policy in the article you finally posted answers your own question. But you won't see it, because of your church issues.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-19 AT 09:08AM (MST)[p]To conceal in some places, it is a crime. You?ll be arrested.
Just ask my brother who forgot he had one in his backpack at the airport. To conceal in some other places, can get you the boot.
Usually the places that give you the boot, it's not a crime. Some places welcome it.

I guess nobody will know except me where I choose to or choose not to conceal. SURPRISE

I've always thought open carrying would make you victim and target #1 in a bad situation.
Either way, just don't accidentally shoot the toilet bowl when your taking a dump at the place of business or during sacrament meeting

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
>AT 08:50?AM (MST)

>I haven't ridden the fence about
>You have church issues.
>I will not carry a gun
>illegally anywhere, be it a
>church, grocery store, your home,
>or any other place.
>What else are you looking for?
>Quit making crap up, like
>you always do. You are
>so full of it. There
>literally is not a single
>person on this forum that
>makes crap up out of
>thin air as much as
>you do. Not even tristate.
>FYI- Even the quoted policy in
>the article you finally posted
>answers your own question. But
>you won't see it, because
>of your church issues.

Ok. If i would just read EXACTLY what the press release says, I will see it doesn't say what it says. Lawyer much?

My church "issues" don't really change the fact it's a topic of conversation in this state, surrounding guns.

BTW. I first heard it on Glen Beck. A MORMON in Texas.

I'm interested in this subject in the knots companies, and churches are twisting themselves in trying to appease leftists who do not support them anyway.

Wal-Mart trying to thread a needle and not poss off its rural conservative customer base.

The church having Deseret and "bamning guns from CHURCH PROPERTIES.

Personally i agreed with your thoughts regarding decisions made by multibillionaire companies. And since other than a funeral or wedding I'm not in a church, it doesn't touch me much.

But it takes 2 sec to find members who are conflicted. I was curious about their thoughts.

It took you multiple posts to get there, but you finally did.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Just to be clear, the LDS church had already banned firearms in meeting houses prior to this most recent policy announcement. Utah Code 76-10-530 allows churches to publish notice that firearms are prohibited in their meeting houses. That statute was enacted in 2009. According to the Utah BCI two churches in Utah have given public notice pursuant to the statute: Wasatch Presbyterian Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I believe that the LDS church published notice on the BCI website shortly after the statute was enacted in 2009. According to a recent SL tribune Article, the LDS church published notice again in the SL Tribue and the Deseret News in January 2018. Therefore, this recent policy announcement appears to be simply incorporating that prior change.

For the record, I am not a fan of a policy preventing law-biding concealed carry permit holders to carry at church . . . but I will not lose any sleep over the policy or be leaving the church over the policy.


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
One other thought, Utah Code 76-10-530(6) states that "a violation of this section is an infraction." Therefore, if somebody was convicted of wrongfully carrying a concealed weapon in a church or place of worship that had properly published notice banning firearms, then they would be convicted of an infraction.

In Utah, the penalty for an infraction is limited by Utah Code 76-3-205. This section of the Utah criminal code provides that a "person convicted of an infraction may not be imprisoned." Instead, this statute provides that a person convicted of an infraction in Utah can be subjected to "a fine, forfeiture, and disqualification," or any combination of said penalties. Utah Code 76-3-205 provides that a fine for an infraction conviction is the same as the potential fine for a class C misdemeanor. As of January, 2015, this fine could be up to $750 plus a 35% surcharge (for a total maximum of $1,012.50).

My advise is always to obey the law. But if somebody violates Utah Code 76-10-530 then those are the penalties that may apply.


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
>Hawkeye, now don't go confusing hoss
>with facts. That's not his
>strong suit.

Ever wonder why there are warning labels on 5 gallon buckets? I just read 2 lawyers talk to each other, including code, to say what I said in the first post.

The LDS church banned firearms on church property.

And even after a bunch of personal attacks, a bunch of psycho analysis, riddles, "I know a secret", Vanilla can't really show anyone where guns aren't banned on church property.


Are guns banned on church property?(50-1 says there is a 1 word answer).

Also, does your reading of the statement, from the church mean "all church properties", which would include Deseret, Temple Square, church farms, canneries, and maybe even Deseret Industries, among others?

Vanilla has some top secret paperwork "right in front of me" that seems to contradict the official statement, but as usual he's the only one that has it.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-05-19 AT 12:02PM (MST)[p]

Im assuming this is the SL Tribune article Hawkeye?

Perhaps show Vanilla the dates on the article.

BTW Hawkeye, the 2 lawyer crack im sure you won't take offense, in our past discussions I know you dont take yourself that seriously.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Hoss, I've got thick skin. You won't offend me a lawyer joke. I hope you are not offended with Nilla' chiding you about your church issues either.

Carry on boys. I've got to get back up on the Wasatch so I can kill a big bull with my bow. I'll likely be worshiping on the mountain this Sunday so I won't have to worry about violating any new church policies.


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 -
>One other thought, Utah Code 76-10-530(6)
>states that "a violation of
>this section is an infraction."
> Therefore, if somebody was
>convicted of wrongfully carrying a
>concealed weapon in a church
>or place of worship that
>had properly published notice banning
>firearms, then they would be
>convicted of an infraction.
>In Utah, the penalty for an
>infraction is limited by Utah
>Code 76-3-205. This section of
>the Utah criminal code provides
>that a "person convicted of
>an infraction may not be
>imprisoned." Instead, this statute provides
>that a person convicted of
>an infraction in Utah can
>be subjected to "a fine,
>forfeiture, and disqualification," or any
>combination of said penalties.
>Utah Code 76-3-205 provides that
>a fine for an infraction
>conviction is the same as
>the potential fine for a
>class C misdemeanor. As of
>January, 2015, this fine could
>be up to $750 plus
>a 35% surcharge (for a
>total maximum of $1,012.50).
>My advise is always to obey
>the law. But if
>somebody violates Utah Code 76-10-530
>then those are the penalties
>that may apply.
>My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:
>"It is fair to ask how
>much comes in with the
>five dollar application fees and
>how much went onto the
>ground.? Don Peay of
>SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board
>"There will be a full accounting
>of how the applications fees
>are spent.? Don Peay
>of SFW - 9/26/2006 -

I'll be needing all your scouting info, GPS quaradinants, etc. I'll be a pack mule next week for a LE rifle tag up there!

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

I'm Labeled a JACK-ASS MORMON?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Who labeled elkass a Jack ass mormon?(LOL)
Did I miss a post?

hoss I think the way the LDS church is probably getting around the church property and the Dessert issue is the Dessert is probably listed under some corporation name that probably has something to do with the wording all owned Latter Day saints property. I do not know forsure but that is my opinion.
I will agree hoss it might be a double standard that I will go to church on Sunday but not shop at Dicks sporting goods on saturday. But my wife is happy I do not spend money at Dicks sporting goods and she is also happy i go to church on Sunday. Remember happy wife a happy life. And also there is a thing called faith.
>I don't worry about those public
>service announcements. If I
>want to carry to work
>or church then I will
>do so. Nobody will
>ever know except me .

Hawkeye, I here you,, but with these A.I. search engines they have now days combined with the red flag laws just a statement like that on the most obscure
Website or social media could cause you to loose your CCW, or even your guns.

Sorry, reality sucks now days.

>My advise is always to obey
>the law.

Some things are best left alone.
>Who labeled elkass a Jack ass
>Did I miss a post?
>hoss I think the way the
>LDS church is probably getting
>around the church property and
>the Dessert issue is the
>Dessert is probably listed under
>some corporation name that probably
>has something to do with
>the wording all owned Latter
>Day saints property. I do
>not know forsure but that
>is my opinion.
>I will agree hoss it might
>be a double standard that
>I will go to church
>on Sunday but not shop
>at Dicks sporting goods on
>saturday. But my wife is
>happy I do not spend
>money at Dicks sporting goods
>and she is also happy
>i go to church on
>Sunday. Remember happy wife a
>happy life. And also there
>is a thing called faith.

Again, not practicing member, so take it lightly.

My friends who are, who I know carry, make the point that with Dicks or Kroger or whoever, they have the choice to not go to. Their believes include a "requirement" to attend church regularly as part of remaining in good standing. They do however realize that with open doors religions maintain, tgey are sitting ducks to any wack job. Hawkeye said Presbyterians have similar BCI language. I don't know anyone from this faith.

I worked in Kroger warehouse. They at least had locked gates and security guards on the only access point. Still had to wonder about the guys on site. I parked on their lot, and my gun stayed in the truck, but what good does that do? It was a concern.

Im sure your right with Deseret.

Before Vanilla got triggered I was hoping to see what guys think.

I knew the second I added LDS, there would be guys who were triggered, but Bess had already made a post on Wally world, and I hadn't read anything here on the Mormon thing.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-19 AT 02:37PM (MST)[p]
>Be careful what you say or
>threaten to do,,,,they are watching
>and won't wait much longer
>to act.

Castnshoot, you're correct. The DOJ seeking names of people with a gun app is ridiculous. Let's see how many Trump-supporters are okay with this because he has an R after his name... like they were with the bump stock grab.

PS. To those who say they'll carry in churches that have requested otherwise... People can decide what church to go to, but it's pretty hard to violate State Law while carrying in those places while simultaneously "obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law" as the LDS church states.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
I find it funny where people target. And then how they try to act innocent after doing it. If you're going to act a certain way, at least be man enough to own it. Don?t hide like a little child who knows he's messed up. But you won't.

I fly on airplanes that don't allow firearms all the time without carrying. I go to sporting events that don't allow firearms all the time without carrying. I go to work in places that don't allow firearms without carrying all the time. To single out one organization and hen act surprised when you get called out is idiotic.

Peace and love to everybody!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-19 AT 02:40PM (MST)[p]>I find it funny where people
>target. And then how they
>try to act innocent after
>doing it. If you're going
>to act a certain way,
>at least be man enough
>to own it. Don?t hide
>like a little child who
>knows he's messed up. But
>you won't.
>I fly on airplanes that don't
>allow firearms all the time
>without carrying. I go to
>sporting events that don't allow
>firearms all the time without
>carrying. I go to work
>in places that don't allow
>firearms without carrying all the
>time. To single out one
>organization and hen act surprised
>when you get called out
>is idiotic.
>Peace and love to everybody!

Stop carrying? CCW"
With Wal-Mart and Kroger announcing they are woke, along with LDS church.

Are you carrying? Are you ignoring their gun free stickers?

Also. Did LDS church tell their high rollers on Deseret to leave the guns home?

Hey VANILLA, check the order of the OP. There were 2 mentioned first. I wonder why the first 2 weren't so triggering to you? Inferiority complex? Beaten wife syndrome? Kicked dog complex?

Still waiting for that info "right in front of me" that disproves what was quoted in all the local papers, local TV, local radio.

"Targeting"? Could you be a LITTLE MORE DRAMATIC? Are you seriously that fragile in your beliefs? It wasn't a judgement on your personal faith.

I promise. I'll root for BYU this weekend so you can remain in your safe space with your emotional support cat.

WOW, some folks REALLY take themselves seriously.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Nice strawman. You?re right, I'm a HUGE BYU fan. You?ve got me pegged. You?re as accurate in that as you are everything else.

This isn't the only thread your church issues have manifested themselves. If this was the only thread you've tried to send underhanded attacks at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it would explain what you are trying to explain away your bigotry with now. But it isn't, so the explanation doesn't work.

You can feel or believe any way you want. Not sure why you are so intent on making discussions about religious institutions? Seems like a hunting forum should be about hunting, but for two weeks now, this has been your theme. I've asked you to explain why more than once. Maybe there is something I could help you with? But alas, you just attack, attack, attack. Both the institution and me. You can just move on, or not.
>Nice strawman. You?re right, I'm a
>HUGE BYU fan. You?ve got
>me pegged. You?re as accurate
>in that as you are
>everything else.
>This isn't the only thread your
>church issues have manifested themselves.
>If this was the only
>thread you've tried to send
>underhanded attacks at the Church
>of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
>Saints, it would explain what
>you are trying to explain
>away your bigotry with now.
>But it isn't, so the
>explanation doesn't work.
>You can feel or believe any
>way you want. Not sure
>why you are so intent
>on making discussions about religious
>institutions? Seems like a hunting
>forum should be about hunting,
>but for two weeks now,
>this has been your theme.
>I've asked you to explain
>why more than once. Maybe
>there is something I could
>help you with? But alas,
>you just attack, attack, attack.
>Both the institution and me.
>You can just move on,
>or not.

The SL Tribune posted the story about the change of policy by the church on Aug 26. I was bowhunting so I was behind.

70 % roughly of Utah is LDS(including me), don't know the number of weekly practices. I listen to tons of podcasts during the day so I heard Glen Back discussing that in his ward, in Texas it was announced from the pulpit. I also heard it discussed twice on KNRS with Rod Arquette. When I read about the Kroger and wally world statement, I was sitting on trapper reading in here, so I posted. I used the word "woke" because that is exactly what Kroger and Wal-Mart are trying to do. If you prefer virtue signal, im fine with that.

The contractor I'm working for is very religious so i asked him. My uncle is a Bishop, I asked him. Im sure it will come up around a fire during muzzy hunt with the 2 high priests, a Bishop, and couple returned missionaries I'll be hunting with.

You CHOSE to be offended.

As for your irritation on another post about buying public land.

The church is the biggest landowner in Utah. When I went to check that I saw it is the biggest in Florida as well. It had completed a purchase there spending $565 million if I remember correctly. The church has a huge welfare, cattle, farming operation. I read they have about $32 billion sitting in NYSE. Probably billions more in holdings. I assume, and feel pretty safe in saying that if 640 million acres became available, the church would be buyers.

Again you CHOSE to be offended.

You'll have to tell me what my 3rd "attack" on the church was.

Look back. 2 guys chose to be offended. Your one of them. Given our past, i could care less that you were or are, but that doesn't change the fact that you over reacted.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I'm not offended in the least. You can continue to ascribe things to me so you can feel like you ?won? all you want. Although it's a pretty immature way to operate constantly. Your call, though. All I did was say you have church issues.

It's a pretty obvious observation, isn't it? It sure didn't seem like breaking news based upon the last couple weeks on this hunting forum.
Can you show me where in here it was discussed? Dicks was, Wal-Mart was(u responded to it).

I also called Bess a JACK***. He didn't get his feathers ruffled.

I was right on them changing their policy, and it including "all church property". You haven't refuted that because as a smart guy you looked, and that's what it said.

You havent refuted the land part, because you too as a smart guy, the church does buy land, and has a ton of money to do so. Which im still not sure how that's an attack. Im pretty aware of what they do with the cattle, and farms. I drive past Deseret Grainery every week.

You are on a general hunting forum. The entire concept is a bit immature.

I realize in your world folks my chose their language better. But the result is the same. I'm only concerned with ACTIONS.

Whether you like it or not, the LDS church sets the tone politically and culturally in Utah. Even in hunting. If I lived in NY maybe Judaism or Catholicism would be involved in more topics.

I listen to a show out of Houston, Southern Baptists come up a lot.

Show me the last governor that wasn't LDS. The last Senator. Congressman?

That's not a good or bad, it's just a fact of life in Utah.

I think its a stupid policy, which could very easily endanger folks worshipping on Sunday.

But i won't be there so that's why I ASKED WHAT GUYS THOUGHT. Otherwise the OP would have said" this is a stupid policy that could endanger worshippers"

I care little if you like my style. Anymore than you care if I like yours.

Trust me. When in"attack, or target" someone or something, you will know. But here's a hint, it won't come in the form of a question.

For the 7th time. If im wrong on the church policy, SHOW ME WHERE. Not you opinion of my maturity. There are 3 lawyers who publish in here that i read. I have yet to have any of the 3 SHOW ME WHERE what I read, and what is in the pubkic sphere are incorrect.

I'll take back "woke" if that makes you feel better. Again I dont care about words, just actions.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

This is the current revision in the "Handbook 2" of the LDS Church.
It clearly describes a church as a building or place of worship.
Deseret Land and Livestock is not a place of worship nor is it a "Dwelling" as a "Church" is described by definition.
Is is "Property", but it is a land mass, not a "House Of Worship".
I prefer your style. Pretty sure you've PM me about being a "BESS"
It's easier to understand?

>You two need to get a

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>I prefer your style. Pretty
>sure you've PM me about
>being a "BESS"
>It's easier to understand?
>>You two need to get a
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,



What does that Mean?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-19 AT 05:59PM (MST)[p]"On church property".
Not sure how that's defined as only church buildings. But I don't have a handbook.

It's super hard to convey smartazz in text. I assumed when Deseret was proceeded with "high roller" guys would grasp tongue in cheek. Obviously not.

I assumed since 99.9% of you don't attend church on Deseret, you'd grasp the intent of the OP was the issue of being unarmed, and unable to defend yourself against a nut looking to make himself famous in a meetinghouse.

I also assume based on readership and ratings that the discussion on radio, TV, papers, was on no gun in church. I give a vanilla enough credit to know that the discussion was on that, in the public sphere. He knew what was being asked, he just didn't like the question coming from me. Somehow most of the other dudes discussed carrying in church, not some perceived Mormon bashing.

I'll try better to put a disclaimer next to smartazz in the future.

DISCLAIMER: Bess, I know you are a human not a 4 legged, hooves, furry creature.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>I prefer your style. Pretty
>>sure you've PM me about
>>being a "BESS"
>>It's easier to understand?
>>>You two need to get a
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>What does that Mean?
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Tikka a loves me. You should take no offense.

Or maybe I was being called a jack*** by him.

Either way, his style is easier

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>AT 05:59?PM (MST)

>"On church property".
>Not sure how that's defined as
>only church buildings. But
>I don't have a handbook.


It's really not that hard to understand what the church is saying in it's new policy.
I'm glad you've finally figured out that the policy doesn't say actually say the words ?all church property? like you have quoted multiple times. The last time you finally quoted it correctly after seeing slamdunk?s post. I've been patiently waiting to see if you'd finally get it right on your own, and that's why I sent you back to what you copied and pasted from the news articles that did NOT contain the quote and statement you've put up more than once.

See how much better it is when you figure things out on your own? I had faith you could do it, and you proved you could. Well done, hoss. Well done.

Words matter. I promise that there isn't a single word in that statement or any other portion of that handbook that hasn't been reviewed with a fine-toothed comb by some of the best and brightest minds around. When you insert words that aren't there, it changes the meaning.

I think reading the whole statement in totality it's clear what the policy refers to, and I've always felt that way. And as has been explained to you by others, this isn't new. This has been the case in LDS meetinghouses for a decade at least.

Oh, but you're just being sarcastic. Right....

Oh, and I'm going to go to Walmart still too. Even though for some reason you never asked me that. For some reason...
>I'm glad you've finally figured out
>that the policy doesn't say
>actually say the words ?all
>church property? like you have
>quoted multiple times. The last
>time you finally quoted it
>correctly after seeing slamdunk?s post.
>I've been patiently waiting to
>see if you'd finally get
>it right on your own,
>and that's why I sent
>you back to what you
>copied and pasted from the
>news articles that did NOT
>contain the quote and statement
>you've put up more than
>See how much better it is
>when you figure things out
>on your own? I had
>faith you could do it,
>and you proved you could.
>Well done, hoss. Well done.
>Words matter. I promise that there
>isn't a single word in
>that statement or any other
>portion of that handbook that
>hasn't been reviewed with a
>fine-toothed comb by some of
>the best and brightest minds
>around. When you insert words
>that aren't there, it changes
>the meaning.
>I think reading the whole statement
>in totality it's clear what
>the policy refers to, and
>I've always felt that way.
>And as has been explained
>to you by others, this
>isn't new. This has been
>the case in LDS meetinghouses
>for a decade at least.
>Oh, but you're just being sarcastic.
>Oh, and I'm going to go
>to Walmart still too. Even
>though for some reason you
>never asked me that. For
>some reason...

fact, the Utah-based faith now ?prohibits? all ?lethal weapons? from its properties, unless carried by current law enforcement officers

Sl Tribune

They don't mail out handbooks to Jack Mormons so when the "from its properties" is in the story imagine how I might be confused into thinking it meant PROPERTIES, as in the hundreds of non meeting house properties the 12 holding companies of the church owns.

. "RE: Walmart to stop selling certain types of ammo"
This just doesn't make me all that upset or worry me in the least. I don't recall if I've ever purchased any type of ammo from Walmart in my life, and if I have, it certainly wasn't in the last 10 years.

Like has been mentioned, just go give the business to people who do sell what you are looking for. I'm not going to get all hot and bothered over a multi-billion dollar company making a decision that won't have any impact upon me.

Vanilla replying to Bess post on Wal-Mart gun policy

I didn't ask because you already answered. But we can continue on with your "Targeting narrative", if it keeps you happy.

Btw. I already knew guns aren't welcome on temple square(not a meetinghouse or building). Im assuming probably not the canneries, graineries,etc.

I also know the leadership is covered via armed guards regardless of location(rightfully so).

But, if you want i can repost the OP. AGAIN. It wasnt a question about the definition of property.

It was are you going to obey the sticker on the door.

You CHOSE to get butt hurt.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Vanilla, you are correct that words matter and that bright minds have gone over that handbook with a fine-toothed comb. You are smart enough to know that "Church property" has a capitalized "C" for a reason, as it refers to the entity by name, and not the descriptive for 'church house' as slamdunk referenced.

You are also smart enough to know that it says "Church property" and not "churches" or "Church buildings" or "select Church property" or any other limiter. The most basic reading would be any property owned by the Church.

The handbook may not apply the descriptor of "all" but it also does not apply any other limiters either, it says "Church property" which is hugely vague and all-encompassing and could theoretically apply to any property owned by the Church, such as City Creek Center in SLC or Deseret Land & Livestock. Unless your contention is that all bylaws and handbooks are free of future editing and any printed version is therefore final... I fail to see the reasoning behind your involvement here as you'd have to acknowledge room for change.

With that said, I do NOT believe that the Church (see how it is capitalized in that format) intends to ban firearms on Deseret and this was merely an oversight by those bright minds with fine-tooth combs who don't consider Deseret Land & Livestock with nearly the reverence that those in the Utah hunting community do.
>>I'm glad you've finally figured out
>>that the policy doesn't say
>>actually say the words ?all
>>church property? like you have
>>quoted multiple times. The last
>>time you finally quoted it
>>correctly after seeing slamdunk?s post.
>>I've been patiently waiting to
>>see if you'd finally get
>>it right on your own,
>>and that's why I sent
>>you back to what you
>>copied and pasted from the
>>news articles that did NOT
>>contain the quote and statement
>>you've put up more than
>>See how much better it is
>>when you figure things out
>>on your own? I had
>>faith you could do it,
>>and you proved you could.
>>Well done, hoss. Well done.
>>Words matter. I promise that there
>>isn't a single word in
>>that statement or any other
>>portion of that handbook that
>>hasn't been reviewed with a
>>fine-toothed comb by some of
>>the best and brightest minds
>>around. When you insert words
>>that aren't there, it changes
>>the meaning.
>>I think reading the whole statement
>>in totality it's clear what
>>the policy refers to, and
>>I've always felt that way.
>>And as has been explained
>>to you by others, this
>>isn't new. This has been
>>the case in LDS meetinghouses
>>for a decade at least.
>>Oh, but you're just being sarcastic.
>>Oh, and I'm going to go
>>to Walmart still too. Even
>>though for some reason you
>>never asked me that. For
>>some reason...
> fact, the Utah-based faith now
>?prohibits? all ?lethal weapons? from
>its properties, unless carried by
>current law enforcement officers
>Sl Tribune
>They don't mail out handbooks to
>Jack Mormons so when the
>"from its properties" is in
>the story imagine how I
>might be confused into thinking
>it meant PROPERTIES, as in
>the hundreds of non meeting
>house properties the 12 holding
>companies of the church owns.
>. "RE: Walmart to stop selling
>certain types of ammo"
>This just doesn't make me all
>that upset or worry me
>in the least. I don't
>recall if I've ever purchased
>any type of ammo from
>Walmart in my life, and
>if I have, it certainly
>wasn't in the last 10
>Like has been mentioned, just go
>give the business to people
>who do sell what you
>are looking for. I'm not
>going to get all hot
>and bothered over a multi-billion
>dollar company making a decision
>that won't have any impact
>upon me.
>Vanilla replying to Bess post on
>Wal-Mart gun policy

I Don't know that this was directed at Me?
>I didn't ask because you already
>answered. But we can
>continue on with your "Targeting
>narrative", if it keeps you
>Btw. I already knew guns
>aren't welcome on temple square(not
>a meetinghouse or building).
>Im assuming probably not the
>canneries, graineries,etc.
>I also know the leadership is
>covered via armed guards regardless
>of location(rightfully so).
>But, if you want i can
>repost the OP. AGAIN.
> It wasnt a question
>about the definition of property.
>It was are you going to
>obey the sticker on the
>You CHOSE to get butt hurt.
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Vanilla, you are correct that words
>matter and that bright minds
>have gone over that handbook
>with a fine-toothed comb. You
>are smart enough to know
>that "Church property" has a
>capitalized "C" for a reason,
>as it refers to the
>entity by name, and not
>the descriptive for 'church house'
>as slamdunk referenced.
>You are also smart enough to
>know that it says "Church
>property" and not "churches" or
>"Church buildings" or "select Church
>property" or any other limiter.
>The most basic reading would
>be any property owned by
>the Church.

Read the whole statement in its totality, not just the last portion of a single sentence. That's how things are analyzed. What are dedicated for the worship of God? Churches? Or 200,000 acre cattle ranches with big elk and deer on them? It's clear to see the intent, and this reading of it would stand up in court any day of the week. Sure, someone could and would argue otherwise, but someone is always on the losing side of a case. So...

>Unless your contention is
>that all bylaws and handbooks
>are free of future editing
>and any printed version is
>therefore final... I fail to
>see the reasoning behind your
>involvement here as you'd have
>to acknowledge room for change.

I have read this three times now and can say I honestly have no clue what you're trying to say here. No clue whatsoever. Help me out.

Hey Hoss, you want to get really upset? I would be interested to know if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is not only the largest private land owner in Utah, but is it unreasonable to think it might be the largest private land holder in the entire country? Maybe there is another larger, but I'm not sure?
>AT 01:08?PM (MST)

>Be careful what you say or
>threaten to do,,,,they are watching
>and won't wait much longer
>to act.

This nugget made this thread worth reading. I say that ATN thing is horsechit....:-(

Splitting my time time between the winter and summer range......
May you live long enough to cash in those preference points. Amen
>>Vanilla, you are correct that words
>>matter and that bright minds
>>have gone over that handbook
>>with a fine-toothed comb. You
>>are smart enough to know
>>that "Church property" has a
>>capitalized "C" for a reason,
>>as it refers to the
>>entity by name, and not
>>the descriptive for 'church house'
>>as slamdunk referenced.
>>You are also smart enough to
>>know that it says "Church
>>property" and not "churches" or
>>"Church buildings" or "select Church
>>property" or any other limiter.
>>The most basic reading would
>>be any property owned by
>>the Church.
>Read the whole statement in its
>totality, not just the last
>portion of a single sentence.
>That's how things are analyzed.
>What are dedicated for the
>worship of God? Churches? Or
>200,000 acre cattle ranches with
>big elk and deer on
>them? It's clear to see
>the intent, and this reading
>of it would stand up
>in court any day of
>the week. Sure, someone could
>and would argue otherwise, but
>someone is always on the
>losing side of a case.
> So...
>>Unless your contention is
>>that all bylaws and handbooks
>>are free of future editing
>>and any printed version is
>>therefore final... I fail to
>>see the reasoning behind your
>>involvement here as you'd have
>>to acknowledge room for change.
>I have read this three times
>now and can say I
>honestly have no clue what
>you're trying to say here.
>No clue whatsoever. Help me
>Hey Hoss, you want to get
>really upset? I would be
>interested to know if the
>Church of Jesus Christ of
>Latter-Day Saints is not only
>the largest private land owner
>in Utah, but is it
>unreasonable to think it might
>be the largest private land
>holder in the entire country?
>Maybe there is another larger,
>but I'm not sure?

There is that assumption again.

The church owning land means zero to me. Wait, I might have issue with it in regards to property tax issues and education funding. But, I'd have to do some research.

But in general, I truly don't care how many acres they own, or plan to own.

But since they didn't homestead act those acres, my saying the church is a buyer of real estate, and would be so if "transfer" were to happen I feel safe in saying.

But AGAIN. The original post named 2 companies. And the church. The question was about will members follow along, not follow along, or some combination of the 2.

The Deseret crack was just that, but even if it wasn't, it to had a one word answer.

The definition of property never came up, until I posted multiple press pieces. Each one saying "church property".

It does not say churches. It says property. I never claimed to be a lawyer, but I did take English 101. I'm sure some bright lawyers looked at it, who also took English 101. Which means either they didn't think about Deseret. Or they were intentionally misusing the word "property".

In non lawyer land, if you post no trespassing signs on your "property" that generally means land as well as buildings.

But that still doesn't change the intent of the OP.

Your assumption was that it was a "Targeting" of LDS, and you decided to save it.

Words to matter. Notice how tortured you are in using them. We are now discussing capitalization. Also Notice it's your profession doing so.

What is the legal definition of property?

Property Law Law and Legal Definition. ... Property is anything that is owned by a person or entity. Property is divided into two types: "real property," which is any interest in land, real estate, growing plants or the improvements on it, and "personal property" (sometimes called "personalty"), which is everything else. ? pro...
Property Law Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
?I prefer your style. Pretty sure you've PM me about being a "BESS"
It's easier to understand??

I'm not sure what ?BESS? had to to do with any of my PM?s but ?
>?I prefer your style. Pretty sure
>you've PM me about being
>a "BESS"
>It's easier to understand??
>I'm not sure what ?BESS? had
>to to do with any
>of my PM?s but ?

If you read this long and stupid thread, I believe I said Bess was a JACK***.

Which because your style is similar to mine means we don't have to define what one is. How one becomes one. What capitalization means. Or a hundred different tangents. The point gets made, MOST understand.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.

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