Stone Sheep Outfitters



I am planning a Stone Sheep Hunt for 2007.I have came down to two outfitters who seem both to be very good.Has anybody had experience or knowledge of Bradfords or Hiedi Gutfrucht?
You can't go wrong with the Bradford's. I hunted with them in '98. Took a good 38" ram on the first day of my hunt. Shot him out of a group of 17 rams. I also hunted other stuff with them in '95 and '99. Their whole operation is top notch! They also fly their own planes, which will give you lots of flexibility, as well as saving you another $750 to $1000 on a charter flight. They used to have a cancellation policy that was best in the business. Talk to Ramdreamer. He's one of the most knowledgeable sheep hunters around. His research led him to book with the Bradford's.

What part of Wyoming are you from, Wyoelk?
My research led me to book with the Bradfords for 2007 myself. I have certainly heard and read good things about Heidi Gutfrucht.
Hey guys, thanks for the response. I am from Laramie. I will be moving though either this year or next. So, I've only got a couple more shots at a resident tag.

RamDreamer, did you choose to go with Bradford's just because they were $2000 cheaper, or were there other reasons?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-06 AT 03:45PM (MST)[p]wyoelk,

I didn't know they were cheaper. Those Stone hunts are so pricey now that you're talking about an 8% difference. Not enough to have it enter into the equation.

Talking with Bradford sheep hunters (clients) tells a person alot. They way they book / conduct their hunts is another big indicator, if you are aware of other practices.

What makes a difference is what YOU are looking for. I believe the better genetics for larger horned rams exists elsewhere if that's what a person is after. I'd be happy to assist you in your process but would need to know what it is that wyoelk is looking for out of the hunt, the experience, etc.

I live a couple of hours south of you. If you'd like to meet to discuss, I'd be glad to do so. Maybe in Ft. Collins or something.
If you are sheling out big dollars for Stone Sheep then you should be thinking about trophy class. The east side of the rocky mtn. trench has the best overall quality of rams. Think about Gundahoo River Outfitters, Big Nine Outfitters or Stone Mountain Safaris. I've hunted the Bradford's area as well as Lancaster's and also out east around Stone Mountain and Muncho Lake. The rams in the east are far bigger on average.
Kawdy Outfitters took a Ram last year in the 180 class,Heidi killed a 44" + Ram last year,I haven't heard what it scored.You don,t get as much Resident pressure on the West Side.

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