Stoned in BC



I was wondering if a resident of British Columbia could guide an alien non resident ( As in a US citizen ) or does it need to be strictly someone with a guides license ? I would like to hear from some BC or Alberta residents. Please email me at [email protected]. Thanks.

I looked into this long and hard a few years back because I have direct relative who live there(could be hunting now!)and here is the deal.

1. The resident must be a family member such as brother, mother, father, brother in law etc etc. Direct family.

2. Here's the catcher, that person must have had a big game license 3 of the last 5 years in order for you to hunt. Meaning, if you got a relative there who doesn't hunt, its still not a direct "IN" untill they have had a big game license. I was going to buy my brother in law a Cat tag for three years to become eligible.

3. It's a pain in the rear to try and get your relative to commit.

4. Once eligible, you have to go to the district you're hunting and request the tag, I say again REQUEST the tag for the species you're trying to hunt for.

5. This last thing I have no direct experience with, but I've "heard" that getting the big tags such as goat, sheep, and grizzly tags takes some real digging in order to get one but again, this was hearsay so who knows. I do know that 1-4 are correct.
BC Bud is commonly referred to as "Kokanee" and its only about 5 bucks a 6er down at the Montezuma county Liquor mart. A blind man couldn't tell it from the high dollar stuff you drink anyhow.
LOL, the BC BUD that I know up there is far from drinkable! And it ain't know beer!
Even if you have a relative who will sponsor you the BC govt. doesn't issue permits to accompany on for sheep or grizzly. You can get one for goats, moose, caribou, etc. but not sheep. The outfitters have got that all to themselves.
Jeez......... I was just tring to find a way to side step forking out 25,000.00 for a Stone hunt and I get a bunch of replies from a bunch of pot heads. :) Thanks for the info Arvada !

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